Alice's Point of View
I shed a small tear, as I laid a single pink rose and my mothers Ms. Piggy build-a-bear on her grave. What happened to her? Yes that's a question that is possibly going through your mind as you read this. See in a Z apocalypse not everyone is going to survive. She didn't, a group of Z's arrived as we were grabbing supplies. She got overwhelmed with them as did I. They got her, and there was nothing I could of done to stop it. I blame myself but my dad would flip his lid if I said so.
The nightmares even my teddy bear, Shyan can't help with those anymore. I haven't slept in three days. Maybe that's what being dead feels like. A sleep that goes on and endless sleep. Let me start from the beginning. I'm Alice Stevens an apocalypse survivor, but not the only one. I'm not sure what started the apocalypse or how the virus was even created. But this is my story and I can start by telling you how I first came upon a Z. It started like an ordinary day. Doesn't it usually?
6 a.m.
"Alice, your breakfast is going to get cold." My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs that led to my room, a furnished attic.
"Go away!" I yell, half awake. "I'm to tired to care."
"I'm sending your brother up then!"
"Okay!" I roll my legs off my bed and pull myself up. "I'm awake!"
My older brother Kris is 6 ft. 3 in. with blonde shaggy hair and blue-grey eyes. He is my 2 year almost twin. It's very annoying how most of my friends are crushing on him. Like seriously, ew he's a pig, the only girl that isn't all over my brother is my girlfriend, I've been bisexual since like 3rd grade when the teacher caught me kissing a girl during recess.
If I didn't get up he would pull what's called the "Dutch Oven" on me, which is where he farts with my head under the blanket. It's quite disgusting.
I combed my short light blonde hair with blue streaks after getting out the shower. Then after drying myself with my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle towel. I went into my walk in closet in search of an outfit. Considering all my clothes came from Hot Topic and Spencers it's a pretty awesome wardrobe. I chose out my dark purple plaid ripped up skinny jeans with fishnet tights in the rips, combat boots, and a black and purple plaid ripped up T-shirt over a dark purple tank top. I grabbed my Cookie Monster book bag then headed downstairs. My mom and little sister, Fayanna, were already gone. So it was just Kris and I. I found him on the front porch smoking a cigarette (Mom won't let us smoke inside).
"Ready?" He asks between hits of his non-menthol.
"Yes I am." I say, then I stop "No I'm not." I ran back up to my room grab my phone and headphones then run back to the porch.
"Now you ready?" Kris asks as he locks the back door.
"Yes, almost forgot this." I say breathlessly holding my things in the air
"Oh no you would die without your phone!" He mocks and laughs as I punch him in the shoulder.
We get into his 2016 Mustang, and skid out of the driveway. He drops me off at school where my girlfriend and best friends meet me by the side doors. Then my usual day of high school begins, I'm a junior. First hour which is Health (always fun talking about boring and disgusting things at 8 a.m.) Second hour English 4, which has only two friends in except for Joey who has a huge crush on me and he irritates my soul and Ryan we have been best friends since we were young when he was adopted by the across the street neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Terry. Then 3rd hour, Government with my best friend Melodie, 4th hour Medical Office 2 with my friend Janice, lunch with my girlfriend Katrina and Melodie, 6th hour Journalism, then last and least 7th hour Gym. I got home after soccer practice ate and did my homework then grabbed my overnight bag and headed to Katrinas for the weekend. I take the scenic route since she isn't home from football practice (her dad fought like hell to get her into it).
That's when I seen it whatever it was at the time I had no clue. But I was speeding under the bridge and I seen an old man I figured maybe he was homeless considering his clothes were all nasty and ripped up. I stopped and pulled my headphones out my ears, hearing Asking Alexandria still blaring from them, I headed toward him.
"I have some change if you want to go get yourself a hamburger or something." I say causally
He hesitates for a moment then grunts and turns around. Seeing his face I scream at the top of my lungs. His pupils are huge covering all of the color in his eyes, the whites of his eyes bloodshot, his face had blackish lines veining up to his scalp, and a dark blue and black bite mark in his neck with the same lines leading in all directions. He gnashes his teeth together and reaches toward me. He's running towards me and he's quick but I'm panicking and I'm quicker I punch him, jump on my bike and speed away as quickly as possible. By the time I'm to Katrinas house she's there pacing the front yard.
"Where the hell were you? I was expecting you to be here before I got back." She said as I pulled up. She takes one look at me and grabs me. "Hey, what happened to you, are you okay?"
"No!" I lean on her chest for her for support "This man tried attacking me, there was something wrong with him, like a piece of his face was missing."
"Let me get this straight he was missing a piece of his face?" She says leading me to the house
"Yes. Like he got dragged across the ground and skinned his face."
"I'm getting you something to drink."
I explained what happened as she made me an Oreo milkshake. Then we cuddled on the couch her telling me not to worry it'll be fine. I soon afterwards fell asleep.