I walked past a group of high school girls, they looked young. Meanwhile, I was just starting college. One girl yelled out "Hey, you're pretty." I nodded thanked her continued walking when they all circled me. "It's not nice to keep walking after I complimented you." The gang leader said. "You know If you walk through the alley you'll get hurt." She said stopping whispering in my ear. "Why should I believe you I don't know you," I replied. "You don't know me but I know you," she said back. "Are you threatening me?" I replied. "Oh no honey, It's a promise," she said getting closer to me her eyes locking with mine. She walked past me her shoulder hitting mine. She and her friends walked away laughing. But this is my only way to get home, and why should I believe some high school girls? I walked into the dark alleyway. I began walking faster as I felt someone walking behind me the sound of whistling came from behind me a rat ran past me (yelp) I turned to look but no one was there I began walking backward when thud I hit something hard it felt like a - I turned around to see three tall men staring at me, One grabbed me and I struggled to free myself so I kicked him in his balls. I ran and ran through the alleyway. Until an arm shot out and grabbed me. "Ssh" It was the highschool girl. her hand covered my mouth her body against mine. I felt her breath on my shoulder and neck. I wiggled a little. "What are you-" she put her hand tighter around my mouth. "Shush okay, we're in a life or death situation." She whispered in my ear her voice was so nice it sounded like music and made the hair on my neck stand up. The three men ran past all going in different directions. She grabbed me and pulled me towards the exit where the other two girls waited. They looked scared. She pulled me into a nearby cafe. The cafe bell rang out. They dragged me towards a table in the far back. They sat down, and so did I. "What you just saw you didn't see okay?" The first girl spoke up. Then the girl with brown hair spoke up. "She needs to know. You witness a drug exchange between the mafia, and they saw your face, once they see your face they'll never forget it." The other girl spoke, "You're scaring her.." She said. Then the girl who saved me aka the ring leader spoke up. "Both of you shut up. I'm Lavenia." She said. The girl with the brown curly hair spoke. "Ora, I'm Orailia" She smiled. The last girl who looked more emoish spoke "Dovie." Ora snickered. "Watch your name?" Lavenia said. "Chaney, Chaneyise" (Chan - Is | Silent 'Y')