Koro-sensei, a being so unique154Please respect copyright.PENANAE2HfwuK3KL
A teacher, yet an assassin, oh, how sleek154Please respect copyright.PENANAG9A8gqCNXC
With his smile and his tentacles so strange154Please respect copyright.PENANAmjWZxkUt7D
He taught, he played, he put his life on the exchange
But one day, the truth came out154Please respect copyright.PENANAPPMJvrbXlN
His past, his soul, left in doubt154Please respect copyright.PENANAjgilclf2kI
The student he loved, the secret he kept154Please respect copyright.PENANAho5nkH5kkt
All for the sake of the ones he met
Koro-sensei, a man to admire154Please respect copyright.PENANA2mm92pxer9
Who showed us love, and made us aspire154Please respect copyright.PENANA417GZVTwtY
To kill, to teach, to cherish life154Please respect copyright.PENANAmWd5pJvFK2
And always keep hope, free from strife
So let us remember him with fondness and respect154Please respect copyright.PENANAKM7CpbrDAZ
A true hero, whom we shall never forget.