Hey, the name's Kay, and I'm a spade. You know the card suits right? Spade, club, diamond, and hearts? That's us, the five fallen. The hearts got Harry and Hellen, each 10. Long story short, elder twin, Helen, died and possesses Harry. Who can get her to shut up with an eyepatch, cause she talks through his eye, creepy shit, EYE should know (pun intended) Back on track, diamond house has Diego, the old man of the group at 20, can sing to mind control people, more bull. Katie, the club, is the most annoying out of all of them, no one really knows her power, but she has a mean attitude for a 16 year-old. Then there's me, I guess, I'm 18. My friends call me Ink, don't call me that. I got these tentacle things that can skewer people. They come in handy. So that's all of us, bye! (Oh, and there's the forbidden race that is the dark prince's army, but that doesn't really matter.)