I was born Feb 21, 1977 to my parents Harold W Nation Sr. and my mom Susan Walsh -Nation the crazy thing was my parents where 21 yrs apart and my dad was ex military so my dad was out of the service way before I was born, my mom is only 5ft2 in tall at the time my brother was first than i was born 20 months later but the funny thing was i weight all my siblings i was like 8lbs 12 oz and 22inhes long.
Having a older dad and that was out of the military already he still lived and breath it
and yep and my dad wouldn't talk normally he would yell and when i was old enough to go to school they notice i would studder so badly and yep i got teased so badly and yep i would come home from school crying and my brother Scotty he was over weight due to are dad he would yell and scream and yep beat are asses if we did wrong hell we couldn't even fart side ways without are dad yelling. so as time goes by i went to every speech class known but nothing worked but one day my Aunt Peggy God Bless her soul she passed away 15 yrs ago now but she was the one who got me to actually stop but she would always told me to always think before you say and i kept with it and you wouldn't think that i ever did have a speech problem but i also stop going to speech classes but then i also was a Special Ed kid I had a learning issues and i think having that speech issue caused everything but i did graduated Alton High School in Alton Illinois 1995,15Please respect copyright.PENANA0VpXXeJMa7
Its so hard to believe ill be out of school 30 yrs . In my family mostly on my mom side i was a outsider cause i had a learning issue i wasn't smart in there eyes but being special ed kid in the school district it seems like they push us through the system and what was totally fucked up was when they did a IEP on me in the 12th grade I tested at a 9th grade education but it felt like they did it to all the special ed kids any where you go. its like they say they don't have the founding or not enough teachers or they put to many kids in a class room and that one of the main problems but i was thankful enough to a few teachers that i totally loved but there all retired of passed away.15Please respect copyright.PENANAp6v6VGXDV0
But i knew in life i was going to have some struggles in life . But ill will tell you this when the flood of 1993 hit in Alton Illinois and i was 16 yrs old i went to spend time with my younger half brother Mark and his ex wife she was cool as shit loved her she was to ex military I went to stay with them in Pocahontas Ark than i went to stay with my grandparents down in Jesup Ark back then the population was only 20 lol not alot of people that lived there at the time. But they was the nicest people you ever wanted to meet tho but when i stayed there with with my grandparents my Aunt and Uncle lived right behind them and what was weird was they shared a drive way it was spilt never seen it like that before but my Aunt own a little story in the town in Starwberry Ark she had a little restaurant and she didn't invite me to help but my cousin did but my cousin C she she came up to and stay with are grandparents but my cousin C was only 6 months older than me to the date but my Aunt would pay more attention to her and my Aunt made me feel so unwelcome it wasn't even funny just because i learned in a different way.15Please respect copyright.PENANADLLTyUTJnh
i didn't pick up on things it took me 3 times to pick up on things but once i got the hang of it i took off on it and i just wanted to fit in so badly so i wrote my mom a letter and told her what was going on and i remember my mom asking me if i wanted my dad to come and get me i said no but i was ready to come home then the fucked up thing was my aunt paid me and you could tell she didn't want to i think are grandma said something to my Aunt but let me tell ya when my great uncle came and got me and my cousin C i was fucken ready to go home. Being different it sucks in away cause if you don't have a higher education your just a piece of shit in there eyes or your not smart they really look down on your ass but i came to realize tho i figure if you treated someone with love and kindness and respect that's all that matters15Please respect copyright.PENANASdarW19o7P
. But after growing up i still felt out of place for some strange reason . As time went on i grew up i dated a man i stayed with for 3 and half years then we spilt and then i go together with my son real dad and was a nightmare its self he worked alot but he treated women like shit the only thing he did was give me my son but my son real dad was what you called a weekend drunk and he was meaner than fuck when he was drunk and i knew when he was going to drink was when he got paid and he would buy a 24 pack of beer and drink every single one of them and he would get so drunk he would black out hell one time he was smoking a cigarette and he passed out and the lite cigarette fell on the mattress and it caught fire with me in the bed good think i was a light sleeper and my son real dad was so drunk he pee on my stuff thinking that was the toilet but i asked him the next day if he remember anything he said no and was wondering how the burn holes got in the mattress and i didn't smoke at the time tho then he to started to treat me like shit when he was drunk he would say you need to take care of me right now i got needs and i told him flat out no he would yell at me and scream and then he knew my parents had a good reputation.15Please respect copyright.PENANAdZ1GOKQCaI
I never got in trouble with the law well that fucken changed so fast he called the cops on me and told the police i scratched him and the fucked up thing is i didn't have any nail cause i couldn't grow them and he lied to the cops and this all started was because he was going to destroy are son baby album that i worked hard on and my son dad was drunk off his ass. and he lied to the cops and the fucked up thing was i am like 5ft5 120 lbs and here he was 5ft10 350 lbs and he told the police man i scratched him and all kinds of shit and yep i went to jail and i will never forget tho my son crying for me and then the next day he got restraining over against me that i couldn't see my son for a month and let me tell you i fell apart i lost it and we went to court we both shared 50/50 custody but the fucked up thing about it i had to go back to court to clear my name tho and i finely did and ill never forget the look on the judges face and he looked my son real dad and said there is no way this little girl could beat your ass she has no police record and he said dismissed cause the judge knew what my son real dad was up to trying to destroy someone just because i never been in trouble with the law like my son real dad has and then my son real dad tried to get my mom fired from her job cause they worked at the same place but my mom was there longer and everyone like my mom and they knew my son real dad cause he had sexual harassment charges against from being a security guard there,15Please respect copyright.PENANAMF4bU13Hi7
But he was contracted out so they knew how his behavior was but are place of work was a rumor mill. But then my son real dad went are separate ways for good then i got together with my high school sweet heart and we got married moved to are own place cause my son real date kicked me and my son out of the home cause he sold it to his brother but me and my husband got harass but my son real dad at 3 Am and my husband called the police on him told him that if he didn't harassing me he would go to jail so as time goes on me and my first husband moved out of there and got are own place to rent then there was a bigger place to live right up the street and we moved there but me and my husband got into a fight and i him leave the house and i had a order of protection against him and then my dad got sick he wasn't feeling very well i rushed to take him to the hospital and long behold bad news hit my family in the gut they found out my dad stomach aneurysm and he had also colon cancer and my god i lost it i broke down the next day i called Barns hospital and i went in to action i got him in the next day went with my dad and they didn't know what stage colon caner it was well they did his aneurysm first cause they said that if they hit that when they did the colon surgery it would of killed him. So we had to go back a week later for the colon cancer surgery so i was waiting and they took a foot off his colon and i thought for sure he would be with a bag but he didn't and they came out and got me and put me to a private consultation room and i knew this was not good and that's when the bomb shell went off they told me that he had stage 4 colon cancer and omg let me tell you holy shit you talking about getting your heart and guts ripped out of your chest at the same time well it even gets more worse and fucked up and twisted is when i had to take my dad to the dr after his colon surgery and letting us know how they was going to treat his colon cancer and what size it was well the size of hs cancer was a size of a foot ball and the dr told my dad he dont think the treatment was going to work i just remember crying my eyes out running out on the cancer room waiting room crying and my dad came out . i told my dad you have to do this treatment you have to and he did and the cancer was shrinking and it was gone the treatment did work but before he got his first treatment my dad had to have 24hr care so i left my husband and we got divorce and i took care of my dad for 5 and half yrs but first i had to learn how to flush his chest port and that was scary as hell and my dad did beat the odds of this deadly disease but what's really fucked up is none of his older kids came forward to help me out with are dad so i step up and i did it and i finished raising my son like i said for 5 and half yrs and then me and my dad relationship changed for the worse i wanted to go to school and he told i was to stupid to go and then but i showed him i got a 3.5 G.P.A. but that wasn't good enough for him and than my dad almost beat the 5 yr mark and they found a spot on his lung well with him smoking for 65 yrs i could understand that but they didnt know if he had lung cancer or emphysema well then he had to get radiation well he finished all of that and they said it is not getting any better its staying the same so we are just going to leave it alone.
Well my dad was in and out of hospital a lot due to his lungs cause his heart was going back and his lungs where not pumping right and he had to be put in the hospital where they took 2 quarts of fluid off his lungs and i knew it was time and on Aug 20 2010 it happen the phone call you don't want to get at 2 AM in the morning and of course i answered the phone and the hospital said your dad had just passed away all i remember i was down in the finished basement staying with my mom with my son and screaming i ran up stairs and told my mom dad died the hospital just called so i had to call my son other grandma to let her know what was going on i needed her to watch BJ and i told my son i said you want to tell your grandpa good bye and than i take you to your other grandma house and he said yes and i said do you want to go to grandpa funeral and he said no and i said ok cause my dad died on a Friday and he had the choice to go to school or not and i don't think he went and i didn't force my son to go to his grandpa funeral and so my dad had his military funeral and the 21 gun salute and i can not rape my head around it still even tho my dad has been gone almost 15 yrs i still miss him. but the day my dad died i stop smoking cause i did not want to end up like him.