You decide to read a story thats short what does that make? Its a decision. He makes them all the time but not for you new person. He lives in a small house near a bridge, the bridge hovers over a huge cavern with a small river of muck and filth. If you ever walked up to his house you would find a nice creamy white with a brownie roofing and inside a vibrant red room with a comfy and plump yellow couch. You would have to decide to say hi to the owners fish 1 2 3 of course which have no name so why dont you name them? Anyways to the right of this table of fish is a hallways that has 3 other rooms and 1 walkway. To the right you will find a connection of a small kitchen seen in the bigger room as well as a small walkway out into a dry flat backyard that only has a small hole probably dug by a rodent of sorts. To the left of this walkway is a bathroom but for you detail aholics its a pinkish tiled bathroom with a nice wood floor for easy cleaning as well as the rest of the house of course with a tub, toilet, and sink. You instead try for the left door cause right aint always right. Am I right? You find a large gray room that looks towards the front of the house inside is well nothing but it is clean, has power and different shades of sunlight that come within.Instead of looking back or turning a new face you decide to continue going forward in life and never look back on mistakes you’ll find a purple room. In the middle is a huge bed fit for a queen or at least thats what the size is named for whatever reason, a small computer with a desk to go with it and a printer. The small computer isn't used much but…. It seems to be someone there lets get a closer look to see who it is.
“Hey? How'd you get in here?” He said looking at a fly that rightfully gets swatted. He looked around to find the burglars entrance but decides to get back to party planning.The party is for someone named Kits, a person in his meetings he goes to thats been sad. “Hmm how about mini golf? That sounds fun” he states and decides to book it for this weekend considering they don't go to work on the weekends. That night he dreams of work and the boring things he does there like doing paper work, writing, researching, calculating numbers or something else equally as boring but the dream gets overshadowed by the help he gives to the other workers cause the boring work being so easy. As hes helping one final person with some paperwork there behind on he wakes up, bathes, dresses, and runs to the bus stop. The bus itself is yellow and quiet and inside the paint he sees people happy and talking about todays plans joy filled in there hearts. Outside the bus and into the office building with the others.
This type of work wasn't what he wanted but its what he would do until he got other work to do the cycle one more time to get a better final job. This work today had him clock in and get to work on todays two task calculations of sorts and writing down said calculations. These were cut into two parts of the 9-5 day with the middle being lunch. Todays calculations had the group follow some different ways to rise and lower profits but thats for them cause he was done and decided to help others. Lunch came after helping someone understand the work from days prior and with it came a chair that he would visit with the people of Kits and there friends Sata and Jupiter. All of them floating amongst there levels sitting all minding there own space. He walked up to them and gave Kits and crew a flier he made the day before.
“Whats this for Maker?” Kits inquired.
“Well seeing you quiet I felt inspired”
“Although not sad and not mad I decided to make you glad” he said as he gave the other two the fliers as Kits read.
While those two read on I have to tell you the truth noone knows his name except for this group, they call him the maker cause he make there days with decisions so random itll leave you in a daze.
The maker then said his goodbyes to the group and left for home because he was so good at his job he got to leave early. He got home to his small house first feeding the fish that count 1 2 3 4. He then went to his rooms to see what he can do until tomorrow. He decided to work towards finding the flys entrance point acting like a spy as he did. He looked up and down he looked left and right but couldn't find a single entrance point. He ended up giving up and went to think of what he can do. He then thought about the idea of being a spy like in those video games he used to play dodging watchful eyes and traps while getting payed for stealing information then it dawned on the maker that the job is way more difficult cause the traps those enemies place. Then a idea dawned on him as if a new person took his mind and threw inside his trash. He then ran into the purple room and started to design something that would trap said flies then he looked up how much the plant would cost.
Woken up to a sound of birds a new day has erupted and as such he wakes up, bathes, dresses, and runs to the bus stop to find that there is no bus today. The maker confused looks to the sky to see that hes 5 minutes early and on cue while considering a new crack in his clock schedule a sea of yellow appears in the shape of a carton and once inside the walls shared a story of people with no faces playing minigolf with a crack at the bottom showing a empty course but thats a small chance of happening so lets ignore that. Outside the bus he goes for his office building with a smile cause today was his favorite day.
His favorite day consisted of work he couldn't do at home and as such gave him something to do, todays schedule read that he must schedule a specific topic that he never heard before or can ever guess and make a presentation of such which he excelled at because this always brought along teamwork. The smile he always had for seeing others get happy that they were chosen to partner with the maker always brought his day because he had a way of doing said assignments.
First he would grab the topic early because of today's bosses announcements always bringing up the topic. Then he would research the topic while everyone else did the boring bits of the morning like stretching what information the maker already did at another point in time. Then when it was time to do said presentation the maker would find someone that didn't have a partner or a new person man or woman the maker never met and as long as they seemed stressed he would fling them over to his side of the battle field. The maker then would ask the patron to find a picture for 1 topic the maker researched while the maker went off to find something to do with some excuse following a bathroom or something else that wont be questioned by moral standing.The maker would then watch this person get a picture, he would come back and do the rest of the work while the patron relaxed or caught up on work.
The smile and gratitude the patron would feel was always a joy to the maker as his decisions changed the walls around his box. But never the roof. Time came by as todays topic came and went as the patron left to continue there daily task and the maker happily rushed to the chair and floating group to just appear nearby. The maker questioned how everything went with the group transforming into a barrel of laughs one at a time speaking in twisted unison on there joyus day.
“Please Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears for if I had to decipher this riddle jumbled together it would take me years.”
The maker said as Kits started with a stab and a knash at the heart within the maker. “We had alot of fun with lots of good laughs, even when I accidentally hit a ball into Satas calf”
Then Sata conjured a mist of green on her shoes going up and casted a rain of meteors on the makers ears
“ You think that was the best out of our day of cheer?” Sata said regaining her mana “What about when we laughed so hard Jupiter dropped her rootbeer?”
The barrage of rocks stopped as a arrow pierced the makers heart as Jupiters quiet but deadly voice began to start
“We had a great time all thanks to you Maker maybe next time you join the labor?”
With this the fighting all stopped and rooms sound of breaking bones turned low with the makers eyes beginning to swell up. His eyes weren't exposed to be hit but when it comes to Jupiter she never seems to miss.
“Jupiter, you know I cant come im to busy to join in on the fun”
“Well thats ok” Jupiter said “ill tell you the rest then with a smile”
The maker listened on hearing different parts of the day before from the grip to the club head hes heard stories like this one before, ones of peoples happy times, smiles, jokes and japes but what made this one different was little Jupiters slice of the cake. She had a mind like the maker but a body of the chair like the Kits and Sata. Jupiters story kepts stopping and going with the makers wonders go around as he heard what happened to the rootbeer that ended on the ground.
“Well it wasn't on the ground per say but it did land in a plant nearby, I love plants and well.. Pretty much anything in nature I just wish to see plants and maybe gain some flowers” Juniper said in a secret that cut the wind of sound. “Like green ones of grass or blue ones of the sky, one time I saw one that reflected a cloud.” Juniper went on and on about colors she enjoys and wish to see them all with that thought in mind the maker started for home and went for a design.
He already saw a plastic container he was expecting to gain from the day before and once he opened it he found a monster of horror. It was impossible to exist a small yet deadly creature of green that spouted more than a dozen heads with bear traps for necks; the Maker noted that this would never be one of his designs. Something that would trap and kill but he needed it for his sanity of little burglaries that trapped his home of buzzing. He took it into the orange room and remembered that he needed from last nights search through the alleys of the web.Clouds seem to form above the maker as hes transported to the day before like magic.
Here he finds himself in a tacky suit beating up what seems to be the plant with several heads and after a grueling fight that only stops once the clock hits 5 then carries on until the moons overhead he defeats the beast and gets a scroll from its body finishing the quest and gaining him some exp. The scroll he searched for hours stated.
“So you have defeated me and gain my powers of 10x crit rate vs volers do you? This is both a great honer and a burden as my powers require such few things you never learned before ending my existence. First to gain access to my powers you must vanquish me which if your reading this you did so please check of the back of the paper where I kindly wrote down the steps down. Second you must place my power near a window to get at least 6 hours of sunlight a day minimum. Third to gain my power you must place my power into a pot filled with a cauldrons brew of one part sand of the endless desert and two parts moss from the dire swamp of the mulderig queen. Forth if your still alive after all this adventuring and gathering you gain my powers but be warned the weakness to this power is common but unused for it is… mixed dirt and limes… also lemons but my sister is more allergic to lemons than I am so I say limes she says lemons and we get along but not anymore of course cause im dead etc etc. Know use my power if you dare and good luck traveler on the journey ahead”
With all that done and the final check mark on his list put he know has the beartrap plant placed nicely near his window so no more buzzy burglars get in. While at the store full of shadows and new people he spotted some flowers that fit Jupiter's description beautifully. He grabbed them and took them home with some other supplies from his list as well. Back to the world without clouds or thoughts of 10 minutes ago the maker set all his new flowers and supplies outside in some shade for tomorrow to start his new daily tasks. He went up to the fishes to feed them 1 2 3 4 5 and oiled the beartraps splish splash splish, he then looked at the time for it was time to eat. He ate a small meal and went to his computer to think of something to do when he checked on his emails to see one of his bosses had a job for him. “Tomorrow you are being tested as my assistant and as such you need to check for others work, for fairness ill check on yours so you dont cheat and lie I trust you and get ready for tomorrow is another day.” The maker jumped with joy in his heart for the day ahead not just for the promotion it may bring but new people to meet and greet to help more than just one at a time and also something to do. He went to bed early that day cause tomorrow was a big day. Although he couldn't sleep as he had the weirdest of dreams he was in his own house but for a instant he saw a shadow come into the kitchen then outside his backyard. Chasing the shadow he saw his backyard but behind his fence he saw a group of figures he never seen before, they were figures of black that radiated dark blue gray and purple. They watched the shadow and told its story as the maker listened.
“They watched a dry yard from the other side of a fence.”
“They saw a man move the earth to the way he wanted but not needed.”
“They saw the man cut into the sands of time to include himself enough but never enough to save him.”
“They looked beyond the fence into the new garden of eden knowing this man will one day find a snake and then they left to see him later.”
The black figures disappeared with a bang and with it the maker awoken in a ball of sweat. What just happened and who was those figures the maker questioned but feared that he may not like the answer. After a little bit of consideration of his next moves he decided to wake up without the suns permission as it lay to the east outside of view to start working on his backyard with the stuff he brought home. First he grabbed a coffee cause he was still tired. Second he grabbed a shovel and started digging a small path filling in holes as he went. Third he dug smaller holes to fill with flowers. Fourth he filled the holes with flowers and laid the path with a small thin tarp layer and wood chips to prevent weeds from growing. He then looked up and felt the cold feeling one gets when a child gets caught with desert during lunch as the sun looked down upon the maker and as such the maker went inside knowing what he did.
He looked up for forgiveness and instead got the understanding of time and space and.. Smell as he noticed he needed a shower. After which he dresses,and runs to the bus stop only to find a bench where the bus stop once stood and above it a swirl of pipes and a roof that didn't make much sense but in front of it was a floating loaf of yellow. As he stepped inside he remembered about the food he forgot to eat this morning even questioning if he ever made any but he heard a voice a quiet one beckoning him and inside the yellow he saw something awful. He saw a zombie of himself and people around him but one person sitting next to him as if they never met was the black figure surrounded by dark blue gray and purple. Closing his eyes the maker realized that the figure is more manley or at least wore more manley clothes than the average girl. As he reached to touch the figure he gets saved by the patron he helped the other day the maker then gets up and out of the bus and goes into the office building.
The day was like the first in his story of reckoning with the jobs of doing calculations and writing down said calculations however the boss needed him to review others calculations which filled the dull day with joy. He went into the meeting room early and got the lowdown of his new assignment.
- Write down if someone did the work or not.
- See if they can get the work done on the same day
- You cant play favoritism
As the maker heard this he smiled cause he didn't have any favorites as noone favorited him. As the meeting started he walked around gathering the work the patrons and shadows had done however in the back of the room 3 figures sat with a radiance of beer and arrogance. They each had different colored shirts one of dark blue, one of gray, and one of purple. Arriving to the land of arrogance he asked the same things as he asked everyone else.
“Did you do your work?” The maker asked as if this would be easy.
“Yeah yeah man” the purple one said
“We just left at home” the gray one continued
“so you can totally check us as done” the dark blue one finished.
The thing about the maker was that he has been in this situation before however this was a new grade of sad because the work was so easy. The maker then checked them all as unfinished and stated that to the three figures of one brain and continued on. While checking for others patrons and shadows he was hit in the head by a ball of sorts. Picking it up found the ball to be made out of some type of liquid that smelled of wheat and barley and as another one hit the maker he looked up to see the three bodies with straws. The maker just shrugged at there brainless moves as he went to go return his results to his boss the three yelled for him like a butler. They waved the work they supposedly left at home and made it seem as if the maker did wrong. The boss looked at him with a frown
“Well talk during lunch” Said the boss as he went to go grab the papers that had no matter or touch.
Lunch time came and the maker stayed in the meeting room, as everyone else left he saw the three smile and give a paper of similar dishonesty to some new person. As the rest filed out the maker closed his eyes and the judge as well as some small patrons of the court joined in the box. The judge pointed at the maker.
“Do you know why your here Mr maker?” The judge asked the small man
“No sir I truly do not” The maker half lied
“May you read rule three that I have given you?” The judge laid a trap that he though the maker to stupid to see.
“It states that I cannot play favorites your honor but-”
“BUT NOTHING, out of all of my workers here I denied the possibility of you breaking rule three with your help of the other patrons, but to not allow someone to grow into a better person just because you dislike them is unheard of in this court.” The judge screamed as if he was pointing down at one of his kids. He then settled down and looked somber at the maker
“You have broken the rules Mr maker and because of that I cannot make you my assistant” The judge said to the tear eyed maker “so please leave this court immediately with the penalty of 2 more patrons you have to help by the end of this week”
Open eyed to the truth the maker stood up and walked to the boss.
“I understand and I apologize for today” the maker said as he looked at the confused crossed face boss and left for lunch. At lunch he looked forward to seeing the table but the door to the cafeteria was blocked by wall of figures that were transparent. They radiated a heat that brought tears to the maker so he decided to skip the group that day and just go home.
At home he looked to his flowers to see that there properly grown and picked some for Jupiter if the figures let him visit them. He then went to do his daily task. He feed the fish 1 2 3 and oiled the beartraps splish splash. The day was still bright and the sun… well the sun was still a bit mad so the maker wanted something to do indoors. He sat down on his couch of lemon and realized he had trouble seeing his garden from where he was and the lines of anger barely sat down to yell at his floor. He then took measurements and noticed that it was the fault of the washroom with its greed in room, the maker looked and figured maybe it could lose some weight.
After the maker left to get some exercise supplies he returned home and closed his eyes to relax calling the toilet into the room. The toilet was drinking some tap water and a cake when he came in and questioned the purpose of the call.
“Look theres no easy way I can say this but… you need to lose some weight” The maker said as the toilet sat down and almost lost its top at the obscene words of the maker. The maker then hugged his friend as the box turned to mirrors and the supplies went to there own places. Some music then started playing through a speaker that spoke about being the best and it had four choruses. The first course saw the toilet lift a sledgehammer up and down up and down. The second chorus found the toilet get rid of his pink shoes to give up on the past addictions and after some debate had him agree to one pink shoe and one blue shoe. The third part of the chorus found him say goodbye to his abusive friend the tub and meeting a new kind friend name shower. The final chorus finds the toilet in a mirror more skinny and happy than hes ever been then went to finally rest in his new small room.
Moving his hand away from his closed hurt eyes with his aching body he saw that the wall between his bathroom and walkway has been pushed back but not repainted to the rooms ruby red. With the life of a open walkway that brought in the awkward setting sun into the gardens path came the death of his spacious bathroom but he didn't mind because it didn't affect anyone important. He noted down that tomorrow he needed to get paint from the store and after looking out to see it was dinner time set his oven for a pasta and went to go rest a bit more on his couch where he looked up and saw something stare back at him. The eyes contorted into a figure surrounded in white, the figure pointed at the maker and whispered something to the maker as his eyes closed his fish watched on as there god was going blind.
The figure sat the maker down and told him about his day. The maker watched as the heat from before strained his eyes and burned his soul. The figure spoke down to the maker as the sun did but in the tone of a puffer fish's needles, he spoke about how he watched the maker fail over and over and that his fear of the figure will leave his decisions null like a freshly blown balloon hanging in a churchhouse roof waiting to be popped. The figure reached for the maker and lifted him by the head.
“Doesn't that sound nice?”
“ The popping of a balloon”
“Maybe we should find out what it sounds like”
“From the inside of the balloon”
The figure then raised his hands and a ringing came from the makers head getting louder and louder with each second until in the final moments BEEP BEEP BEEP.
The maker found himself looking towards the ground standing on his couch hands by his sides. BEEP BEEP BEEP the oven went as if to tell him that what happened was impossibly weird. He then grabbed his pasta and sat in the purple room to eat but as he gutted the pasta with a fork he walked into the red room forgetting that he fed his fish and decided to feed them again. So he went again to feed his fish, 1 2 and walked to finish his own meal of the day. He then laid down and locked his door as eyes watched him do it. He then laid down and heard the whispering of the figure talk about the plans of the maker tomorrow and after silence returned the maker went to sleep again.
Tonight's dream is sponsored by food flakes or well whatever that container next to this glass prison is and just like a prison this one had cellmates 3 to be exact and the cellmates just got done with a show and wanted to speak of it.
“That was the coolest destruction and building ive ever seen man”
“Maybe we should question how god did that”
“You mean like how did god destroy that wall?”
“Minor details don't matter man that was awesome I wished I could see it again”
“Maybe we should question how we could see it again?”
“You mean like how we could see something like it again or how we can see the same thing again?”
“Man, it doesn't matter cause that was a once in a lifetime experi-”
“Maybe we should question how long a lifetime is”
“You mean the life of a prisoner or the life of a god?”
Tick tock tick
“Maybe we should question what the god is doing know.”
“You mean why the god is jumping on the couch or what hes reaching above him for”
Tock tick tock
“Maybe we should question why anyone even a god would do both at the same time”
“You mean both the reaching and jumping or both the standing higher and looking down?”
Tick tock beep
“Maybe we should question the use of a machine to tell you when the food it was cooking is done”
“You mean the machines sound that woke god up or the machines cooking capability that made the food?”
Nom nom crunch
“Maybe we should question why god fed his prisoners desert aster he gave plague”
“You mean the food we got before god returned or the food we just got”
Tick tock tick
Tock tick tock
Beep Beep Beep
The morning cracked the maker awake as he looked out his room to see that time has been altered and the sky was crying. The sky wore makeup and blush and gained an attitude that time couldn't alter. The maker still went with his routine however guessing the time wouldn't matter in this day. As such he gets up drenched in sweat, then bumps his head in his new washroom trying to bathe, dresses, and runs to the bus stop. The run was a little slow as the tears filled the road however tears never stop sponges and as the sponge went to the stop the maker entered and looked through one of its holes. Inside he found a mini maker with a bump on his head in a snowglobe being looked at like a toy in a child's room by council of figures. The figures move the globe left and right watching small words surround the mini maker which made the maker feel ashamed and had him exit to his favorite day with a frown.
Today he went to the rooms and picked a patron for his routine walking up to them and trying to help. The maker was stopped by his boss for it was warmup time and the maker had no jurisdiction in that area yet. The maker then apologized and went back to his desk laying his head down to try and ease the sight he saw. The patron he picked walked up to him after time and forgetting his space the maker flinched which made the patron turn to a shadow that refused to work with the maker. The maker loaded aimed and shot apology after apology but it went through deaf ears as the maker quickly did the entire assignment leaving apologizing as the shadow vanished. The maker then looked towards the cafeteria to find it unguarded but it seemed it didn't matter as the aura still made its way through. As the maker started to leave he was stopped.
“You ok?” A gentle feminine voice said.
The maker looked to find Jupiter hovering above reaching a finger towards the maker as she asked.
The maker then tagged a past self to replace his body at that time and smiled a sloppy smile.
“Of course I am Jupiter but I have something to show you here” The maker then reached for his bag to find no petals of any sort and frown but instead finding a picture of the maker in his garden of colors and grabbed that instead. When did he take that picture?
“Oh wow is that your guys backyard?” Jupiter said as her moons spun at a faster speed than normal.
“Why yes it is, I made it cause of your idea with the flowers sounding nice” The maker said to Jupiter who returned to her natural floating state everyone saw her in.
“Well remember to watch out next time” As she said this she pointed at the place where the picture should've been taken and looking at it found a snake.
“Huh? Where did he come from? Well anyways the snake isn't that big of a problem as they are territorial not exactly hostile.” The maker said as he showed the sun but felt the flame.
“That maybe true but still remember to ask others for help to get rid of the snake because a small snake can become a big snake and become several snakes and sometimes a snake is hard to stop by yourself.” She said with her elegance, The maker would have bowed and talked about the snake he had in his garden but decided that Jupiter was to kind to feel burden and as such replaced it with a hug.
“Hey look” The maker said trying to shoe away his thoughts
“Ill bring you one of every flower tomorrow and ill tell you what my true thoughts on this snake are if you let me go.. The decision is yours, deal?” He then looked up to her realizing the idiocy of the deal but she pulled a new card into the deck.
SHe then knocked an arrow and let go“You cant” the arrow found its mark.
The maker found himself in a realm he sends his patrons but realized his fatal move
“Tomorrows saturday aint it?” The maker found out and laughed
“Ok ill bring it to you on monday then promise” He then hugged her again gave her his pinky as the sealing lock and left for the paint store.
After which he got home and tried his best to replace the gray of the room with some colors and the wall he just repaired. As such he accused himself a lcandy cane lover as the colors he bought were cherry red and emerald green. He then in the same day cleaned his weekly trash, washed his weekly clothes, and layed down for his day ended soon after. After this week he decided to rest early and wake with the idea of paint.
This plan failed however and he should've expected that said the figure as they sat on the makers chest crushing his lungs and making it hard to think straight. The maker struggled to breathe as the figure dropped a pillow on his face and watched the makers movements slow but before the final jump to the flagpole the maker realized something. He forgot to do his daily tasks. He walked over sluggishly to feed his fish 1 2 and oiled his beartrap splish splash. He then realized the sun made a worker out of him and he painted the false wall red easily and looked out to his garden and picked one of every color and laid them in his large gray room. He then looked to the beartrap and pulled in his green paint wanting to fix the rooms color immediately and bring life back to this room. However the sun denied the idea and left the house in darkness. With that the maker walked to the purple room and slept but not without another bar bash with the figure.
The prison that night was quiet but it wasn't always this way, there was a time where there were several prisoners and not just the two they looked out as they talked about it for tonight,
“Maybe we should question where the prisons higher ups is”
“You mean like a warden or guards?
Tick tock tick
“Maybe we should question the need of guards in a prison”
“You mean what a guard is or what they will defend against
Tock tick tock
“Maybe we should question why god was red today.
“You mean the red around his face or red around his soul
Tick tock tick
“Maybe we should question how to help god because without him we wouldn't be fed”
“You mean how we can help him or how he should help himse-”
Tick tock tick
“Maybe we should question how god could help himself”
Tick tock tick
Beep Beep Beep
“Maybe god should help himself instead of us”
Tick tock tick
Beep Beep Beep
The maker awoken and started on his morning. He went to bathe and hit his head again noting that he should remember his change for the future. He made himself some toast and grabbed his brush to paint. He spent all morning and afternoon painting the room seeing that for some reason this room was harder than the others. He then stopped because he hasnt had a break in what seemed as hours although he never did see the sky again. He then sat down to figure out something else to take his time and he remembered what he said to Jupiter.
Dark clouds closed in his mind as he looked at the moist eyes of Jupiter crying in a box.
“This isn't how it went.” The maker said as someone opened the door to the box
“This is how it will go however” The figure said in a more straightforward echo.
The maker couldn't believe this and decided that this was a impossibility and that theres no way this would happen.
“Oh but it will” the figure said “What will you do to stop it?”
With that the dark clouds left the room and the maker knew what decision he had to make. He grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down his note to give to Jupiter with the flowers which read.
49Please respect copyright.PENANANCWECc8b5u
Dear Jupiter
49Please respect copyright.PENANA4Rw8QpYvk1
I know you were expecting some type of straight end answer I give to your questions about me or my emotions. Another line of code to the robot I end up making myself. This time I wanna make it different because honestly im tired. I cant be the maker I always am I have to be me for once. I have to be the guy who can cry and be helped by others instead of helping everyone. I've delt the stupidest cards I ever delt and played the perfect hand to be nothing but a emotionless bastard of a person. The person who makes parties and never goes to them, the person who is a brick of happiness with no cracks of emotion. I need to show more emotion and be myself around you guys. However im scared Jupiter that the second I do ill be chewed up by the shadows of this world and my happyness will be used against me. What im trying to say is I cant do it alone and I don't wanna do it alone anymore. The truth is I love you Jupiter, I always have. You cared for me when noone did, you showed me love when noone wanted anything to do with me. The day you read this ill be standing in front of you probably crying. I also have a problem with the snake in the garden. I never took that picture in the garden. I think something is trying to hurt me or make me fail at my only job of decision making. I don't know how to fight him but I feel like you and I will win against him. I love you Jupiter and I hope you love me to.
49Please respect copyright.PENANAWTLB4lEeM6
Yours The Maker
49Please respect copyright.PENANAl0bOkF7E5A
After writing this he went and sat in his chair strapped down with the movements hes making and the choices hes doing. How dating someone who doesn't wanna work in a different department will mess up his plans but he doesn't care he loves her and he will fight for her. The maker then smiled and went to do his daily task. He went to go feed his fish 1 and oil his beartrap splish. He then frowned and went to bed early cause he feared a new tomorrow and decided to rip the bandaid off instead.
The prison felt weak that day, not in the sense of a way to escape for the prisoners although the subject used to be a fun one to discuss but as if the sun was going to sleep and never to awake they or well 1 prisoner decided to talk about it.
“Maybe we should question what the sun looks like.”
Tick tock tick
Beep one Beep
“Maybe we question to much”
Tick tock tick
Beep one two Beep
“Maybe if we didn't question and just acted out of principle we would be out of here”
Tick tock tick
Beep one two three Beep
Tick…. tock
Beep one two three four Beep
“Maybe this isn't a prison at all”
Tick tock tick
Beep one two three four five Beep
That morning the helper put away his clothes and tried to leave to start his morning. But the door was locked.
“Thats strange” The maker thought because the door would open but ever move,He then looked out the window to find no sky. He looked into a mirror to see if he maybe looked as mad as he seemed but found the figure in his stead. The maker rose his right arm and by contribute the figure did the same. The maker touched his nose as the figure did the same. The maker looked in dred to see the figure around him. The figure was above him, behind him, inside him. The figure looked down at the maker and clicked his tongue.
“Your decision to get rid of me was to get outside help?” The figure said as if he heard the dumbest of ideas.
“Know lets say I let you do that lets see what that would entail” The figure then pulled the maker into the mirror to reflect on what his choices will do.
The mirror showed a story. A story he chose to read instead of watch. The story entailed of a boy and a girl who loved each other very much. The boy was a pain however because the boy wanted to help everyone. This made the girl jealous and sad because he would always come home and complain about his day to her. What the boy didn't know was that he put the problems of the world on his loving caring and kind wife. The wife then slowly became a shadow to the boy. The boy wanted help and accepted all the help the wife gave but the boy made more problems than solutions to solve. The boy then found his wife crying and fearing the boy with everyone hating the boy and having the boy hanging by a rope. The story ends there.
“That story is yours in a nutshell ya know” The figure said to the maker.
“If you two dated you would end up making her depressed as you have to others you've tried to show emotion to in the past. In total your the problem”
The maker frowned as he knew it to be true.
“So” the figure said
“Although i've been mean I have a new deal for you”
“Recreate the ending in your mind and ill give you a future where everyone is happy and noone has a problem”
The maker was confused and wanted to question how or why but his soul told him that this was the way and his head became quiet of positive notion.
The maker then asked how to do this with the figure frowning like a child who has been refused there favorite sweet
“Here” said the figure as he gave the maker a necklace of hemp and cotton and summoned a trampoline
“All you have to do is jump and smile because your the savior of the world” The figure than hugged the maker as the maker stood on the strangely comfortable trampoline and jumped. The jump never ended however as he floated in the air and a pain rushed through his neck as his vision filled with blood the taste in his mouth going away his entire body giving up as the problem solves itself. First goes the legs and jaw then goes the chest and brain and finally goes the figure of black as the purple room fades away.
49Please respect copyright.PENANAaTt5wZ2Lkw
One day a man, a new man if you will walked into a house similar to the makers. He had a blue outfit with many layers, a belt full of gadgets, a shiny piece of medal on his shoulder and talking radio. The houses outer cream white paint was replaced with a decayed skin color and entering said house the bright red walls that filled the front room were dusty the plump colorful furniture was covered in cobwebs and on a yellow table the last fish was sleeping soundly for air. The officer went in search of an answer to the strange universe of dullness he has entered talking to the radio about people doing magical acts while looking around. Searching every room with a notepad he noted down a large dark green room that held a few tables on the closest table to the wall he found a pot that may have held a plant thats late to work as well as some sticks with a note underneath, a small room that goes into a backyard of sticks and mounds for said sticks and a impossibly small bathroom with a pink floor and a non matching blue wall that had a even smaller shower that noone of average height can use. There was a final room at the end of a hall however A purple room,The new man walked towards said final door with the determination of a boy in a dungeon but the mans nose gets the first sight of his future treasure as his vision blurs fountains falling from them as he reaches for his radio and states “We have a child under a 10-56 connected to a recent possible 278, vitals check negative” with the humm of the radio being distant it responded with “10-4 police are on standby”