The water pounding on the car window made it hard for me to watch as she ran across the street and into his arms. I could see the joy on his face though as she landed in his arms. He planted his lips firmly against her and spun her around. His reaction was like he hadn’t seen her for months when it had only been a day. It made me sick just watching them. I wanted to vomit.
The rain seemed to fly faster but that didn’t stop him as he pulled my sister tight against his chest. I could just see his hand slip down her back and grip her left but cheek. She used her hands to grip his hair and pull him closer. He picked her up off the ground and turned towards the house. He carried her up the stairs and into the house, out of the downpour.
I grabbed my purse from the passenger seat and climbed out into the rain. I lifted my head to the sky and let the water splatter all over me. It was refreshing, and almost calming. I marched across the road and up to their front door. I could hear them inside.
He laughed. “How about we take this to the bedroom?”
“That sounds like a fantastic idea,” she said.
There was a crash followed by their laughter. They had clearly broken something. I could hear their shuffled footsteps as they moved further away from the front door. They bumped into things and another crash sounded like a photo frame breaking.
I reached for the door handle and let myself inside. The floorboards were covered in pieces of clothing as well as two photos, a broken lamp and a pot plant on its side. I kicked the clothes away from me and moved into the living room.
A lot had changed since my last visit. The photo frame above the fireplace displaying a happily married couple was gone and replaced by a picture of him and her. The vanilla candles were also gone and replaced with a large bouquet of dying red roses. The black and white checkered rug had been replaced by a plain grey one instead.
I moved towards the dining room but looked down the hall. I could see them; both of them. Their door open, his ass perfectly in my view. She was lying on her back, his head between her knees. She was begging him to fuck her.
Pathetic really.
I stepped into the dining room and looked around. The table and chairs were new. The old wooden table that seated six was replaced by a metal table that seated eight. In the centre sat red roses just like the living room, except these roses were completely dead. The petals surrounded the vase like a ring.
“Fuck! I need you now!” Her voice echoed down the hall.
“All you had to do was ask,” he said.
I moved into the kitchen and sat at the breakfast bar. They were the same barstools, the leather still torn around the edges from wear. I took a seat and placed my hand bag in front of me.
Their declarations of love, the squeaking of the bed, the slapping on skin, made me was to run to the toilet and throw up everything I had eaten. But there wasn’t time for that. Instead I stood and grabbed myself a glass of water. He kept the glasses in the same place. I took my seat again as my sister screamed her way into her climax. Finally they were done fucking.
I opened my bag and looked at the handgun. I had never fired one and had never held one until I stole it from the house on my last visit. It was just as heavy as I thought it had been. I picked it up and placed it on the counter in front of me.
His laughter echoed down the hall. “I need a drink,” he said.
“Well, hurry back,” she said.
The lips smacked together and the bed creaked as he climbed off.
I turned my head to the hallway and he stepped out. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open.
I smiled at him. “Enjoying yourself?”
He didn’t say anything. He stood there frozen.
“Babe!” she said, “what’s wrong?” The bed creaked and she came down the hall. She stepped around him and spotted me. “Alice?”
I turned my smile on her. “Dear sister, how are you?”
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
I wanted to laugh. “Is it not obvious?”
He said, “No.”
“I’m here to see you, husband.”
He frowned. “I’m not your husband anymore.”
I laughed this time. “According to the government we are still married, therefore, you are my husband.”
“Alice, you need to leave,” he said.
My smiled fell into a frown. “Why?”
“Because you don’t live here, and we don’t want you here,” said my sister.
I glared at her. “Oh, do shut up, dear sister. I am speaking with my husband.”
“Alice, it’s over. You need to move on.” She took a step forward.
I shook my head and stood up from where I sat. I wrapped my figures around the gun and pointed it at her. My husband stepped forward putting himself between the gun and my sister.
“Put the down gun,” he said.
“Why?” There was no going back after this. This was it. It would finally be over and I could be at peace.
“Because you could kill us with it,” my sister said.
I laughed again. “That is the point!” With them gone I could move on with my life and be happy.
He said, “You would really kill your sister over me?”
I lowered the gun slightly and pretended to think about it. “Yeah.” I raised the gun. “I would.”
“You would kill me?” He stepped closer.
“Yes,” I said.
“Why?” said my sister.
“Because why not!” I shouted and pulled the trigger.
“CUT!” called the director.