Hey! So I'm 11 well technically 10 but in a bit ill be 11. I'm autistic I have ocd and generalised anxiety but life is getting so much better I've just recently joined school and I'm really happy! I have a weird memory like I can remember things in a vid in my head and I can see the memorys in my head in 3rd person????? Ikr weird!!! A few months ago I figured out I'm part of the lgbtqia+ community currently I'm questioning.What ima bouta say might make y'all think it has a connection with the short story I wrote called (Lgbtqia+) but it does not. So I have a crush...on my best freind......that we have been best freinds for over 8 years!!!!! Yea I have alot going on and tomorrow there will be a lot longer story so stay tuned!!!😋😋😋 and btw this is all true ❤ bye yall!👍👍👍