So your telling me that i need to kill some time by killing people?
Your Fool that is not how you kill time!
Simply running around and killing perfect people on the street wont do you no good, no sir not one bit!
How you truly kill time is by organizing a meeting.
Oh and not just any meeting but a meeting with those who create the allusion of time itself.
A meeting of high class the Owners and the Family's of the leading clock and watch based industries.
While at this meeting your awaiting guest will enjoy a mighty feast for it less a meeting an more of a social gathering of fools and corpses.
One by one you you pull aside the pillars of these industry's and get creative with there prized works of passion to send them to there maker.
Let me give your a simple example, you take a man who clocks are famous and are know for being handmade, you take his prized clock, an expensive grandfather clock made from the finest of woods and you make his family watch as you ... kindly show him the errors of his timely demise as you stuff him behind the door and watch as your alteration to the pendulum slowly remove's his rich skeleton from his aging prison of flesh and skin.
You then kindly ask his family to close down there businesses other wise they find themselves little broke.
If they don't meet you kind request, well whats the point of keeping around and eye witness to your hidden craft's?
once you have reassured that anyone who creates time telling devices you simple have to let time pass until it meets its own demise for no item ever made by man can last forever.
whats that?
you don't think it will work?
well then i will simply leave you with this very question that i myself was onced asked.
For how can time, the very thing that cause us to slowly loose our glory live if there is no one left to tell it?