Detoxing originally was in witchcraft as a sort of cleansing of the soul before ceremonies and important spells but every witch's process is personalized.
A warm bath with all kinds of quartz crystals, strawberry lemonade kombucha, twenty minutes of meditation, turning off all forms of artificial light, and lighting incense is how I prepare.
Think of it as a purge of all corruption so that your craft is purest and most concentrated.
I tend to do that for consultations with my tarot deck, although she doesn't like it when I ask big questions. Especially of the life-altering kind.
Flip. Ace of wands; exploration and freedom.
My mother paced from one shoulder to the other. “Interesting. Okay?”
Flip. Six of swords; transition, moving on.
Reserving patience with a deep breath. “I need to know how to proceed.”
Flip. Flip. Flip. Knight of swords. Two of Pentacles. Three of wands. In a rising sun formation over my two initial draws.
My mother’s curiosity grew. “Oh, that’ll be good for you.”
“So I won.” I cleverly responded as I got up from the coffee table.
“FeyFey. Did you not just see the cards?”
“Yes Yes, and I’m going to fight, grow, and learn.”
I think at this point my mother gave up. She flipped the lights on and snuffed the candles, shaking her head. Muttering to herself.
I yelled from the top of the stairs, “It’s just senior year, it’ll be fine.”
No response. Taking down my bun, the braids cascaded down my back. My cards went back in her coffin of silk on the bookshelf. Deep breathe in, deep breathe out. It’s about damn time I finally get what I want.