A short story
Thanks to my mom and stepdad, I would have never started writing without you, and my Theater (Mrs. Roley) and English (Mrs. Hunter) teachers, I would have never had the guts to publish without you. And Grammarly, god I would be so lost without you.326Please respect copyright.PENANAthGKkY5z2g
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Glossary or Index thingy: (totally forget what it's called)
June 17th, 1987: Page 1326Please respect copyright.PENANAC1mK9NLxvB
June 19th, 1987: Page 2326Please respect copyright.PENANAe5O0lTOXl7
January 27th, 1995: Page 3326Please respect copyright.PENANA6fWgbfnGsL
Static Mysterious Voice: Page 4326Please respect copyright.PENANAnYv2CKEwFN
Diary Entry: Page 5
Spinning. The whole room is spinning. Though it’s normal for the room to be spinning in a Fun House, I think that this kind of spinning has to do with the severe loss of blood. My blood. I looked down at my stomach. Yup, it’s still bleeding. By “it” I mean the huge hole where his knife used to be. I pulled that out a while ago. 326Please respect copyright.PENANAlnf0NGpboD
8 murders. 4 children, 1 teenager, and 3 adults. I was that 1 teenager. I was 17 when it happened. I can’t remember all the details, but I’m pretty sure that my friends left me to be killed. Hmm… Okay, I remember now. Are you ready for this? Are you sure? Okay, if you say so. Well, it started like this…
June 17th, 1987326Please respect copyright.PENANAxM7yeL15cZ
It was a hot summer day, and my friends and I were at a Carnival. It was a pretty large group of people, like maybe 11-14 of us. It was also a mix of boys and girls. There were also no parents. Of course, the boys wanted to show off by going into the Haunted Fun House, and they made fun of the scared girls. You know, it was one of those weird flirting tactics.
“Hey guys, let’s go into the Fun House,” one of the guys said. I think his name was Brandon. “Uh, I don't know guys. It looks pretty scary.” All of the girls agreed on that. Except for me. I was the get-together host, and I was also the prettiest, most popular girl in our school. My boyfriend was also there.
I was always a horror freak. I loved scary movies, scary books, haunted houses… You know, all that stuff. “C’mon guys, it’ll be fun,” I began, then I added a little something for the guys, “And if you get too scared, you can grab onto one of the boys.” With everyone looking pleased, we walked in.
Flashing lights, scary clowns, actors, fake weapons, fake blood, dolls, checkered floors. Everything you would expect from a Haunted Fun House. But that's when disaster struck. We were about halfway through the House when red warning lights came on. The announcement said that an actor had gone crazy and started stabbing the people who passed by him. He had already killed 4 people, and he was on the run.
At first, I thought it was part of the attraction. I didn't realize it wasn’t until the 11-year-old kid behind me was brutally stabbed. I had told that same kid when we were in line for the House that everything was going to be okay and that it was all fake. Ha. I lied. But c’mon, you can’t blame me. I didn’t know that would happen.326Please respect copyright.PENANAKpNkUBvZc5
When I first saw the killer, I did the first thing a normal 17-year-old girl would do. I started laughing. “Ppppffftttttt- BHAHAHAHA,” I then tried to humor him, “Hey, did you know penguins can fly? Yeah, you just need to throw them. WORKS ON KIDS TOO!” He tilted his head at me. Then a smile appeared on his face. “Good idea,” he said.
Next thing you know I was thrown across the room with a knife in my stomach. Then my second reaction came in. Fear. I tried to run, but the knife was making it hard to maneuver. So I pulled it out. And along with it, my blood came out as well. That was the day I knew I was going to die.
So you see? I warned you. This is the story of my murder, and it wasn't a pretty one. Actually, were there any pretty murders? Wait, yeah. I forgot about Mount Sudan. If you don't know who he is, you cannot call yourself a true horror fan. I wouldn't suggest looking it up on a school Chromebook or school tablet, not anything where someone can read you're history. 326Please respect copyright.PENANAGxxfyEvy5u
As unbelievable as it seems, my story did not end here. Oh no. Wanna hear the rest? Are you sure? Because this part is even worse. You still here? Wow. Okay fine. Be ready…
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June 19th, 1987
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Dark. Dark. Why was it so dark? Oh, wait. My eyes were closed. I opened my eyes and was immediately dizzy. I felt like I was going to puke. I looked around to see bright fluorescent lights and strange white tools hanging from the walls. Was I in the surgery room? I stood up and walked around, expecting the sharp pain in my stomach to reappear. But it never came.
I then heard a faint whispering from behind I curtain. Then a loud wail. Wait, I recognized that wale. It was high, loud, and definitely male. I looked behind the curtain to see my boyfriend shaking on the ground with his hands over his face. Next to him was a masked man, who I’m guessing was the surgeon. “I’m sorry, there was nothing more we could do,” the strange man said.
My mind immediately went to my other friends. Where are they okay? Did one of them end up getting permanently injured by that killer? I walked over and sat next to my boyfriend. “Hey it’s going to be okay… can you tell me what happened? Is everyone okay?” I said in a hushed voice.
He ignored me. Like, flat out. “Jake?” I said a little louder. “Jake.” I was starting to get frustrated. “JAKE!” He flinched. “Did you hear that…?” he asked the doctor. “I must just be hearing things. I still can’t believe she is gone… my little princess.”
Wait. That's what he called ME. I was his little princess. What was going on? My mind then clicked into realization. “No, no, no, no…” I said as I passed into the other room. But instead of opening the curtain, I went through the curtain. I looked down at the person lying in the bed. It was me. Pale-skinned and closed eyes. I was dead.
WOW! PLOT TWIST! Crazy right? So now you are probably wondering… if I’m dead, how are you talking to me now? Well, I have an answer to that. You were given a very powerful gift. One that allows you to speak to ghosts. Yup. You're a Medium. Yes! You have crazy cool psychic powers that allow you to speak to ghosts! Cool, right? #LOVEIT. #COOLEST-THING-EVER. #HASHTAG-THE-HASHTAGS. #TO-MANY-HASHTAGS.
So.. there is more. YES, THERE IS MORE. A lot more. Wanna hear? Hmmm….. I don't know about this part… How old are you again? 12? 13? 14? Maybe 15? Yeah, maybe this is too bad for you… Ugh. Fine. Don’t blame me if you have nightmares.
It's been a long time since I died, and even longer since I talked to a person. You see, I only got to live 17 years of my short life, and I wish I lived longer. Life was sssoooo great for me. I had the hottest, most popular boyfriend who loved me so much, a great friend group, and the best part… I was popular! Now all of my beauty is going to waste as I just float around here.
I just don’t understand!!! Why ME?? What did I ever do wrong too… wait. That's it. Oh no, it can’t be that. That wasn't my fault. He was killed because he wasn’t looking. That… wasn’t my fault. Um… no. I need to stop second-guessing myself. It wasn’t my fault… it wasn’t…
Sssssssssssssssssssssk……. Okay, it looks like I was able to disconnect her for a while. I need to warn you of how dangerous this ghost is! She is haunted by revenge, and she is willing to take anyone's life, including yours, so she can come back to life. You need to stay away from her! Why? Why, you ask? What makes her so bad? Child, have you not heard the story?
One day, a girl named Sophia (that's your “friend”, the ghost) was at a party. Scared of her dad yelling at her because she was past her curfew, she borrowed a friend's car and began to drive home. But Sophia had been drinking, and her eyes began to glaze over. Her foot slowly pushed down on the gas, causing her to go faster and faster.
BAM. She had hit something. She was unharmed, but the 15-year-old boy she hit was not. Scared she would get in trouble, she left him there to die. And dying is exactly what he did. The doctors say that if he had been taken to the hospital right away he would still be alive. She killed a man. You can’t trust her. So DON'T trust her. She will harm you. You’ve been warned. Sssskk….
Wow, that was weird. I lost you for a second. Are you okay? You sure? You don't seem okay… Hey, why are you crying? Hey, hey, HEY! Don’t run away! HEY! Stop! … Omg. I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to throw you. I mean… sometimes I can’t control my own strength. I’m sorry. Come, sit. Hey. You should get some rest. I’ll tell you a bedtime story.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young maiden named Abigail. Aby loved to sing and dance. Sometimes, she would go out to the garden and sing for the birds, and dance for the foxes. Oh, how she loved animals. But one-day Aby…
Hey. I see you woke up. Sorry if I was being too loud, I was just getting some food prepared. How are you feeling? Tell me, what do you see here ---> A kitten’s love is a love that never dies.
Can you tell me what that says? Oh okay, good. A kitten’s love is a love that never dies. Well, it’s true. That's the only kind of love that lasts forever. True love? Yeah, that only happens in fairy tales. I thought that Jake and I had true love. Maybe we did. I guess I will never know.
I have to be honest. I need your help. I want my murder to be put behind bars. Can you help me do that? Help me get justice? Thank you so much. You're the best. Okay, so the guy's name is Mike. He lives at Burnige 309, Harleysville, PA. Yeah I mean, everyone knows where he lives, but every police squad that goes in there never comes out. But don't worry, you’ll have me with you so you will come out unharmed. I have those cool ghosty protective powers. Okay then. Let's go. 326Please respect copyright.PENANApBulosWSNN
Okay so, do you mind if I write everything we do down? You know, for the police? Cool, thanks. Welp, let's do this.
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Entry #1 326Please respect copyright.PENANAzhuzCig9dd
---> December 13th, 2022
We are at the killer's house now. Mike was charged with killing 8 people, but never put in jail for it because every police squad that comes in never comes out. You must think that we are on a suicide mission. But no, because I am already dead and my friend here will not die. I will let no harm come to my new friend.
We are walking through the living room now. Sick, sick, sick, sick. I remember this house. I remember seeing it on the news. Kill me now. Damn, I’m already dead. The house is dark and wet and creepy. The pipes leaking. No lights. 326Please respect copyright.PENANANds5Fym9x9
Scary. I mean, I’m already dead and I’m scared. Oh no. OH NO THERE HE IS! WATCH OUT! 326Please respect copyright.PENANAkNrm23M5hf
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