Camp was fun until me and 9 other people got trapped at the beach house. Isolated from civilization, we were miles away from the nearest town. Our goal was to survive until our family and friends came looking for us. It’s been 3 days so far, and I don’t know how long it would take to find us. Our supplies were scarce and only the fittest could survive. I was drenched in panic knowing that not all of us were going to make it out alive. Scottie and Anika were weak due to their intake of water. Fresh water here is rare now. Scottie and Anika drank out the river without knowing it wasn’t fresh. It was stupid decision on their part. As I lay awake on my bed thoughts of death wandered through my mind. I must have drifted off into sleep because next thing I knew Haze and Vessia were shaking me awake.
Worriedness and fear clouded my thoughts. Rising up to my senses I realized I was covered in blood. I stood up to figure out what was wrong. My leg buckled beneath me as I screamed. Sharp pain ran through my legs right before I passed out.
I slowly woke up minutes later only to find myself being surrounded by everyone. I slowly sat up and asked “What happened to my leg?” “I don’t know Cadence, we hoped you would answer that question… Haze and I saw you sprawled out on the ground with a knife cut on your leg. I guess you passed out due to shock,” Vessia said. “Well”, I said clearly surprised, “did you see who it was.” “No,” she said.
We were no were near civilization, so that meant someone at camp did this to me. My leg was still screaming, so I didn’t leave my tent for the whole day. The only thing that occupied me was my diary. Lucky every now and then my friends came to check on me. Vessia was searching for the person who stabbed me, while Haze was looking for evidence. Raj was making me soup, so I felt better tomorrow. The whole camp was filled with fear due to the recent events, and I was sure not all of us were going to survive.
“Hey Cadence, how's the leg?,” Raj asked while handing me a bowl of soup. “Good, thanks,” I said. I hoped tomorrow, I didn’t have to sit here on the bed all day.
Late that night I got out of bed and limped out the door. Slowly, I walked around camp hoping to be alone. The cool air washed over me, as my hair blew in the wind. Finishing my second lap around the camp I came across Vessia and Haze. “Haze! Stop…. I can’t keep doing this,” Vessia cried softly. “Yes, you will keep doing this! I can’t have you telling everyone that I hurt Cadence,” Haze said sternly. “I won't tell anyone. I promise,” Vessia cried. Haze quickly shot back, “I don’t know that though. And don't make promises you can’t keep. I know you're trying to get back at me. I just need you out of the picture.” “Haze… no… please,” Vessia begged. “Vessia close your eyes,” Hazes said. Seconds later I heard a blad piercing its way through her flesh. I heard a quick thud right before I turned to leave.
Tears stinging my eyes right before I entered my tent. I layed on my bed for hours still in shock of what had just happened. Thankfully, the next morning my eyes weren’t puffy. You couldn’t even tell that I had been crying, but deep down I was dying.
Later that day, Carter found Vessia's body right behind her tent. Quickly, I looked for Haze trying to find him.Right when I saw him, I knew I had to keep quiet. The whole camp was in panic not knowing who the murder was. Vessia had a couple stab wounds, and the blade was left in her body. Everyone was sitting around the campfire discussing recent events. This was no accident and all of us knew it. Quickly we started eliminating suspects, but no actual eliminations were made because all of us were asleep. I was mad, no. Furious, I was furious at Haze. He acted so innocent but deep down I knew he was all talk.
Raj sat next to me and looked into the fire. “I know she was your best friend, this must be hard for you,” he said very solemnly. I was glad I had someone like him.