To stare above at the rivers of gittering stars, painted blue and purple. Waterfalls poured from the dancing clouds above, as the moon gleamed, casting a soft glow to the societies below.
Lying north, was the City of Lights, therein which creatures wearing antlers and having gleaming white eyes walked on two legs, with fireflies as guides. The roads were paved to be smooth and modernized homes were on every street. Life moved fluently and quickly. The city was a hallmark to civil life, where communication was consistent.
To the east, within the Forest of Life, the trees flowed within the gentle winds. Wolf-like creatures moved amongst the trees, shifting into whatever they pleased. Their homes were on branches and some were buried amongst the leafy branches. Occasional rain poured down over them, drumming softly on the wood while wind chimes sung out against one another. They brought the soothing warmth of life herself to those around.
Floating to the south, were the Islands of Wonder, the center of the winged beasts that brought the gusts of wind. As they flipped their magnificent wings, they pushed forth a hundred wishes, dreams, and hopes of the creatures below, all nestled on tiny little stars.
Sinking to the west, the Dome of Growth. Surrounded by water, the water creatures circulated the currents. Handsome and beautiful alike, where the creatures had black hair and neon green eyes that glowed beneath the surface of the water. They sung the lullabies of the deep to lay to rest the creatures that flourished above them.
From the Forest of Life, a male apparition walked about, taking note if every blossoming tree and the leaves that floated down from their branches. He was studious, and very well kept, his eyes burning a fiery red and his fur jet black and silky smooth. He hopped about with ease and took the occasional break to gaze out to the west where his friend lived. He always awaited the familiar song, where harmony and pride existed as one.
From the Dome of Growth, the merman swam about, a soft and low hum echoing from his throat, the water rippling around him and carrying his music to the societies ahead. His eyes glowed bright as he saw the familiar, burning gaze of his friend as they exchanged innocent stares. Together, no matter the distance, they hummed together to spread the expression of their bond, shooting stars racing out across the skies above.
This was home, as it should be. Where time never ended, no one aged and no one disappeared. Where societies worked together to make peace, and peace worked to comfort those who needed it most. Life was best lived in the comfort of dreams...