The baker heard a knock on the window. Frowning, he went outside of the kitchen to see who it was.
To his surprise, it was a little girl. She had two white pigtails and a nice red coat. He opened the door, letting her in.
"Can I bake something?" He smiled, kneeling down with to be at the same height as her. "You don't need to bake anything. If you can afford it, then you can take anything you see displayed." She sighed, crossing her arms. "I want to bake." She looked into the baker's eyes. "Please?" He sighed, but ultimately let her into the kitchen.
There, hundreds of wonderful sights and smells filled the room. Together, the baker and the little girl made 7 pies and hundreds of cookies. It was far more lively than cooking by himself, the baker realized. "Can I come back tomorrow?" The little girl asked. He was delighted by the response. "Certainly."
So together, they would bake everyday, enjoying each other's company. The little girl would talk about her own life. He would talk about his own. One day, he asked a question to the girl. "Why do you like baking so much?" Her eyes brightened with delight. "I used to bake with my Papa. Mama doesn't like baking that much, I'm afraid. And Papa's in the military, so I won't see him for another few weeks." The baker sighed.
"I have an idea." He exclaimed. "We can bake a cake for your father, when he comes home." The girl nodded with delight. "Sure!" So together, for the next two weeks, they made a side project to bake the cake. They planned it out, made the cakes, sculpted them, and iced them. The cake was now standing at over 2 feet tall, beautifully colored. It was the girl and her father sitting on a bench together.
One day, a man came by. He saw the cake, sitting behind the counter. "Welcome." The baker declared. The girl ambled behind him, but to his surprise, she shouted with delight. "Papa!" She hugged her father. He smiled, rubbing a tear off his cheek. "Papa, we made you a cake!"
The man greeted the baker with kindness, shaking his hand. They smiled and laughed. The baker was the first to cut a piece of the cake, and he gave it to the little girl. The man took a piece of cake for himself. Eventually, the cake wrapped up to be taken home. The girl and her father smiled and waved goodbye. The baker waved back.
The next week, he got a letter. He had felt lonely, once again baking by himself. Opening the letter, he realized it was from the little girl. Indeed, it was an invitation to bake with them. He happily found the address, and he was greeted with delight. From that day forward, every weekend they would bake together, and the baker never felt loneliness doing what he loved for the rest of his life.