They watched her.
They watched as her black heels clicked on the concrete ground and saw how her white milky skin reflected the full moon’s light and appeared to make her shine. She certainly was a thing of beauty, and because of that they couldn’t take their eyes off of her. She was enchanting and memorising. Not easily forgotten. The way she dressed in a tightly wrapped white dress that accentuated her hips and hugged her breasts showed to any who looked upon her that she wanted attention. She wanted men and woman around her to gaze upon her and be envious. They couldn’t help but wonder what a woman of such beauty would be doing into such a horrid place. No woman would go in the burrows, alone and dressed in such a manner. Such beauty and youth would attract the wrong kind of attention.
They watched as a man began to follow her. He appeared beneath a faint light at the back door of one of the alleys adjoining stores. His face was hidden in the darkness but they could make out his hairy stomach that was hanging out from beneath his white shirt. They could see the half smoked cigarette between his yellowing teeth. But they couldn’t see the look of lust and desire. They couldn’t see who he was but they knew what he wanted.
They watched as the man grabbed her arm. He fat fingers wrapped around her forearm with such force that the young beauty was sure to have a mark. He snorted, and chuckled. He spat the cigarette from his lips. He touched her face with her chunky fingers and licked his lips. “Such a thing of beauty,” he said.
They watched as the man pushed her against the wall. “Don’t scream.” He chuckled. He stroked her cheek and pushed his fat against her. He licked her cheek. “You taste delicious.” He pushed against her even more. “This will be over a lot quicker if you don’t resist me.” His erection pushed through his fat stomach to rub against her.
The man screamed. He stumbled back from her. A look of pure horror crossed his sagging face. They could see the blood pouring from a hole in his cheek. He stumbled and fell back on the ground. His whole body shook. “What have you done?”
Her thin lips smeared with blood shaped into a smile that they would have considered charming or beautiful, if it wasn’t for the blood dripping from her lips. “I have caught a rat.”
“What?” The man tried to push himself to his feet.
She stepped forward and pushed him. “I placed the cheese and a rat came scurrying from its hole.”
The man’s eyes widened in horror as she knelt on his stomach and barred her perfectly sharpened teeth.
“And right into my trap.” She ran her perfectly red manicured nails along his cheek and then gripped his chin and forced him to stare into her eyes.
The man screamed in terror.
She hushed him. “Don’t scream.” She mocked him. “You will taste delicious.”
He tried to push her off him.
She giggled. “This will be over a lot quicker if you don’t resist me.” She gripped the front of his shirt and pulled him up. Her free hand wrapped around his throat, her nails piercing the layers of fat covering his veins.
He tried to scream again but the blood now spilling from his throat
She stepped towards him and grabbed the front of his shirt. She pulled him to his feet and with force that surprised the man pushed him into the wall. Her sharp nails dug into the layers of fat covering his veins. The man screamed and she pulled away the layers until fresh blood poured from the wound. She buried her face into the dancing waterfall of blood and drank as much as she could take.
They watched as she released the man and saw as his now lifeless body collapsed. His eyes and skin now pale in colour. The gaping wound on his neck only trickled with blood now.
They watched as her once blue eyes glowed red. Her mouth covered in a thick layer of dark blood and it dribbled off her chin, down her throat and stained her white dress red. She brought her fingers to her throat and licked the quickly drying blood from them.
They watched as she looked at the body of the man in front of her. A look of satisfaction crossed her face before she turned to look at them. She brought one finger to her lips. “Shh.”
They watched as she turned and walked away; a thing of evil hidden by beauty.