A young, pink gumball was just walking along the grassy fields of Goiky. She looked around at all the other objects. She knew a few of the objects personally, but she was more reserved and independent, and she didn't really know anyone who had competed in BFB or TPOT. The gumball, (whose name was Gumball,) continued walking. Suddenly, she fell into a hole. A deep hole. Like, very deep. She continued falling until she suddenly saw a light.
Gumball looked at the light, confused. A few seconds after she had passed through the strange body of light, Gumball felt herself laying once again in a grassy field. The field, however, didn't look the same.
The grass was a brighter green color, and the sky was a brighter blue color. It was as if everything was more vivid. Gumball looked around, confused, and spotted two objects, a matchstick and a graphite pencil, chatting with each other.
Being the nosy little thing that she was, Gumball decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. She didn't hear much, but she did hear some of it.
"Yeah, I know. She was so surprised," explained the matchstick.
The graphite pencil looked at the matchstick with excitement. "Really?"
"Oh, for sure," the matchstick replied. "I mean, it wasn't really big, just a little bug, but Flower went CRAZY!"
The pencil began giggling. "OMG, Flower is really afraid of BUGS."
Gumball continued listening, waiting for someone else to say something.
"Well YEAH," the matchstick continued. "Flower thinks she's so "Fabulous!" Like the time she asked Ice Cube if she was beautiful."
Gumball continued listening. The two girls began to imitate the voices of Flower and Ice Cube.
"Ice Cube," the matchstick said in a mock-Flower voice. "Don't you think I look beautiful?"
"Uh... no..?" Replied the pencil in her best impersonation of Ice Cube. Just then, the matchstick, still acting as Flower, pretended to kick the pencil, and both girls began laughing.
Gumball continued listening. She never had really interacted with any of these people before.
Ice Cube ran up to the matchstick and the pencil. "Oh, oh," she said excitedly. "I remember that! I'm SO gonna get revenge on her! I cannot BELIEVE that she thinks we will be our SERVANTS!"
They both looked at Ice Cube, a look of boredom on their faces. The pencil sighed in annoyance as Ice Cube continued speaking.
"I'm so glad YOU guys are my friends though, really," continued the block of frozen water. The matchstick rolled her eyes, but it didn't really do anything to get Ice Cube to be quiet. "Bubble likes me too! Right, Bubble?"
Ice Cube pulled Bubble over with her leg. "Riiiiiiiggghttt????" The soap bubble looked around with uncertainty as Ice Cube drew her closer and closer, "Uh... uhh.. y-yoiah..?"
The other two girls looked at each other as if knowing what was going to happen next, then turned to Ice Cube, who was still bringing Bubble closer to her. "No, Ice Cube, STOP," the two said in unison. Ice Cube, of course, didn't really listen. She continued pulling Bubble closer, which suddenly caused her to pop.
They both looked at Ice Cube, as Ice Cube looked around sheepishly. "Uh... oops," said Ice Cube. The two girls just walked away, leaving Ice Cube alone, before she walked away as well.
Seeing that everyone walked away, Gumball decided to go somewhere else as well. She looked around and spotted a gray chamber, with that same soap bubble walking out of it. Gumball hummed in curiosity and walked over to see exactly what was going on. As soon as the door to the chamber closed, Gumball noticed lettering on it, which read, "Bubble Recovery Center."
"Huh," Gumball whispered to herself. "Thats... interesting..." Suddenly Gumball heard a voice saying, "Pin! Yoi noirly popped me!" Gumball almost instantly recognized the voice of Bubble. Then, Gumball heard another voice. "Oh, Its not my fault! It's this stupid Blocky here! Its his fault!" Gumball continued observing. The other voice was coming from the red tack, Pin, who was being lifted up by an also red building block, Blocky.
Pin kicked herself away from Blocky and ran away. "Fine," he called out. "I'll get Needle!" After that, Blocky grabbed Needle, who was calling out "Help," in distress by this, and he threw her at Bubble.
"Yoiks!" Bubble dodged the silver sewing needle, then looked at Blocky in annoyance. "Whoit was THAT foir?"
"Hey," the block replied. "I'm just in the mood to hurt someone!" Just then, Blocky and Bubble heard fearful whining. Gumball heard it too, and she turned around just in time to see a piece of wood being kicked far away by Blocky. Curiously, Gumball followed the wooden piece's soaring figure, until she stopped, realizing that he had collided with the ground headfirst, and that the upper half of him was now in the dirt.
Gumball looked around for a moment, about to go up to help the wooden slab out, but apparently someone else had done it already- a lemon leaf. "Woody! Get up," the leaf exclaimed in excitement. "There's a life out there to enjoy, so ENJOY it!"
Woody nodded nervously then turned over to a droplet of water, who had also seen him but didn't bother to help. Woody began whining in compassion for the droplet. This, of course, annoyed her, and she kicked Woody away from her. "Teardrop." The droplet turned around, noticing the lime-green ball behind her. Gumball listened in closer.
"Calm down," continued the ball. “Kicking Woody could severely injure him. He is balsa..." Teardrop just rolled her eyes, saying nothing because that’s Teardrop for you. And so Teardrop and the tennis ball were just looking at each other. Gumball got bored and went over to somewhere else. She came across a small rock sitting down in the field.
Suddenly, that Woody plunged down, landing onto the rock, who either didn't notice, or didn't care. Suddenly Woody felt a small chunk of himself land on his hand, causing him to start hyperventilating, then scream in terror.
Gumball cringed at this loud noise, and decided she should probably leave before her eardrums shatter or something. So she did just that. The only problem was that no matter how far that she got, she couldn't escape from that ear-piercing scream. That is, until, she finally heard someone else.
”I cant believe what a scaredy cat Woody is. He’s so uncool,” said the voice. Gumball turned and saw a pink eraser talking with a blue-capped pen. Whenever one of them spoke, he made sure to cover his ears from Woody’s screaming fit. Gumball felt that they were lucky that THEY could cover their ears. She didn’t mind not having arms before then, but now? Now she wished she did.
“Pen though,” the eraser continued. “You’re cool.” Pen smiled at this comment, replying, “So are you, Eraser!” As the inky writing material said this, he nudged Eraser with his elbow. Suddenly a shadow loomed over Gumball’s head. Curiosity getting the better of her once again, she decided to look up, and spotted a snowball riding on a hang glider.
Gumball continued watching as the ball of ice crystals continued gliding, until he suddenly crashed into a mountain. Gumball looked a bit shocked seeing him climb down the mountain, unscathed, as if nothing just happened. Then she noticed him come up to what seemed to be… that rock from earlier.
“Whoa,” said the snowball as he picked the rock up and began shaking him. “Rocky, wake up!” The little rock looked over at the snowball. “Wha? Hi SB!”
SB just sighed and threw Rocky away from him. Wondering where he had gone, Gumball decided to follow him. She then reached the place where the tennis ball was, noticing that Teardrop had left, then seeing Rocky collide with him. “Oof,” said Rocky cutely, before looking at the fuzzy green ball. “Hi, TB, my good old friend!” TB just sighed and rolled his eyes in response, obviously not interested.
Gumball turned around upon hearing a loud, exasperated groan. When she did, she noticed a big yellow sponge sitting on the grass, with a flame and a copper coin atop of him. “Coiny,” the flame mocked. “You’re so DUMB!” In response, Coiny slapped the flame.
”Oh my gosh, Firey,” replied Coiny. “You're so EASY to SLAP!” And with that, Coiny began to slap Firey many times, until a golf ball walked up to them.
”Firey, Coiny! Stop fighting,” the little gray ball scolded. “And Spongy! Take a bath! You're stinky.” Spongy frowned. “Sorry…”
Gumball really didn't like that golf ball all that much, so she decided to leave and try to eavesdrop someone else’s conversation. Suddenly, she heard speaking again and noticed Blocky speaking to SB, Pen, and Eraser. "Isn't Golf Ball BOSSY," Blocky exclaimed. "I know," replied Eraser. "She is like... a bossy-bot!"
The other three stared at him in confusion. "Uhh, you know... a bossy robot?" They continued staring. "Well, a robot that was built to be its bossiest!" SB, Blocky and Pen looked at each other and nodded. "I'd do anything to get away from her," Eraser continued. "Or Flower, or Woody or Spongy!"
Suddenly a random grey speaker box thing fell from the sky, knocking Eraser over. Gumball slowly approached the speaker box. "Well, then you're in luck," the speaker box said. Its voice sounded like text-to-speech.
"Uh, how," Eraser questioned. "Well, everybody," the speaker box continued. "They're building the island of luxury. It's called Dream Island. A whole square mile of paradise, a five-star hotel, a casino, six restaurants, robot servants, and the winner even gets to decide who gets to come in and who doesn't."
"So, um.. how much does it cost?"
"Not even a penny."
"Then I'll take-"
"But what about everybody else," the speaker box interrupted Eraser. "They want it too, you know." Eraser crossed his arms. "Uhh, I wouldn't give up that island for anything."
"Neither would they," replied the speaker box. "So we must settle this with a contest."
Gumball moved even closer to investigate this speaker box thing. Suddenly the speaker box turned around. "And who are you? I suppose you want to have that island, too?"
"Nope," Gumball replied. The speaker box looked at Gumball. "Then why are you-"
"I heard you're hosting a contest," Gumball interrupted. "Can I-"
"You want to join the contest," asked the speaker box.
Gumball looked annoyed at the speaker box. "I want. To co-host. The challenge."
The speaker box stayed silent, then it spoke again. "Okay then. Whatever. Anyways, lets start the challenge."
All of the objects (except for Gumball) were released from tubes onto a balance bar over a large pool of water.
"So yes," began the speaker box. "Whoever stays on the bar the longest wins."
"Yeah, so try and keep your balance," Gumball added.
The same leaf from earlier looked at Pin. "Let's help each other," she said, smiling. "Yeah," Pin agreed. On a different part of the bar, Blocky wasn't moving, his legs curled up over his head and a mindless smile on his face. Coiny was next to him. "Blocky," the copper coin exclaimed, obviously concerned. "Wake up! What are you doing?"
Spongy, who was next to them, slipped off the bar. "Uh oh!" Meanwhile, a pink woodsorrel flower, (most likely the one that the graphite pencil and the matchstick were talking about, thought Gumball,) began shoving others off the bar. "Out of my way," she complained. "I need my SPACE!" Many people were pushed off the bar by Flower, including the leaf. "Help me, Pin," she called out. With that, Pin grabbed the leaf's arm and pulled her back up. "Thanks."
On another part of the bar, Bubble was standing next to the pencil and the matchstick. "Let's form an alloiance," she recommended. The other two smiled. "That would be no harm," said the matchstick. "Let's do it," said the pencil. Ice Cube, who was next to Rocky, overheard. "Wha? An alliance? I've got to join! Coming through!"
Ice Cube began to rush toward the other three, knocking over Pen in the process. "Sorry, Pen. Hey guys! Can I be part-" before she could finish her sentence, she accidentally collided with them, causing them, her, and SB to fall off the bar.
"No," scolded the pencil as they were falling. Ice Cube frowned. Meanwhile, Coiny was still next to Blocky, who was still seemingly spaced out. "Blocky! Come on, wake up!" Coiny began shanking Blocky, accidentally knocking him off the bar. "Oops!" Suddenly, Blocky grabbed on to the bar and swinged back onto it, knocking Coiny off. "Coiny, dont ever.." Blocky paused as he saw Coiny falling into the water. "Oops."
And with that, only 6 people remained on the balance beam- Flower, Pin, Blocky, Teardrop, Rocky, and the leaf that Gumball still didnt figure out the name of, who pointed to Flower, as she said to Pin, "There's the evil Flower!" Pin smirked. "Let's run her over!"
"Yeah," the leaf agreed. Blocky overheard and realized what was going to happen. "Uh oh-!" As soon as the two ran closer to Flower, she kicked them off.
"Hey, we're flying," Pin exclaimed excitedly. "Youre right," the leaf replied, flapping her arms like a bird. "Woo-hoo!" Suddenly Pin found out that they were going to crash. "Uh oh." And then they both hit Teardrop, making them all fall. The leaf grabbed onto the beam, and also grabbed one of Pin's legs, Teardrop gripping onto the other leg.
"Pull up," Pin said. The leaf tried to pull herself and the others up. "I... cant! Oh no! Blocky? Rocky? Help!" Blocky came over to the three dangling contestants, stepping on the leaf's hand. "What is it..?"
The leaf cringed in pain. "You're stepping on me!" Blocky moved his foot away. "Better?" The leaf nodded. "Yes. Now pull us up!" And so, Blocky tried to pull them up, but failed and almost fell, now only dangling on the bar from his feet. "Whoa!"
"Teardrop," the leaf exclaimed. "Hold onto my other arm!" The little droplet did just that. Suddenly, Flower walked up to them. "Ha ha," she mocked. "I'm wearing Non-Slip Shoes So Ha!" Blocky, annoyed by this, kicked her down, making her fall, but she grabbed onto Pin's side. "Hey! Grr-!"
Pin started to stick her tongue out at Flower, attempting to lick her. "Ohh, wha-" Flower asked, confused for a moment before realizing what was going on. "Eww, Oh my gahh..!" And she instinctively let go of Pin and fell into the water. "Nice going, Pin," the leaf congratulated. "A job well done."
Pin smiled and then looked at the droplet next to her. "Teardrop, let's swing!" Teardrop nodded and they both swung back onto the bar. "Yay!"
"Um, Pin?" Pin looked down upon hearing the leaf speak. "Alliance, remember?" Pin's eyes widened. "Oh yeah!" And she pulled the leaf up, who was now stepping on Blocky's foot. "Leafy," Blocky called out. "You're stepping on me!" Leafy looked confused. "Wha..?" She looked down to see Blocky falling into the water. "Oops."
And that left Teardrop, Leafy, Pin and Rocky as the final four. Teardrop looked at Rocky and began running toward him to push him off. She successfully did so, but also fell off in the process, leaving only Pin and Leafy.
"Rock, paper, scissors!" Leafy's hand showed paper, and Pin's showed scissors. "Scissors beats paper! I get to push you off!" Leafy frowned and raised an eyebrow. "Wait, hold on a sec! We didn't agree to that!"
"Look," Pin continued. "When I win the island, I'll let you on to the island." Leafy sighed. "Pin! This still isn't fair!" Pin raised up one of her fingers. "Only one of us can win."
"Um, Pin? Wrong finger." Pin looks at her hand and quickly puts her finger back down. "Whoops. Heh heh... Anyway, still, only one of us can win." Suddenly, Gumball and the speaker box landed onto the bar. "That's where you're wrong," the speaker box explained. "The two of you both win."
"Wait," Pin asked, puzzled. "We both get the island?"
"Nope! You just get to choose the teams," Gumball stated. "Yes," continued the speaker box. "The teams for a much larger, longer battle to win Dream Island."
Pin rolled her eyes. "Oh great!" Leafy smirked. "It's not that bad.."