Zoly was taking me on a walk in the woods. Zoly was my favorite person in the whole world. We had been together for all my life. I still remember the day we met.
I was running away from...Something, I don’t know what it was. It smelled like dried up kelp and burned wood. Zoly toppled over and started bleeding. The thing left and I heard Zoly cry. Soon I heard something coming, it wasn’t the thing but it was a person. I soon saw the person, she looked worried. She picked up Zoly and I walked in front just in case. I listened for the thing and smelled the ground for any tracks. We reached a campsite. There was another person here but I couldn't see them, only smell and hear them. I watched as the girl put Zoly down on a bed and left. The other person came in. Zoly and the new person talked for a bit then they got silent. The other girl came back with a small box in her hand. It had a little red cross on it. The girl with the box sat down and put something white on Zoly’s leg. The girl’s name was Rissy. The other one by the door was Jead.
Rissy smelled like iron and bones while Jead smelled like leaves and salt. They spoke for a while. Jead left so now it was just me, Zoly, and Rissy. We went to sleep. I heard Rissy wake up to Jead speaking outside. Rissy let her in. I heard something outside. It smelled like dried kelp and burned wood. It was the thing that had chased me and Zoly. I had to protect Zoly. I barked at the tent opening and started trying to attack the thing. When I poked my head out I saw something large and black. It was thin and long. It looked human but it wasn’t.
I heard Zoly’s voice outside. Then I heard her inside. Then there were black things that looked like fingers came in and grabbed me. The last thing I remember hearing was listening to someone fall from inside the tent. I was dragged across the ground. Soon it let me go, it started running after something else. I was left howling in pain, hoping someone would hear me and help. No one ever came. I closed my eyes and saw blackness take over. I woke up and not that much time had passed by. I stood up and started walking back to the campsite. Every step I took hurt because of my wounds.
I could smell Zoly and Rissy and Jead. But I could also smell the monster. I ran to where they were. They were in a car. I heard Zoly yelling for me. I jumped into the open door. I watched as the thing jumped onto Jead. Jead managed to kick it off, then Jead stood up. Jead looked like she was seeing something. Jead walked strangely to the open door. Got in and closed it loudly. Jead then proceeded to yell. I was thrown forward because Rissy started the car and was going backwards. I was then thrown into Jeada’s legs as the car turned around and went forwards.