"Darling Elizabeth, I hope you're going to be alright in the hospital." "Father, you mustn't worry about me so much. I shall be alright." In fact, I wasn't so sure about this myself but said it with confidence to keep Father at ease.
"I just have one very important question for you." "What is it?" I was nervous. What if he asked me something I didn't know? What if he asked me if I had seen anyone else.
"I must know how this rivalry began."
I took a deap, breathing, and began to explain. "Well... It was New years Day, and we were all enjoying supper. I was just sharing my newest reward from'The International Science Fair' after I had shared it. You mentioned that I would be the next heir..."
"I remember that your brother was so supportive of you after I said that."
"It may have seemed that way, but after we got back to our room, that's where he pushed me down onto the floor and threatened to kill me if I agreed to be the next heir and so ever since then he's been trying to get rid of me."
"Thank you, darling, for letting me know. It's just been tough to figure something out with put your mother."Don't worry, Father, soon everything will work out."