I jump, waking myself up. "Who's there?" I call out, knowing I'm being watched. I look around for the person, but I'm in my bed with my blankets wrapped around my knees. I survey my room, which I've lived in for ten years and know very well. Suddenly, my eyes shoot over to my window - something is there. Not someone, but something. It's watching me. I get up and take a closer look. That's when I noticed something strange outside. I'M NOT IN MY HOUSE? It looks like my house, but that's not my yard. The trees are gone, and the yard is so clean. The thing notices me now. "Open," I hear in a familiar but ghostly voice. Without even hesitating, I open the window. A tall human (or something that looks like a human) climbs into my room. I can't say I'm not scared. "Hello," says the ghostly familiar voice again. "Hi," I reply. I walk closer to get a better look, but then I freeze as my eyes fill with tears. "Livvy?" I manage to say. "No, it can't be you're dead" That was when it all became clear the human in front of me was my dead sister well best friend I call my sister. Her black and red hair lays on her shoulders. her light blue eyes staring at me. I try to hug her but then poof she's gone. I scream "NO PLEASE NO NOT AGAIN" I wake up for real this time and then I just sit there and cry for a while.