Kay's pov
It was a cool crisp night ,I was sitting on the window sill looking at the moon. I don't know why but sometimes it soothes me. I looked across the dark streets and saw something flash by me. "What the!", I gasp. I squint and see a girl with light brown hair swept into a side braid. She had short little bunny ears!! I got up and grabbed my camera and jumped out of the window hoping that this time I would be able to escape.
Camille's pov
I had no idea how my dad did this! It was only 12:00 and I had only gone to 100 cites! Seriously how did how did he manage to do this. I was stressing, when I saw the northern lights. It must have been Davis trying to contact the "Guards". I was about to leave when I heard a flash. I froze. and turned around slowly. There was a girl about as tall as me she had brown hair with light blue streaks and bangs. She was wearing a turquoise hoodie with shorts. She had no shoes on like me . She looked at me and started running away from me...Oh I so mest up big time, now I had a human who saw me, the northern lights calling me AND I still hadn't finished hiding eggs!.. First things first I need to find that girl!
Kay's pov
I can't believe I got a picture!! I can get some money for this!! While I was running I jumped on a dumpster,climbed a fence and ended up on a roof. I was about to jump on another roof but the girl with the bunny eats was right in front of me. "Oh crap", I mumbled. She grabbed my camera and threw it off the roof. I watched it fall and break. " Hey I had to spend all of my allowance on that camera." I frown.Great my cameras gone and I have a feeling i'm in trouble.