"Flameheart! Where are you, my heart shall break if you don't appear soon!" She meowed anxiously.
Suddenly, a Flame colored tom with four white paws sprang out of the woods and tackled the she-cat to the ground. She looked up at him, expecting to see a grin but a snarl of pure hatred was etched upon his handsome features. "Thunderclan was right! You betrayed your clan! I should have never agreed to be your mate Krestilflight!" Flameheart snarled.
Krestilflight stared up at her mate in disbelief, the handsome tom that had been by her side forever. This cannot be him... It just can't!
Flameheart hissed and as if receiving a signal, a Riverclan patrol sprang out of the trees and surrounded the terrified she-cat.
But Krestilflight held her head and stood proudly before the warriors, she was a medicine cat and there is no harming a medicine cat. The warriors seemed to have realized that but they still snarled menacingly.
"STOP!!" A voice yowled from somewhere above. The warriors of Riverclan parted to revile a tiny she-cat with a bushy long tail and a blue grey pelt. She stepped into the clearing and glared at Krestilflight. "I am Fawnstar, leader of Riverclan! You have broken the warrior code and I shall speak to your leader about your behavior. As for you Flameheart, you may return to being my deputy and mate."
Flameheart purred so loudly that Fawnstar had to wrap her tail gently around him. "Flameheart, I love you!" She purred. Flameheart entwined his tail around him and they stood together to face their victim. Krestilflight looked at them in hatred, "HOW COULD YOU!!!" She screeched at Flameheart. But her sound as extinguished by the sound of paws, Thunderclan was coming