My name is Zoe. That's what people tell you to do when you first meet someone, right? Tell them your name?
I don't really care. I've never been the most social of creatures. High school for me is just another medium to stick out in. Well, I suppose at the high school I'm in no one really sticks out, per se. I'm in a magnet school, you see, where supposedly the best and brightest of the county can come together to learn in a more challenging curriculum. Honestly, there are some days it feels like they just want to kill all the promising kids off with an overload of work. I dropped out of the program I was in.
Oh, and there's the shocked why question again. I'm getting tired of that. Yeah, yeah, best and brightest, so much potential, the teachers can help when you're in too deep, I GET IT. No one else seems to. That program made me so stressed I would wake up in the middle of the night with nightmares. My friends would guzzle two cans of Monster and say that they were hoping their heart didn't give out before their projects were due. I can't work like that! I can get anxiety attacks just thinking about asking teachers for help! I may be smart, but in the setting I'm in, I'm also weak. It's a dog-eat-dog world out here, dearies, and I'm about to become someone's lunch.