No Plagiarism!J5WlzWLUuOlgGR5TalTTposted on PENANA Hello darkness, my old friend8964 copyright protection100PENANAc1bhbkdgsg 維尼
你好漆黑,我的老朋友8964 copyright protection100PENANADNNtTAJz6w 維尼
I've come to talk with you again8964 copyright protection100PENANAO2eQzcpVJY 維尼
我再次與你對話8964 copyright protection100PENANACvNeMeoWbY 維尼
Because a vision softly creeping8964 copyright protection100PENANAZQDArgzOuG 維尼
視覺慢慢地爬行8964 copyright protection100PENANAI9GqRiMnXK 維尼
Left its seeds while I was sleeping8964 copyright protection100PENANAZWLOYL3311 維尼
在我沉睡時留下種子8964 copyright protection100PENANAP4o2QijsxW 維尼
And the vision that was planted in my brain8964 copyright protection100PENANANanGAaVIuX 維尼
種在腦海的映象8964 copyright protection100PENANAvxwxSxepAz 維尼
Still remains8964 copyright protection100PENANAxVbBVTbchm 維尼
仍然殘存8964 copyright protection100PENANAUErw1mo8YD 維尼
Within the sound of silence8964 copyright protection100PENANAAsAzbIgGa6 維尼
在寂靜之聲中8964 copyright protection100PENANA0aTovV8B1P 維尼
In restless dreams I walked alone8964 copyright protection100PENANARJtFmSE4pq 維尼
讓人不安的夢中,獨自前行8964 copyright protection100PENANAiZx3nB6qcP 維尼
Narrow streets of cobblestone8964 copyright protection100PENANAx3DycFfvz1 維尼
鵝卵石的窄街8964 copyright protection100PENANARYHZxUZZkp 維尼
'Neath the halo of a street lamp8964 copyright protection100PENANAwvJpo6Bnb4 維尼
在街燈的餘光下8964 copyright protection100PENANA5ID7dBuTi6 維尼
I turned my collar to the cold and damp8964 copyright protection100PENANA1Uz9GyrrFi 維尼
衣服變得寒冷潮濕8964 copyright protection100PENANAkOQyanXFeg 維尼
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light8964 copyright protection100PENANAJVNnXG1eJu 維尼
霓虹燈刺痛我雙眼8964 copyright protection100PENANAaVN2iLSslz 維尼
That split the night8964 copyright protection100PENANALg2hlFwU5E 維尼
晚空被割裂8964 copyright protection100PENANAuvjm5irvNX 維尼
And touched the sound of silence8964 copyright protection100PENANAcOJY01r2x0 維尼
感受到寂靜之聲8964 copyright protection100PENANAajBBsCN7iD 維尼
And in the naked light I saw8964 copyright protection100PENANAUTZESfkq10 維尼
空洞的光之中我見到8964 copyright protection100PENANArfmqWASdna 維尼
Ten thousand people, maybe more8964 copyright protection100PENANAJ6ExaBWest 維尼
一萬人,或者更多8964 copyright protection100PENANAKNkRDnoJ0F 維尼
People talking without speaking8964 copyright protection100PENANAG2Rve7xfV3 維尼
人們無聲地說8964 copyright protection100PENANAeDoKl9y74G 維尼
People hearing without listening8964 copyright protection100PENANAr0871qrQNb 維尼
人們只是假裝聽著8964 copyright protection100PENANAFwGwVDj3C7 維尼
People writing songs that voices never share8964 copyright protection100PENANACu29Bkiwqj 維尼
人們把聲音藏起8964 copyright protection100PENANAyGQNjHpWin 維尼
No one dared8964 copyright protection100PENANA4RXOy2SDEA 維尼
無人願8964 copyright protection100PENANAOWS6iq3Xmp 維尼
Disturb the sound of silence8964 copyright protection100PENANAGqKi7vdZDN 維尼
打破寂靜8964 copyright protection100PENANAin2zVKAyBK 維尼
"Fools" said I, "You do not know8964 copyright protection100PENANAZREFYCGs9I 維尼
我說:「愚者們,你們不知道8964 copyright protection100PENANAjnCdwEVfRz 維尼
Silence like a cancer grows8964 copyright protection100PENANAmVgOmqBAh1 維尼
沉默像癌細胞般擴散8964 copyright protection100PENANAVUY5lsXc9h 維尼
Hear my words that I might teach you8964 copyright protection100PENANAls6kZhDhXB 維尼
聆聽我對你們的教誨8964 copyright protection100PENANAe8Q4FcBn0C 維尼
Take my arms that I might reach you"8964 copyright protection100PENANA2qxpgThdQh 維尼
捉着我手臂讓我接觸你」8964 copyright protection100PENANAJ84vpYDSFX 維尼
But my words like silent raindrops fell8964 copyright protection100PENANAQ4dcUoPf2P 維尼
但我的話話像靜默的雨落下8964 copyright protection100PENANA5WFCjvS03i 維尼
And echoed in the wells of silence8964 copyright protection100PENANAh4VKnsKPX2 維尼
在沉默的井中縈繞8964 copyright protection100PENANAkCx2frNeeZ 維尼
And the people bowed and prayed8964 copyright protection100PENANAX9UvlFE2Fh 維尼
人民低頭禱告8964 copyright protection100PENANA2GaU6X96RB 維尼
To the neon god they made8964 copyright protection100PENANA1du43wlg0E 維尼
向他們所造的霓虹之神8964 copyright protection100PENANAb9sEZa8eKu 維尼
And the sign flashed out its warning8964 copyright protection100PENANAxlwIy4E4YG 維尼
標誌上閃爍它的警告8964 copyright protection100PENANAxkocdnVVJa 維尼
In the words that it was forming8964 copyright protection100PENANAplhvgnhAOy 維尼
以它正在形成的話8964 copyright protection100PENANAPsY6RufahL 維尼
And the sign said, "The words of the prophets8964 copyright protection100PENANAseQE58eWrf 維尼
標誌着:「先知的話8964 copyright protection100PENANAeGoP9AdoH4 維尼
Are written on the subway walls8964 copyright protection100PENANAu8Yx9F1MQT 維尼
刻在地鐵場上8964 copyright protection100PENANAfWxpvfVHCi 維尼
And tenement halls8964 copyright protection100PENANAYTU5Pvo4zc 維尼
在大廈廣埸8964 copyright protection100PENANAGzaEo7irQD 維尼
And whispered in the sounds of silence"8964 copyright protection100PENANAQzKpqyjecV 維尼
並在沉默之聲中細語8964 copyright protection100PENANAa3agKQiEgx 維尼