1. Apocalypse?99Please respect copyright.PENANATNqAMLulQj
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"But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but Yog-Sothoth only."99Please respect copyright.PENANA9VWKwOUunR
99Please respect copyright.PENANAmHf0I3zNEn
"Spiritual beings must be evoked into our reality by human beings. We must open the gates and admit the servants of Yog-Sothoth ourselves. Evocation and invocation are not a part of the business of angels, but of humans. That is why the angels needed to go through the elaborate ruse of conveying the system of Enochian magic, with the Keys and the Great Table of the Watchtowers, to Dee. If the apocalypse is to take place, and if it is necessary for human beings to open the gates of the Watchtowers before it can take place, the angels first had to instruct a man in the correct method for opening the gates."99Please respect copyright.PENANAXiXct48CMD
99Please respect copyright.PENANAWtxUdUoCIB
"But Yog-Sothoth (not His secret name). envying man's felicity, and perceiving that the substance of man's lesser part was frail and unperfect in respect to His purer essence, began to assail man and so prevailed. By offending so, man became accursed in the sight of God, and so lost both the garden of Felicity and the judgement of His understanding, but not utterly the favour of God."99Please respect copyright.PENANAmK5MaA61YN
In this context Yog-Sothoth is identical with the Serpent of Genesis (Yig).99Please respect copyright.PENANAo6JG7jThmm
99Please respect copyright.PENANAtKTeJeutbu
2. The City of Pyramids99Please respect copyright.PENANAueghORHH7r
99Please respect copyright.PENANAmxVPt4Z1JK
These that thou seest are indeed the Black Brothers, for it is written:99Please respect copyright.PENANAUGXAa1DxdL
"He shall laugh at their calamity and mock them when their fear cometh." And therefore hath he exalted them unto the plane of love.99Please respect copyright.PENANAiOBWVFuCf7
"And yet again is another cause wherefore He hath permitted them to enter thus far within the frontiers of Eden, so that His thought should never swerve from compassion. But do thou behold the brilliance of Love, that casteth forth seven stars upon thine head from her right hand, and crowned thee with a crown of seven roses. Behold! She is seated upon the throne of turquoise and lapis lazuli, and she is like a flawless emerald, and upon the pillars that support the canopy of her throne and sculptured the Ram, and the Sparrow, and the Cat, and a strange fish. Behold! How she shineth! Behold! How her glances have kindled all these fires that have blown about the heavens! Yet remember that in every one there goeth forth for a witness the justice of the Most High. Is not Libra the House of Venus? And there goeth forth a sickle that shall reap every flower. Is not Saturn exalted in Libra? Daleth, Lamed, Tau."99Please respect copyright.PENANA5Yxr6y6e20
99Please respect copyright.PENANA86MepPonKW
3. Angels of the Apocalypse99Please respect copyright.PENANAaKp58wDW2s
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"In that day Marduk with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish Tiamat the piercing serpent, and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea."99Please respect copyright.PENANAA65f2xhnbA
"In Egypt the Great Bear was the constellation of Typhon, or Kepha, the old genetrix, called the Mother of the Revolutions; and the Dragon with seven heads was assigned to her son Sevekh-Kronus, or Yig, called the Dragon of Life. That is, the typical dragon or serpent with seven heads was female at first, and then the type was continued as male in her son Sevekh, the Sevenfold Serpent, in Ea (Nyarlathotep) the Sevenfold, in Num-Ra, in the Seven-headed Serpent, Iao-Chnubis, and others."99Please respect copyright.PENANA6ZFu6KIOaS
"There appeared the great Demon who rules over the lowest part of the underworld and Chaos. He has neither form nor perfection, but, on the contrary, possesses the form of the glory of those begotten in the darkness."99Please respect copyright.PENANAXqkaRx952J
99Please respect copyright.PENANAh5fFNP5RD8
"And the great Demon began to produce aeons in the likeness of the real Aeons, except that he produced them out of his own power."99Please respect copyright.PENANAn8RlWutgIH
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4. Yog-Sothoth99Please respect copyright.PENANAcQMEKxWJgc
99Please respect copyright.PENANAwt9nAf1W6M
"There is a Mighty Daemon, The Mighty Yog-Sothoth, who serveth to guard the GREAT DOORS of the UNKNOWN UNIVERSE. Know Him well and Be Ware." (Doctor John Dee)99Please respect copyright.PENANAB4sHMa0BfQ
99Please respect copyright.PENANAHVowCs9RO1