There's that melody again. It sounds like one of those music box tunes for a lullaby you've heard since you were a baby – sweet, simple, and secure. The tune is a bit fast from what you're used to, though, and it's obvious that the song isn't coming from a wind-it-up box, but from a piano. You've always been a morning person, the song's faster pace actually helps you stay awake rather than put you to sleep.
Even if the vents distort the sound a bit, you can still hear each note from the front booth. Considering that it's your fifth time with your older sister, who's been working the graveyard shift at this haunted attraction for just over a month now, you've gotten really curious about it and asked everyone on the staff about what they know.
The only question left unanswered is… Who's playing it?
According to Diane's co-workers, there's this ghost story of a relative – or past employee, as Monique argues – of the previous owner of the building, who died. Mysteriously, of course, and in this building. Since then, things would be moved around or batteries just dying in the music room, especially during the night shift. The pianos were a favourite for who or whatever was fiddling around with the appliances.
You're going to find out tonight. You got all of your supplies and the spare keys in your faded yellow backpack. Now you just need an opportunity to get away from Diane. You look up from your sketchbook to see her texting, not paying much attention to the TV cameras.
"Oh, I just forgot!" You mock-gasp. "I was supposed to see a movie at Betty's tonight! S'alright if I go?"
"Sure." She shrugs. "Nothings goin' down around here."
"Okay, bye." You pack up your sketchbook and make it so you're walking towards the main door, but sneak through the hallway and unlock the door at the end. The rooms are nicely done: there are shadows set up around the corners, dark blood splatters, the music, and life-sized monster figures and their victims that appear to be watching you… Of course, that's just due to your flashlight and the darkness.
Yeah, of course.
Well, they would be a lot less scary in the daylight.
Finally, you make it to the doors to the Haunted Music room. The tune is coming from right behind those doors. Finding the right key, you jam it in with your one hand and turn. Holding your portable camera up with your other hand, you try to open the door, but it's… Jammed! Propping the camera on a nearby table, you use all your strength to make… It…. OPEN!
"Ah!" You stumble back, falling on your butt. The playing continues and the camera goes dead when you pick it up. You groan at that, but curiosity grabs your attention to the light in the room. You peek in to see…
… What appears to be one of the android figures playing the piano. The room… It's like you stepped right into a high-tech wonderland. The tinted lights are on, there are appliances set up, some emitting ever-changing light. The only creepy thing you see is a couple of the other androids who resemble mangled mismatches in appendages.
"Hey, there!" A stocky blue one pops out from the side, causing you to jump. "How you doin'?"
"ah, good… N-nice to meet you."
"You, too!" It chirps. "Great to see new faces! Wanna tour?"
"Uh, okay." You look back to the piano. The android, a thin black and white figure, continues to play like you aren't there. Some of the other bots have taken notice by now, though.
"C'mon! I'll show you around." It takes your hand, only to pause. "This… hand is quite soft…"
"… Yes." You nod. What's the problem? Dare you ask?
"Huh, well, l-l-let's go!" The skipping voice makes you gulp, but it shows no care about it. Thus, it drags you around the room, showing off the various appliances and introducing other androids… Some of which stare at you a little too long for your liking. The pianist, 'Mary Annette', just continues playing that tune over and over.
"Excuse me, kid…" A bright yellow chef android pulls your attention away from the strange machine with buttons and flickering lights. "I don't mean to sound suspicious – Jackie is the mischievous one here – but we would prefer if you didn't touch that." It leads you away, towards a tanned, fancy-dressed humanoid.
"It's not that we don't trust you, we love that you're here." The gentleman says, giving you a reassuring smile. "But we got rules."
"And we would HA-A-A-A-TE it if you broke them, why, that would just BREAK our hearts!" Jackie, a raggedly-dressed pink one exclaims, jump-scaring you from behind. "Ya'd get shocked up and be needing of some rewiring!" She shoves her right appendage in your face, her wires sticking out from where her elbow should be. Mary Annette is still playing, but your pounding heartbeat must be making it sound like a darker song right now.
"Now, no one wants that!" Blue-Bot, the first android you met, pushes Jackie away from you. "Of course, we are programmed to be pragmatic and wouldn't want to play bag guy to ANOTH-TH-THER friend."
"I… I see…" Another friend? You're kind of too scared to ask right now. You adjust your backpack, trying to calm down. "Maybe I should get going…"
"What!" Several gasped. Except for Mary Annette, who's song is getting annoyingly repetitive by now.
"But we have a welcoming party just for you!" Gentleman says. "We even have newer and shiny parts for you to try on. We have to remove that skin, first."
Time to go!
"B-bye!" You run and the androids give chase. There's no exit in sight and your legs soon grow sore. "DIANA!" You wheeze out, rooms blurring together from your fatigue and tears. A low laugh haunts your ears over rising static. Sudden jolts of pain hit you, sending your limbs stumbling until your head and body connect with the floor. Shapes dance around, the smell of burnt fabric taints the air and that accursed tune still plays calmly. Before you lose conscious entirely, voices mingle in with the melody.
"I'm sure you'll survive…"
"Just don't break the rules and play nice!"
"I'm sure that we'll all get along."
"We'll be the best of friends.
I made this for a contest on Penana, based on the song "Survive The Night" by MandoPony, a Five Nights at Freddy's tribute. The main part was making an original piece not fanfiction-like, which I think I was able to do.
I won first place! Sure, even though there was only three entries total, it was good news concerning yesterday.
Critiques are appreciated -Monos D.O.A