Much like how Santa Clause comes to every house in the world all in one night, the witches do the same thing, except on Halloween that is. They don't give presents, though; they take things away from others. With long, sharp, pointy nails, they come and go...quiet as a mouse, but also with a thirst for blood. If anyone wakes up, the witches are as quick as assassins and they take their time with their victims, savoring every last drop of red-hot blood they can possibly muster. Their fangs can rip through doors without triggering alarms and no need to worry! Their magic melds the wood so it looks like nothing happened in the first place. The witches grab anything they can, mostly interesting things that can help pass the time of eternity. But one night, a witch was looting through a home on Elm Street, her long claws shredding through the closet of a young girl's room. The witch was as quiet as ever, but nonetheless...the girl woke up. The witch whipped around, her nails shredding through the wall. The girl screamed, a loud wail that echoed throughout the house. But, the witch was quick, for she was good with making ideas up on the spot. The witch cooed a laugh and without thinking about it, snatched the girl up in her wrinkly hands, reaching in her pocket for a "forgetful" potion. The witch found it at last, and within a matter of five seconds, the witch was gone and the child was asleep. The witch climbed out the window, meeting up with her other fellow witches on the opposite end of the street, a strand of brown hair gripped in her iron nails, for it belonged to the now-sleeping girl.
***This is an example of a 15-sentence horror story. Hope you guys liked it, because it was really fun to write. Have fun writing your own horror stories!!! I'm sure they'll be great!!!! :)***