If you need me you can find me…
It was the sensation of viscous fluid clogging Steve’s nose that made him pause with his balled fists raised. He already couldn’t smell that well, what with his asthma acting up half the time and his other illnesses that made living a pain. His vision was somewhat hazy from the blow but that didn’t stop him from swinging on Johnny Collins anyway, a boy twice his size. He really shouldn’t be fighting anybody but it couldn’t be helped. Johnny pulled on Wendy’s pony tail and made her cry. Nobody else was stepping in to stop Johnny so it was up to him to do something about it. Alright so maybe he bit off more that he could chew, but he wasn’t going to let that hinder him from standing up for Wendy.
It was the sickening crunch and the burning, white hot pain from the second blow to his nose that sent him careening into the pavement in the alleyway behind the elementary school. He really should know better by now but it could never be said that little Stevie Rogers didn’t stand up for what was right.
“Hey!” Steve’s head snapped up at the voice, he regretted it immediately. His head lit up like the sky on his birthday but instead of lights and fancy colors, it was a searing ache that pounded between his temples and sent his vision back into a haze. “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size!”
The voice was soft but there was something in the tone that almost screamed danger danger danger, like a mantra in Steve’s thoughts. He could have sworn that he heard something else too. There was a weird fluttering sound, one that seemed to disturb the wind around his ears. It wasn’t until a warm hand held his chin up at an awkward angle, that his attention shifted. Opening his eyes, as his vision finally cleared, he stared into the prettiest pair of blue-grey irises he had ever seen. He couldn’t help it, he couldn’t look away.
“Jesus, Red, that idiot sure did a number on ya.”
He raised a brow, who was this kid? “My name’s Steve, where’d you even Red from?”
“Well ya face’s all red. Could be just be from all that blood gushin’ out ya nose though. Here, I’ll fix you right up.” The boy’s voice caught and held Steve’s attention.
The strange fluttering sound returned, and with it an odd note of tinkling bells. The boy’s grip on his chin tightened and Steve was transfixed by the sight of those blue-grey irises shifting to bright gold. A shock of warmth covered his nose like a comforting blanket. Moments later, as he stared into the boy’s eyes, he could breathe again. He couldn’t bring himself to try and figure out what just happened. All he knew for certain was that in that alleyway, he was bewitched by a most beguiling creature.
“What did you do?”
The boy just smiled. “Oh a little trick I picked up. I’m not supposed to do it a lot, but I— I wanted to help.”
He was still gazing into those gold irises, watching as they shifted back to blue-grey, enchanted by the brilliant smile that pulled at the boy’s lips. Steve was stuck in his place, rooted to the ground as the mystery boy backed away from him slowly with a hand raised bidding him goodbye.
“Wait!” Steve called out. “I don’t even know your name!”
“It’s James,” the boy said. “But, you can call me Bucky.”
“Bucky.” The name slipped from Steve’s lips as he watched the boy walk away, almost fading into the shadows.
Steve walked home in a daze after that, gently caressing his nose. He almost didn’t believe anything actually happened. Johnny was gone, Bucky was gone. Perhaps he hallucinated the whole exchange. One thing was for sure, Steve could breathe and smell better than he ever had in years.
Ever since they met in that alleyway, Steve and Bucky practically lived in each other’s pockets. He started fights in righteous indignation, Bucky finished them like a benevolent protector with an indulgent smile on his face as he exuded fondness and exasperation that seemed to seep from his pores. Steve couldn’t hardly believe that Bucky wanted to be his friend, they haven’t let go of each other since.
There was always a sweetness that lingered in Steve’s nose whenever he spent time with Bucky Barnes. It was a light floral scent with underlying honey and peach that followed Bucky wherever he went. Steve was never too far behind, low eyes and an intoxicated grin gracing his features every time. It was the look of a boy caught in a snare. As time wore on, that sweetness evolved into something deeper that continued to lure Steve in. Honey and peaches mellowed out and tinges of spiced rum seemed to waft off of Bucky’s skin. It pierced through Steve’s many ailments like a fine needle does fabric, and threaded that scent straight into his heart, his mind.
These were the scents that curled around his nose as he made the trek to the top floor of the Brownstone where the Barnes family lived. It was a journey his mind was used to making even if his body often protested with the amount of stairs he had to climb. It was always worth it though. Being around Bucky was like breathing in fresh air compared to the pollution that inundated the streets of Brooklyn. Steadily he climbed, that sweet peach and spiced rum grew even more potent as he finally stood before the front door of the first apartment to his immediate left. Slightly winded, he bent over a little to catch his breath only to gasp in surprise when Winifred Barnes abruptly opened the door. The smile she wore was kind albeit a little strained. Still, she welcomed him in with open arms and a loving hug like only a mother could.
“Bucky isn’t feeling too well, dear. He’ll be so pleased to know you came to see him though.”
“Ma! Is that Stevie?” A thick and raspy voice called out from down the hall, just off the kitchen. It was Bucky and Ma Winnie was right, he must be under the weather if he sounded like that. “He can come in, I— I don’t mind.”
Ma Winnie’s sigh made Steve turn back to look at her. The moment Bucky spoke, his attention was solely on him. Honestly, it had been that way since they met.
“Here Steve, take this bone broth to him. He’s always forgetting to eat when he’s sick like this.”
“Is it bad?” He asked, taking the warm bowl from Bucky’s mother. “He doesn’t usually miss a football game…”
“No dear, he’s in bloom right now, his first one. These are spearmint sprigs,” she said with a peculiar gleam in her eye before breaking off a few purple petals from a plant in the kitchen and tucking them into his breast pocket. “With warm sentiments, good intentions, and that broth, Bucky will be back on his feet in no time.”
“But, Ma Winnie, I don’t understand. What do you mean he’s in bloom? Won’t he react badly to flowers if he’s sick?”
Winnie gave him a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “You’re a good boy, Steve. Promise me you’ll never leave his side, he’s going to need someone like you.”
“Of course I will,” he said. “Buck’s my best friend.”
“Go on now, he’s waiting.”
With a pat on his cheek from Winnie, he took the bowl of broth down the hall. It was dim with all the main lights off. The only illumination came from the fairy lights that decorated the corridor. It was strange though, the lights seemed to dance to a rhythm that he couldn’t hear. It was almost as if they were sentient but Steve knew that wasn’t possible.
The scent of peach and rum grew stronger the closer he got to the cracked open doorway of Bucky’s room. He peeked inside to see his best friend lying shirtless on the bed, those tight briefs hanging low on his hips. His heart leapt into his throat when Bucky glanced up at him, a soft grin pulling at his lips.
“Hey Buck.” He set the bowl down gently on the bedside table before coming to rest a hand on Bucky’s forehead. Warm peaches and spiced rum filled Steve’s nose the moment Steve’s hand drifted down to Bucky’s cheek. The heat from his friend’s skin set his own alight.
“Hey Red.” Bucky’s cheeky smile was the only thing that made Steve let the nickname slide that time.
“You’re burning up, Buck. Want some of this broth your mom made?”
“Maybe later,” Bucky said scooting over on top of the thick sheets. “Lay down with me?”
The question sent heat through Steve’s blood. He shook his head, avoiding Bucky’s gaze, to clear his mind of wayward thoughts, all of which weren’t wholesome in the slightest. Clearing his throat, he did his best to think only of pure intentions. “I wish, Buck, but I’ll catch a case from Ma if I come back home sick.”
“I won’t get you sick, Stevie.” His giggle causing Steve to look back at him. “I’m not contagious and I’m not that kind of sick.”
“What do you mean?”
Steve couldn’t help it, he sat down next to Bucky on the bed. The urge to drown in the scent, that somehow blossomed heavy notes of caramel and brown sugar as it mixed in with those peaches and rum, was much stronger now. He wrapped a thin arm around Bucky’s shoulders, squeezing lightly when Bucky snuggled up to his side.
“Buck? You’re sweating bullets, we really shouldn’t be this close.” A low whine filled the room then. Steve jumped into action, taking Bucky’s face in his hands. “Bucky, what’s wrong, your hands are trembling! What do you need? Come on, let me get this broth into ya.”
A grimace graced Bucky’s features as he took Steve’s hands in his. “I don’t need the broth right now, I just need you to stay with me. Can you do that for me, Stevie? Please?”
“Of course, Buck. I’ll always do my best to give you what you need.” He settled back onto the bed, wrapping his arms around Bucky and smiling when Bucky rested on his chest.
A comfortable silence fell over the both of them for awhile. Steve rubbed a soothing hand up and down Bucky’s back whenever he began to tremble, trying not to groan whenever Bucky took to gnawing slightly on his collarbone. A few times Steve thought Bucky was getting worse, he kept whining about cramps. He was tempted to just force the broth down Bucky’s throat, but he knew he couldn’t do that. Bucky asked him to just be there with him and that was what he was going to do.
“Yeah Buck?”
“I gotta tell ya somethin’.”
“What is it?”
“I’m— I’m not like the other kids, Stevie, even you.”
“Buck, come on. We’re just two pals from Brooklyn,” he said. “Nothing too crazy about that.”
“But I’m different.” Bucky sat up from his resting place on Steve’s chest. “I have… things other boys don’t…”
“Bucky, listen to me when I say this.” He grabbed Bucky’s hand and squeezed tightly. With the other, he gently held Bucky’s face close to his own. Lightly, he caressed the skin under his best friend’s left eye. “It doesn’t matter what you have or don’t have. You’ll always be my Bucky and I’ll always be by your side.”
The blue-grey of Bucky’s eyes wavered slightly, veering on molten gunmetal. It was as if he could see the depths of what made Bucky who he was. Steve didn’t know how long they stared at each other, all he knew was that Bucky had once again captured him in his snare with little to no effort. Whatever Bucky was searching for in Steve’s own gaze must have pleased him. Between one breath and the next, a soft pair of lips pressed against his. Before Steve could even think to kiss him back, Bucky hid against his collar. The telltale red tint on the tops of Bucky’s ears were the evidence of his blush. The heat rising on his own skin was a testament to redness that surely colored his own cheeks. That was his first kiss.
All of a sudden, the air in front of him began to shimmer. Before Steve knew it, the softest looking pair of gossamer wings emerged from Bucky’s back, they reminded him of a butterfly’s wings. His gasp was slight as it slipped from his lips.
“Oh Buck, is this what you meant?” He reached out to gently caress Bucky’s wings. They felt so soft under his hand, as if they were made of clouds. Trailing his fingers gently along the tops of them, he jumped when Bucky made a sound he never heard before. It was different from the low whines of pain he made earlier. Steve was transfixed, the sound made his body heat with desire. He had to hear that sound again. With slightly more force, he touched the space where the wings met Bucky’s back.
“Stevie, please.”
There was that sound again, making his blood catch fire. He was amazed at the reaction Bucky was having to him. He kept stroking those pretty wings, adding gentle kisses to the nape of Bucky’s neck until his legs began to shake. Steve smirked. Who knew his Bucky was this sensitive.
“Holy shit,” Bucky whispered when his legs finally stopped trembling.
“You enjoying yourself there, Buck?” At Bucky’s blush, his smirk grew into a soft smile. “I’m glad I was able to give that to you.”
Steve was a goner. There would be nothing he wouldn’t do for Bucky, there were no lengths he wouldn’t go to ensure that no harm ever came to his best friend. Bucky was it for Steve, whether he understood what that entailed or not. He went back to rubbing Bucky down, massaging his arms and back until he was lying limp against Steve. Settling down himself, he could feel eyes on him. Glancing up, he noticed Bucky watching him.
“What?” He asked. “Somethin’ on my face?”
“Yeah, Red, you’re blushin’.”
“Here we go again, Buck. It’s Stevie or nothin’.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
“You sassin’ me, Buck?” Steve curled a hand in curly brunet hair and yanked, marveling at the keen that spilled from Bucky’s lips. He was learning so many things about his childhood friend today. Snatching Bucky up again, Steve pressed their lips together again. Bucky’s moan only provoked him further. The kiss grew heated, both of them fighting for dominance until the taste of copper flooded Steve’s mouth as it coated his tongue. He had never tasted something so good. The peaches from Bucky’s scent pooled in Steve’s mouth, caramelized sugar caressing the back of his throat.
“Steve, did you just bite me?”
“I— Shit, Buck, I’m sorry.” Steve’s eyes widened as he licked the blood off his lips. “I couldn’t help it. You smell so good, I just wanted a taste.”
Bucky sighed, a resigned look coloring his features. “You tasted my blood, Stevie, that’s a bond you can’t break for my kind. You have to marry me now.”
“WHAT?” The sound of Bucky’s laughter caught him off guard.
“You jerk! Don’t play like that!” Steve exclaimed hitting Bucky over the head with one of the pillows strewn about the bed. Steve rolled his eyes as he waited to Bucky to calm down. He was pleased when he felt Bucky curl back into his side.
“Marrying me wouldn’t be so bad, right?” The soft tone of Bucky’s voice gave him pause. He already decided on this path long before this day, way back when Bucky first called him Red in that alleyway.
“Of course not, Bucky. I’d marry you today if I could.”
At Bucky’s satisfied nod, Steve wrapped them both up in one of the thinner sheets. His breathing evened out as he rested on Steve’s chest. The cute snuffles and the steady beat of Bucky’s heart lulled Steve peacefully to sleep.
“Steven Grant Rogers!” The shrill tone of his mother’s voice made him wince as he trudged into their apartment. He knew he was home later than he should be but it honestly wasn’t his fault. “Why are you late and is that blood you got drippin’ on my floors?”
“Steve got into another fight without backup, Ma Sarah.” Steve looked at Bucky incredulously, the betrayal making his eyes narrow. “As usual, he got the crap beat outta him, punk couldn’t event wait for me to show up.”
“Ma, you don’t understand! They were sayin’ horrible things about Bucky—
“Oh and you just had to go defendin’ my honor huh,” Bucky said cutting him off.
“YES!” He exclaimed. “How am I supposed to protect you if you don’t let me?”
“Stevie, you don’t need to protect me. I’m the one that’s gotta protect you.”
“Alright, alrighty you little hellraisers.”
“Me??” Bucky clutched at his chest. “Ma Sarah, that’s all Steve!”
“Hey!” He yelled indignantly.
“Steve’s the real hellraiser. He gets so red when he blushes, that’s gotta be where he’s really from.”
“Bucky!” He exclaimed before lowering his voice. “I thought we weren’t gonna talk about that.”
“Why not? Your ma doesn’t care how I would know that, she already knows we’re together.”
“Still,” he hissed. “She doesn’t need to know about how hard I blush.”
“Yeah, okay Red.”
“Please, do not call me that.”
“But it’s cute,” Bucky whined before sneaking a kiss on Steve’s cheek.
Steve shook his head fondly before kissing him back, he was quickly getting swept up in Bucky’s orbit. He found that he didn’t mind in the slightest. Maybe, just maybe, he could get used to that silly nickname if it was coming from Bucky’s soft and pretty lips.
The prickling pain in Steve’s nose radiates down toward his jaw. It's definitely broken for sure, he can’t smell for shit with the blood clogging him up. That’s why he doesn’t realize that the love of his life is standing in front of him. Usually he can scent Bucky from a mile away. Ever since the first time they met, his sense of smell has been leagues better despite his other illnesses. It's all thanks to his Bucky, his little fae. When he finally looks up, the blaze in Bucky’s eyes catches his attention. He watches as Bucky takes in his haggard appearance, grimacing when Bucky takes hold of his chin. The gentle frown curving his love’s lips into a plaintive pout almost sends Steve to his knees. It would have if Bucky wasn’t holding onto him. Any and all of the expressions Bucky makes have that effect on him. It's a wonder a whine doesn’t fall from those pretty lips as Bucky frets over his bruises.
“Christ, Red, how many times I gotta fix your nose?” Steve glances up at Bucky through the tears in his eyes. His hazy vision clearing from the pain as the warmth of Bucky’s magic heals his nasal passages. He smiles dopily watching Bucky’s eyes shift from blue-grey to gold and back. “Ya know, sometimes I think you like getting punched.”
“Or maybe I like your hands on me,” Steve snarks back. “Your eyes glow real pretty when you do your magic on me, sweetheart.”
“Stevie!” Bucky looks wildly around the alleyway they are standing in. His blush makes Steve’s smile grow even wider. “You can’t go around sayin’ things like that. We’re outside.”
“You fixed my nose in public.” Steve deadpans.
“That’s different.”
“Yeah well, won’t have many opportunities to say much of anything else to ya,” Steve says bitterly, looking up and down at Bucky’s crisp new uniform. “I see you’ve got your orders.”
“I ship out first thing tomorrow.” Bucky says, a rueful tick pulling at his full lips. “Now come on, the girls are waiting for us. They haven’t been on a date in a while and it’s up to us to show them a good time.”
Steve trails after Bucky as they headed to the expo where Bonnie and Connie are already waiting for them. He doesn’t want to go out, it's their last night together. He would prefer to spend time alone with Bucky at home but he can’t. Bucky’s excitement lights up his cheeks the moment they set foot in the expo. Steve is helpless to follow that addicting smile wherever it is that Bucky decides to go.