In the heart of the magical forest, nestled beneath the towering trees, a thriving anthill—a colony of red ants lived in harmony. Little tiny critters that nature never planned to give intellect but in this magical forest, strange things always come with every living being. “Ahoy! Ahoy!” Among the red ant conveyor line was a devoted father named Roran carrying a half-eaten apple on his back and his beloved daughter, Salina carrying a mouthful of sugar. Their days were filled with the simple joys of gathering food and tending to the needs of their community.
One fateful day, as Salina ventured out with the foraging party, a group of menacing black ants emerged from the shadows. With sudden fierce determination, they seized the oblivious Salina, and forcefully wrapped their black threads around her. Declaring that she had been chosen to serve the grand red ant empress. But Salina got confused because the tradition of requests made in the past weeks was nothing about her at all. Plus if the empress were to take someone, she would go to their dens or wait for them by the home entrance, nothing like this at all. But Salina, who loves her empress so much, does not question and gets dragged the opposite way from the red ant nest. But then Roran was around the area and found his daughter being carried by these kidnappers. He fights valiantly for her, willing to sacrifice everything for his daughter's safety. But the black ants proved too strong especially with their evolved black threads, and Roran was left battered and beaten.
The next morning, Roran awoke in the anthill infirmary, his body covered in bandages. He asked the nurse if the requesting ceremony had not yet commenced but it already is. Despite his injuries, and the nurse’s demands, he dragged himself to the grand empress's daily ceremony, where she fulfilled one request from her people. To his dismay, another red ant had already made a plea, leaving Roran's heart heavy with despair.
As Roran wandered the forest, gathering food and scouting for potential threats, his mind cannot leave the image of his daughter being dragged like spider food. It made him want to bang his head against the rocks several times, sometimes losing way of the conveyor trail which he or any red ant would feel lost and panicked. But his was a mix of loss, guilt, remorse, and depression. Then, when sunbreak fell, he stumbled upon a peculiar sight: a new anthill, teeming with black ants. Its proximity to their own colony sent a chill down his spine. Without hesitation, he rushed to report his discovery to the grand empress, only to be stopped by her royal guards.
“It’s there! The black ants! They’re just there!”
Roran's commotion drew the attention of the grand empress herself, who emerged from her chambers to address the disturbance. As Roran revealed the existence of the black ant colony, the royal guards suddenly turned on him and the empress, their loyalty compromised. Amidst the chaos, the traitorous guards confessed that the black ants had been trading sugar and other precious resources, promising longevity to all who joined their cause.
The grand empress, shaken by the betrayal, retreated to her chambers, her heart heavy with the weight of her responsibilities. The following day, as she stood before her people to fulfill a request, she made a stunning proclamation that she wishes to only do everytime she needs her people.. With quite a blank expression with a brazen tone. Her request for the people was asked as if she is the people and that all those before her were her grand emperors and empresses–the request being to save Salina and vanquish the black ants who had invaded their territory.
With unwavering loyalty, the red ants rallied behind their empress, marching towards the black ant colony with blazing determination in the night. The battle was fierce, the air thick with the clashing of mandibles and the cries of the fallen. But the red ants, fueled by their love for Family and their devotion to their empress, fought with unmatched bravery.
In the end, the red ants emerged victorious, their colony saved from the clutches of the black ants. Roran, his heart pounding with anticipation, searched the battlefield for his beloved daughter. And there, amidst the chaos and destruction, he found her, alive and unharmed but covered with black sticky substances that violated her.
As Roran embraced Salina, tears of joy streaming down his face, the grand empress watched from afar, a smile playing on her lips. The colony had triumphed, but the scars of the battle would forever remind them of the strength that lies within the bonds of family and the power of unity in the face of nature’s mischief and trials.
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