I was trying to clean my bathroom today, and suddenly thought of how messy my room is. I don't think any normal human being would let their living space turn to a radioactive wasteland infested with bugs... I'm choosing not to blame myself for it, though, mainly because I've been going through a tough time lately. Reminisquing in my emotions doesn't get anything done.
That's when I remembered a similar situation from a while ago. I had to clean my room because I was expecting company. Instead of immediately organizing things like any rational person would, I decided to sketch and write out an entire plan on how I was going to go about it. I even made a floor plan of my room to accompany my descriptions. The worst part is I never even used the plan. I put in the effort to draft my thoughts, but didn't take any action on it afterward. Yeah, I'm having some pretty bad motivation problems.
Looking back on it, I now feel curious as to how others would go about cleaning their room. It would be entertaining to read a thorough work explaining the process, room layout, cleaning products, organization tips, and anything else along with commentary. Everyone has their own different methods that work for them, and individuality is beautiful. Also, I might need to use potential advice, heheh...
Perhaps this could be a good conversation starter or writing prompt. You can tell a lot about a person based on their room and how they keep it tidy. Although, it probably isn't the best idea to walk up to someone in public and start things off by asking, "how do you clean your room?" That would probably be very awkward.
I might type more about conversations later. It's something I have a lot of thoughts about, so I'll put it here to help me remember.