No Plagiarism!OQRwElIzUZOpNHdMhky2posted on PENANA You make me smile in ways that 8964 copyright protection606PENANAJAZREp5sZk 維尼
I don't understand why. You love8964 copyright protection606PENANAhzEqPekEbB 維尼
me in ways no one else ever did 8964 copyright protection606PENANA7nz0NVMq1X 維尼
before. You make me want to be 8964 copyright protection606PENANA04fV97zTfM 維尼
a better person.8964 copyright protection606PENANAAbjyfvidBc 維尼
You are the reason that 8964 copyright protection606PENANAO0jsn3dscZ 維尼
I stand up again and have the 8964 copyright protection606PENANApQYCU9Lor1 維尼
strenght to fight the world when I 8964 copyright protection606PENANADU16ELzW2C 維尼
need to. Don't ever change8964 copyright protection606PENANA9GbGTEhBDG 維尼
because you are amazing just 8964 copyright protection606PENANAeFFLxaNe2P 維尼
the way you are and when you8964 copyright protection606PENANAalMyhJAFsj 維尼
need someone to help you8964 copyright protection606PENANAFIVVyemuBQ 維尼
fight you're battles just know that 8964 copyright protection606PENANAqdcCbt8Jcl 維尼
I am right there to help you8964 copyright protection606PENANAFRm3W6RIfC 維尼
fight them and when you can't go 8964 copyright protection606PENANAP17hGoSdPl 維尼
on any more know that I won't let you fall.8964 copyright protection606PENANAIWZcaOsRJx 維尼
You need me and I need you like8964 copyright protection606PENANAuZHmRCtphw 維尼
the earth needs rain and you and I 8964 copyright protection606PENANA54p0KDSZu6 維尼
can stay strong like this forever no 8964 copyright protection606PENANAexXIzsZgNZ 維尼
matter what happens nothing is going8964 copyright protection606PENANA02lhXvz1Tk 維尼
to stop our love from growing8964 copyright protection606PENANAUV6dZbXRCl 維尼
stronger.8964 copyright protection606PENANAEBA0j4u2HI 維尼