One day I was on Telegram when I found a chatroom called Gotham. Naturally, being very interested in Batman I clicked on it thinking it was some sort of fanclub. I joined the chat and was immediately greeted by a man who called himself "The Doctor." I asked if this was a fanclub and he responded with "No, this is an easy way for girls to make money from home." I responded saying "Oh." I was in Middle School and was definitely in need of some money. He asked me a few more questions, and soon asked me if I want to apply saying I would make very good money. How much? He offered me $4,000 a month for this. I was amazed. I figured maybe this was an online modeling business and I was interested. The main reason I was interested was actually because my family was not doing great on money at the time and I wanted to help, but I was too young to have a job, as I was 11 years old at the time. Anyway, he said that in order to apply I would have to send him a nude photo of myself, and we would continue from there. I was very hesitant at first, but he insisted that it was only to prove I was serious about getting this job and that I could be missing out on a big opportunity if I decided not to. Eventually, thinking about my family, and being my gullible self, I agreed. He then followed up by asking for my location, phone number, and other sensitive information. I slowly sent him each piece of information he asked for until finally he said, "You're in. Welcome to the business." I felt very independent and happy because he was talking to me and treating me as if I were an adult. I really appreciated this because I had always felt like no one took me seriously. After around 2 hours The Doctor messaged me giving me steps on my first video to film. I could not believe the messages I saw next.