Zaidi and his buddies were hanging out one evening, shooting the breeze and talking about everything under the sun. The conversation turned to women who were janda, or widows, and one of Zaidi's friends mentioned that their mother was one.
'Bruh, semenjak dua menjak ni, mak aku extra gedik dah ngan aku,' the friend said, his voice low and hesitant. 'Aku jenis pantang kalau pompuan kuis kuis and bagi hint2 ni.'
Zaidi's ears perked up at this revelation. 'Kau memantat ngan mak kau ke babi!?' he asked, unable to keep the shock out of his voice.
The friend nodded. 'sedap sial, walaupun mak sendiri, at the end of day, gua gi tau lu, cipap is still cipap. sedap dia, pergghhh! itam mata tu ilang doh! '
Zaidi felt a stirring of discomfort and arousal at his friend's words. He tried to push the thoughts out of his head as they continued to talk, but he couldn't help but think about his own mother and the things she might desire.
Unbeknownst to Zaidi, his mother was indeed thinking about him in a sexual way. She couldn't help but wonder about the amount of cum his balls could produce and the feel of it inside her pussy and mouth. These thoughts consumed her, and soon she would get the chance to act on them.
One day, while Zaidi was showering, his mother, Zainab, secretly joined him. Zaidi was shocked, but before he could react, Zainab was on her knees and gobbled Zaidi's cock, holding on to his hip. She attempted to deepthroat him, causing Zaidi to throw his head back and gasp.
From outside the shower, Zaidi's grunts and moans and Zainab's glucking, sucking, throaty wet sounds could be heard. Moments later, Zaidi's voice was heard, 'Umi! Nak keluar dah!'
Zainab didn't stop, she kept going and took it all. Zaidi couldn't believe what was happening, but he couldn't deny the pleasure it brought him. He didn't know what this meant for their relationship, but he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction.
As the water ran down their entwined bodies, Zaidi couldn't help but wonder what other forbidden desires they might explore together. The thought both thrilled and terrified him, but he couldn't deny the allure. He was in too deep now, and there was no turning back