A few weeks after my mission with the 501st, I had to work with the 212th. Their commander, Cody, wanted to have a talk with me a bit before the mission. He wanted to meet on the Resolute, for some reason, with Rex as well. So, I got on a gunship, and told my second in command, the legendary Fordo, to take full command until I’m back. Once I arrived, Rex brought me to the meeting point. It was a random room with a table and three chairs. Rex and Cody sat in front of me. Cody started the conversation very hostile and aggressive for some weird reason. Maybe it’s because most clones that are like me are ass wholes. But Cody anyway, Cody said “LISTEN. IF YOU DISRESPECT MY GENERAL IN ANY WAY, I WON’T HESITATE TO BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF.” Rex said to Cody “Calm down. He’s not rude or disrespectful.” Cody said “Every clone like you is DISRESPECTFUL, BOSSY, OVERCONFIDENT, AND SASSY.” I calmly said “I know. I’ve met some of them. But I’M not like that.” Cody said “We’ll see.” Immediately after he said that, General Obi-Wan entered with a chair. “So let’s talk strategy.” He said as he placed the chair beside me. Cody said “Before we get to that. When I was given your file with all your info, why was most of it missing, or blacked out?” I responded “Because I’m dangerous, I’m the chancellors personal body guard sometimes, and I’ve even killed a few random sith. The Kaminoins wanted to test my abilities as a cadet to the alpha ARC troopers because I wasn’t like the others. I was almost equal in skill.” Obi-Wan said “You’ve worked with them before?” I answered “Yea. They’re…not exactly the nicest.” Obi-wan nodded his head. “Accurate.” Rex said “Anyways, I have to leave now.” After he left, we started talking strategy. Cody said “We’ll be protecting the chancellor at a base so-“ but I interrupted. “Why don’t we just get him out now with a gunship?” Cody said “Because there will be a huge battle going on above us, if we send in the chancellor on a gunship, it’ll be too easy to spot. That’s why we’re all of us, going in a huge group of gunships down. Gunships are smaller, but harder to hit so there’s a higher chance of more of us making it down.” Obi-Wan said “I got a blueprint of the layout of the base. The chancellor will be in the middle of the building. In a small room. There’s five floors. He’ll be in the 3rd floor, smallest room, in the middle of the whole damn building. There’s lots of crates and pillars, other types of cover in the halls. The chancellors currently with a few clone troopers, but that’s it. He will have his guards with him in the tiny room. There will be soldiers in the halls. I’ll be covering the left hall, Cody the right, you Bulldozer will be in charge of the outside defense. We have two enemy tanks and a few rockets at our disposal. But that’s all the heavy equipment we can get. We’ll have a few snipers on the roof with a few troopers also on that roof to make sure there’s no enemies that sneak up on the snipers. So that’s the plan” You think seems simple enough, right? Your stupid if you think that. If the chancellors life is at stake, it’s really stressful and pressure full. Anyways, once everyone was in position, the battle started. There was SO many droids. Mostly commando and Super B2’s and Super B1’s. If we got any normal clanka’s at all, we were lucky. First wave was hard. I had Fordo with me. He was a big reason I wasn’t really worried. After the second wave, Cody called me in. I said to Fordo “You can take over?” He responded “Yes.” I came up to Cody. “THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE?!” Confused, I asked “WHAT?” Cody pushes me and said “YOUR DOWN 20 MEN ALREADY!” I said “So?” Cody pushed me to the floor, and kicked my shin. He then lifted me up, and slammed me into the ground. I kicked his shin a sh that’s when the droid revealed that it was a commando somehow disguised! “General-!” The droid slammed my helmeted head into the ground and slipped it’s hand up into my helmet, holding it’s hand I’ve met mouth. I couldn’t breathe, when Cody shot the droid. He slammed the droids head into the ground, breaking it and destroying it. He then helped me up. “You okay, brother?” He asked. “Yeah. I think.” He said “Good. Now, get back out there!” Cody passed me some extra frags and shoved me. I ran back out. Some Commando’s killed the troopers on the roof, and snuck inside the base. Then, all the droids attacking us suddenly retreated except for the ones already inside. That’s when I realized. “Everyone! Watch the roof! FOCUS ON THE ROOF!” I then ran inside and warmed Kenobi and Cody. “They’re going o start unloading everything they’ve got on the roof!” Cody said “You sure?” I said “Yes!” I then heard lots of blaster shots and managed to get outside in one piece. “Everyone! Move INSIDE THE BASE! GO! GO!” Everyone starts to run in the base and shooting every droid in their way. Cody saw me and my men and said “WHAT WRE YOU DOING?!” THEY’RE NOT ATTACKING FROMT EH FRONT ANY MORE!” And I started placing my men around the chancellors room, and even a few INSIDE. I then went to the Sid Ethan Cody was on, and did what I was known for. Being tough, dumb, brave, reckless, and whatever else it was. I roundhouse kicked a droids face, punched another droid, and started beating them all up! It was fun! I had to retreat back a little because they were now sending in supers and commandos MORE now. Cody heard a yell of pain from Kenobi, and was about to go help him when I ran as fast as I could, and tackled a droid that was about to blast his arm. I then dragged him back, assigns dhalf of my guys to his side, assigned Fordo to his side as well, and called over a few medics. I then ran over to Cody. “You can go help the medics and be with your General if you want. I’ve got everything under control.” Cody said “You sure?” I said “Yes!” Cody then ran over to Kenobi. After the battle was won, my vision was starting to get blurry, my arms and legs started to feel like jelly, my whole body was aching, I didn’t notice the trembling my body was doing, I managed to stumble to a wall, and started to lean against it. My eyes were getting heavy. When Cody said “Bulldozer! Come here!” I tried to move, but it was hard. I managed to stumble to him. He looked worried, I think. I couldn’t tell. My eyes were starting to close. I fell and hit the ground hard. When I woke, I was in the med bay on the resolute. Cody and Rex were trading off sleeping hours to keep an eye on me. Cody was awake when I woke. My voice was weak and quiet. “Where am I?” Cody woke up Rex. Rex sat up on a chair he was sleeping on. “How you feeling?” They looked really worried. “What..*cough,cough* happened to me?” “Cody answered “You caught an infection, plus you took a shot for the chancellor.” “I-I did?” Rex said “Yes. You didn’t..know?” I was super tired. I was weak and tired. “I’m SO tired.” “What?” Asked Cody. But, I was already asleep.