"Lucy can you pull up project file 187b for me please."
"Yes, sir I’ll get right on that." Lucy was an AI, created for the sole purpose of aiding Dr. William Steinberg. Lucy has the free will of a human, with some restrictions. She is stuck to traveling computers and holo-chips. She was placed with the Dr. to help him keep organized, give him some company, and speed up the research process.
Not much can be said about Dr. Steinberg. He showed up to the facility one day and requested a job. He was qualified enough so of course they gave it to him. Stein worked on this special project to one day put mankind into the Digiworld, a place where everyone could have a perfect world accustomed to them. Then one day a group of rouge soldiers came in and tried to shut the facility down. Instead of giving up everything they had worked for the scientist fought back. With the lack of fighting skills and training they were all brutally murdered, except for Dr. Steinberg. He locked himself in the lower district of the research facility. He survived.
"Playback video 001 for me." Said Dr. Dr. Steinberg went over the contents of file 187b while watching the video.
"I want you to tell me your name" Dr. Steinberg asked. There was an older kid on the screen.
"I am Geoffrey."
"And how old are you Geoffrey?"
"Why do you want to be a part of this project?"
"I want to know what it's like to be a scientist. Maybe become one myself."
"Have fun kid it's a rough life." The video skipped ahead to another person, a girl. Long blonde hair, slim body, and a beautiful face.
"Who are you?" The Dr. asked the person.
"How old are you?"
"Why do you want to be a part of this project?"
"I was asked by another scientist to come help out. Maybe pick up a few tricks along the way." The video skipped to a third person, fourth, and a fifth, asking the same questions to each person. Why do you want to be a part of this project? Or how old are you? They were all just interviewing for an experiment they knew nothing about.
Dr. Steinberg looked down at his tablet, on it the folder 187b. He opened the folder. Inside was the data on the five subjects, a list of likes and dislikes hobbies, fears, and relations with people. Steinberg scrolled to the last page of the file, a note. It read "Keep moving forward". These words held more weight than they were meant to. They were the last words of one of his subjects. Steinberg grew very close to his subjects, one thing they taught people not to do in research. Steinberg threw his fist down on the desk, rattling everything on it. A few tears fell to the floor, but the rest were caught by his sleeve as he reached up to wipe his face.
"Are you okay Doctor?" Asked Lucy.
"Yes, Lucy I'm fine."
"Are you sure? Your face... It seems it has sprung a leak"
"Yes I'm sure, I- I just miss the kids" Steinberg sat there looking at the note for a while. Flipping the thought of the note over and over in his mind just about bringing him to the verge of tears again.
"Lucy can you pull up video 006."
"Here you are, sir"
"Thank you Lucy" Steinberg walked over to the fridge and grabbed a drink. Reaching down to grab the last of his drinks he looked to the door of the fridge. In one of the egg slots was a ball. The ball small in size had a big impact on Steinberg. It belonged to Cooper, his favorite of the group. Feeling his depression taking over Steinberg closed the fridge and went back to his video. Sitting down at his chair he glanced at his keyboard. Contemplation took his mind. Then he pressed play.
"So this is the room we will do most of our work in." Said Steinberg. It was a small room filled with computers and filing cabinets. One side of the room had a glass panel leading to a separate room. Underneath the window was a computer. On the other side was a fully stocked fridge and a television.
"What's that room?" Said Geoffrey pointing at the window.
"That would be the testing room. In there we will run tests that correspond with our experiment." Said Steinberg.
"And what would those experiments be?" Asked a kid.
"Ahhhh so you decide to speak up Cooper." Cooper was a little older than the others, about 20. He was taller and most likely stronger than the rest. He had brown shaggy hair with a slight bit of facial hair. "Well Cooper why don't I show you first hand. Everyone if you would follow me please." They walked over to the door to the next room. Dr. Stopped at his computer to run some diagnostics. Looking... checking for any form of abnormalities.
"Lucy I need you to boot up the exodus project."
"Yes, sir."
"Thank you" Dr. Steinberg opened the door to the next room. This room was smaller than the first one. It contained five standing beds. Each bed had its own head gear for the project. “Cooper you get the first bed, Molly the second, Jay third, Geoffrey the fourth, and Seth the last. Now I want you all to lie back in your bed, put on the helmet looking thing, and relax. I will be in the other room if you need me."
The Doctor left the room and sat down at his computer desk.
"Lucy start a file and keep track of body mentality and vitals."
"Yes, sir."
The doctor pulled a microphone closer to him,"Ok we're going to start you off easy. In a few moments you will find yourselves in a park. I want you to find each other. Like a game of hide and seek." Monitors along the wall closest to Steinberg allowed him to see the environment he was sending them to. The screens were blank for the longest of times. In the room behind the glass a white flash illuminated. The monitors lit up like the fourth. Each of the monitors viewed one subject, giving viewpoints on each of them.
The land which they found themselves was calm but not desolate. It wasn't the park where they were meant to meet but the opposite. A bustling city with giant skyscrapers, heavy traffic, and people beyond people, loud noises of cars honking and machinery tapping drowned out what was actually going on. Everyone caught in the moment, all in awe. They were paralyzed struck by an unknown force, holding them. It was like they were seeing the city for the first time again.
The digital world, no one thought they would ever achieve something so great. Here it was though, everything was beautiful. Everything seemed so real. What was one person’s dream brought together by a scientist and made real. Anyone who would enter would not want to leave because of its beauty. To have anything and everything right in front of you, but it would not last. People knew that.
As everyone made their way towards the park they noticed that it had become darker. Dark ominous clouds rolled in over the park. The wind started to pick up, blowing leaves and trash everywhere. Then it started to rain. At first it was just a soft patter then it started to grow louder and heavier. People in the park started rushing towards cars and buildings, any place they could stay dry. The ground had become soaked and started to flood. Puddles of brown muck started to form in various places within the park. The group had split into three different directions each entering a different building to stay dry.
A flash of white light over took the park and everything was gone, everything except the people sent in to the Digiworld. The rain stopped the buildings were gone the people vanished. Nothing but white.
"Damn it. Fucking bug in the system, it’s ok. It's ok. Just pull the kids out and reboot the system. Everything will be fine." Steinberg was talking to himself. Stein got up from his monitors at the desk and went to the separate room. He had to manually remove each person from the system. Every person you passed he would mutter profound words. Each person came off the beds just fine. They may have been a little dazed but they got over it. The video feed cut out.
"Lucy what happened to the video?" Asked Dr. Steinberg in a panicked voice. He started ripping through his desk to find something to fix the problem but couldn't find a solution.
"Its ok sir, it's ok just the end of the video. Would you like me to put up the next file in succession?"
"Yes, that would be very kind of you." Stein was slowly losing it. This project is the last thing he has left. Without it his humanity is lost. The perfection of it must be obtained. Stein moved his chair back to the monitor and looked at the video file. Thoughts passed through his head of the younger years, a time when he and his friends were still working on the project, a time when they were all still alive.
The outside world was now a dangerous place, one that should never have become. When the economy collapsed so many people resorted to their primal instinct, survive.
"Ok Lucy let’s play the video."
"Yes, sir."
"So what are we supposed to do while you fix the bug doc." Asked cooper. Stein was under the desk messing around with a bunch of jumbled wires even though he knew that there was no way it would help him.
"I don't know. Go explore the facility or something."
"Are we even aloud to? I thought we weren't even able to leave the room."
"Say you had to use the bathroom."
Cooper left the room. The rest of the crew was anxiously waiting, sitting on beanbags they had brought in. They turned the research room into some sort of lounge. They didn't have much space for a couch so beanbags had to suffice.
"Hey old man! Do you want some help over there?" Asked Molly.
"No, no I am perfectly capable of fixing this myself." Before stein could say any more Molly was already by the computer pressing the power button. Stein furious as could be rushed his way out from under the desk, nailing his head against the desk on the way up he yelled at Molly.
"What are you doing you could reset everything in the system! This whole project could mean nothing. Do you even realize how important my work is?" Stein started to yell Molly into a corner. No one else in the room made a move to help her, mostly because they really didn't know her. They sat motion less while she was cussed at.
"This is not just for some stupid video game you shits play now days. My work here has the potential to save many lives. If you are not going to take it seriously why don't you just leave." Molly walked out the door tears rolling down her face. Cooper walked in the door with bags of food.
"What's wrong with her?" He asked. Seth stood up from his beanbag chair.
"The doc just cussed her out. She'll be fine, now what's in the bags?" Cooper set the bags down on a table they had brought in for playing cards. In the bags was everything from tacos to burgers. Everyone left in their beanbags and gathered around the table.
"Mmmm that smells amazing." Geoffrey commented. He reached his hand towards the food and Cooper slapped it. Geoffrey's hand quickly jolted back to his side.
"Not until Doc apologizes to Molly." Said cooper.
"We'll guy’s looks like we're never going to eat." Said Jay. He walked back over to his beanbag and plopped down. Halfway across the room you could hear jay's stomach growl. Next came the grumble of Seth's stomach, then Geoffrey's, and then Cooper's.
"You shits are really going to make me apologize to her are yah?" Asked Stein. Stein walked out of the room. Minutes later Molly came walking through the door with Stein right behind her. Her tearless eyes showed she was all done crying or had nothing left to cry. She sniffled a bit, but that was to be expected.
"Now my friends we feast, like the kings and queens that America never had." Cooper said in his kingly voice. After everyone grabbed their food Cooper took the last burger and threw it in Stein's direction.
"Old man, you need to eat." Cooper said.
"Not right now I need to get these wires fixed."
"The wires are not going anywhere." Everyone crowded around the table to indulge in the small feast Cooper brought back. No one was left hungry. Every scrap was eaten except a few crumbs left upon the table. Stein went back to fixing the mess of wires and bugs in the system. The kids lay back in their beanbag chairs. A few hours later Stein had a breakthrough with his computer.
"Ok everyone get up now. Get up!" Stein finally fixed the bug in his computer and rearranged the wires. He was frantically running from person to person trying to get them up. "I've fixed it, I fixed it!" He yelled happily. It was moments like these he loved the most. "Everyone into the other room you need to gear up." Everybody migrated to the other room and strapped into their respective machines. A sound came over the mic. It started out as a low pitch buzzing then evolved into a screech.
"Sorry about that." Stein said
"Sorry, what the hell man" replied Jay.
"I want to try something different this time. Put you guys into certain situations and see how you and the world react. Whatever happens just remember that it may seem real but it’s not." Steins voice began to grow darker. The video feed was lost.
"Mr. Stein you need to take a break" said Lucy in a caring voice.
"No I must continue. I must find out where this whole project failed." Stein was starting to lose it. This project has taken up most of his life. It was a part of him and he didn't want to lose it.
"Mr. Stein get some rest for me at least."
"Lucy! You stopped the video didn’t you?"
"Yes I did, you have been sitting here for hours on end watching something you cannot get back. It's over; there is no way you can get them back. They are gone!" Lucy yelled to Stein. Those last three words rang in his head like none other. "They are gone" repeated on and on and on. Stein fell from his chair and hit the floor with a thud. He curled up into a ball, crying, and saying.
"Why, why them, why did it have to be them?" Stein never wanted to admit that he cared for them, but deep down he truly did. He wanted to do everything to get them back, but all was lost. He laid there in the puddle of his own tears trying to bring back the memories of his "family" he had lost. Moments passed of him just lying there on the floor. He slowly started to pull himself back together. Mustering up the courage to continue with his efforts to bring back what he lost. He knew though that Lucy would not turn back on the computer unless he got something to eat and some rest. Stein didn’t want to rest, he wanted to work. He knew he was getting weak from lack of nutrition. He stumbled his way to the fridge to grab a bite to eat. His supply was just beginning to run low. He would have to make his way out to the facility garden at one point to restock his supply. Maybe even hit up the pantry that is normally off limits to everyone except the cook. Exaughsted but no longer hungry he fell to the floor and huddled around the beanbag chairs. This was as comfortable as it gets. He didn't dream. He feared that it would bring up memories of the team. Not a team he remembered though, one that would turn on him. Stein got back to his desk. The video feed was loaded and ready for him to start watching. He waited a moment to think "Is this what I really want?" His hand hovered over the spacebar and with a smooth motion his hand fell hitting play.
"Is everyone ok so far?" Stein asked. The kids were just transferred back into the Digiverse. It was still as beautiful as the first time they entered. This time they were in a different place and all split up. Cooper and Molly were together. Jay and Geoffrey were teamed, and Seth was alone. Where they were wasn't normal though, everything had a darker feel to it. One monitor in the screening room followed each group. The rain started to pour down outside of the facility so it started to rain inside the Digiverse. The Digiverse worked somewhat in unison with the real world. If it is cloudy outside then it is cloudy in the Digiverse. It was a mimic sort of memory chip put in the programming to make it more realistic. Molly and Cooper were walking towards an old run down building for cover from the rain. Inside the building was barely supporting itself. The rain was seeping through every crack it could. The weather started to cool down. Frosty winds started to blow through the broken shutters. An ominous feeling started to grow over Cooper.
"No!...No!...No!" Cooper started to scream. Cooper started to fall down to the ground in a sobbing mess.
"Are you ok Coop." Asked Molly in a worried voice.
"I know this. Something really bad will happen."
"What is it Cooper? You need to start talking to me." Molly's voice began to grow even more scared.
"A man he's coming. He's in a mask." It was one of Cooper’s worst dreams about to come true. Cooper's breathing started to become heavier. The air around them started to chill down. The breath coming from the two started to become more and more visible with every breath taken. Cooper looked up at Molly with a worried expression. His hand jutted out from his body. He uttered the words “Molly watch out!" Right as she was thrown to the wall by a person in a mask. Molly made a thud noise as her body hit the ground like a ragdoll. Cooper stared at his worst fear in the eyes. A slender man with a ski mask on holding a knife. Cooper wasn't afraid of the man alone, but what the man could do to his victims was what scared him the most. The man took grasp of his knife and shoved it down into Cooper's leg. Cooper let out an excruciating yell of pain. Cooper tried to reach for the knife in his leg but could not reach it. The pain was unbearable. This man was no amateur at torture. He walked over to Molly and hovered over her body like a coyote stalking its prey. With one hand he picked her up and pressed her against the wall. Cooper was starting to get furious but couldn't do anything in his state. The man looked at Molly intently, thinking, trying to figure out what he should do to her. Cooper hated the thought of being helpless. Just the thought of not being any help drove him to pity and sadness. The next thing Cooper saw drove him insane. The man had grabbed another knife and thrusted it into Molly's side. A gasp of air was released from Molly's mouth. Molly hit the ground with a thud. Adrenaline shot through Cooper's body, causing him to pull the knife from his leg. He crawled over to the man and put the knife into his leg. The man dropped to the ground in pain.
"If I die you're coming with me asshole." Cooper said to the mask of the man. Cooper's knife pierced the side of the man and stayed there. Cooper looked over to Molly; she was lying in a puddle of her own blood. He crawled his way over to her. He propped himself against the wall and held her in his arms. He took his hands and put pressure on her wounds. He was afraid to lose her.
"Stay with me Molly. Stay here." Cooper cried.
"I'm still here Coop. Don't worry." Molly replied hurtfully. She winced when Cooper put more pressure on her wound. "I'm gonna need a bandage or I won't make it Coop." She looked at him in the eyes. Her eyes were glazing over with tears. She was afraid, afraid of the possibility she might not make it. Cooper removed his shirt and bound it around her abdominal region to stop the blood from escaping her wound. Molly's hand wandered down to Cooper's leg. She found a small pool of blood gathering on his pants. "Cooper you’re bleeding."
"It's ok. As long as I can keep you safe I’ll be fine." Cooper and Molly were beginning to form a really strong connection. "Just don't close your eyes on me."
"I won't" Molly grabbed at one of her sleeves and ripped it off. She handed it to Cooper to use as a tourniquet to stop blood flow. Cooper tied off the sleeve around his leg, and then let his hands rest around Molly.
"We're gonna be just fine." Cooper assured her. They both, exhausted, fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Jay and Geoffrey were traversing an open field next to a line of trees. The field just rolled on and on to the horizon, the tree line followed close by. Jay and Geoffrey kept traveling along the field until they came up to a house. The house was rundown. Windows were missing, siding chipping, doors gone, and roof caving in. A slight wind started to pick up. The wind caused a waving pattern in the field. The trees leaves started to sway and fall off the trees. The clouds rolled in. They were as dark as can be. A slight trickle started to fall from them. Then it started to pick up.
"Geoff come on!" Jay motioned to head inside the house. The wind kept picking up, getting faster and faster. The house they were in started to shake relentlessly. Old picture on the walls started to fall, cupboard's doors flung open and spilled dishes everywhere, and the door started to rattle. The door to the house flung open and then was ripped off by a tornado.
"Shit." Jay said in awe. He was looking out one of the shattered windows and saw trees being pulled from the ground, a few animals chilling in the air, and a tractor. The tornado was picking up a lot of items. Geoffrey was huddled in the old rusted bathtub.
"Everything is gonna be ok. It's all gonna be ok." Geoffrey kept repeating to himself. The howling wind outside the house started to die down. Little by little the sound disappeared into the glumness of the sky. Geoffrey got up and looked out the shattered window. The clouds were dispersing and the sun was starting to shine through. The tornado oddly stopped out of nowhere. Geoffrey was walking among the wreckage and found Jay trapped.
Jay was pinned between a tree and a pile of boards from the house. Surrounding Jay was a small puddle of blood. He was slowly bleeding out. He struggled trying to free himself as Geoffrey stood in shock. Geoffrey didn't know what to do. He couldn't bring it to himself that he could save Jay. Jay almost went bottoms up when Geoffrey finally snapped to. Geoffrey pushed the tree off Jay but crushing some of Jay’s bones in the process. Jay let out an excruciating scream piercing the sky with its wretchedness.
"Calm down Jay. It's gonna be alright." Geoffrey kept reassuring Jay. Geoffrey took a glance at Jay and noticed a branch had been shoved through his leg. Blood was all across the ground staining blades of grass and scattered leaves. Geoffrey didn't want to pick Jay up because he didn't want to cause any farther damage to Jay. So Geoffrey found some electrical wire and a tattered sheet. He used them to cut the blood flow off to Jay's leg. Geoffrey sat back against a tree and watched as Jay slowly fell asleep in the middle of all the carnage.
Seth was wandering alone in some suburbs that seemed to be just outside the city they were in earlier. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and tripped on the curb. His chin nailed the concrete making a smack noise. He rolled over in pain. His hand felt at his chin to find he was bleeding. I wasn't much but just enough for a Band-Aid to be used, but he thought fuck it I don't need a Band-Aid. Seth got up and looked around to see if anybody noticed. He caught sight of a girl who had videotaped the whole thing, so being a dick he walked over and broke the girl’s phone. This girl was a pretty sight. Pixie pink hair, fair body and face, and would have been nice in language if Seth hadn't broken her phone.
"What the fuck man." She yelled at him. Seth walked away thinking yeah I just did that.
Some time passed by and Seth found himself walking the streets of the suburbs again. A blood chilling scream came from one of the alley ways that he had passed. Seth turned back and went into the alley. Pressed against the wall was the same girl from before. A man had her by the neck with one hand and feeling her up with the other. This man had a rugged I'm going to kill you look, Maybe an ex-convict or something.
"Help! Somebody please help me!" She kept screaming. Neither of the two paid attention to Seth standing there, Seth started to move in a little closer.
"Nobody is gonna help you pretty girl." The man told her. By then Seth had already made his way close enough to lay his hand on the man’s shoulder. Within a blink Seth's hand went flying across the man’s face. The man flew to the ground and the girl’s body collapsed to the base of the wall.
"Damn kid you sure can punch." Seth took pride in what the man said. “But you’re gonna need to hit harder than that to put me down." A knife flashed from the man’s pocket and grazed Seth's side. A tearing sound gave way to Seth's shirt revealing he had been sliced open on his other side. Seth hadn't even noticed yet that he had been stabbed. He raised his hand and put three swift but strong punches into the jaw of the man. The man collapsed to the ground and Seth curb stomped the man’s head until the man had passed out.
Seth looked back to the girl who had been emotionally tortured. She had begun to stand up and look over at the misfortune that had befallen her. Seth took one step toward her and fell towards the ground again.
"Heh serves you right asshole." She said to Seth, but she caught a second glance at Seth. She noticed he had lost an unfortunate amount of blood. The police were called and Seth was transported to the hospital.
Back in the main room where Dr. Stein was major problems were going on with the Exodus system.
"Shit!" Dr. Stein yelled. His computer screens started to drop video feed of the group that was still in the stasis room. The video program that was used to keep an eye on the group had malfunctioned and somehow contracted a virus. Without Dr. Stein watching over them things could go terribly wrong. He wouldn't be able to pull the plug if he couldn't see what was happening.
"Fuck, Lucy tell me what can I do?"
"Dr. You can do anything if you really want to." She replied humorously. The joke had no effect on Dr. Stein it only seemed to make him more frustrated.
"Lucy" he said sternly." What can I do about the video feed?"
"Nothing sir. You'll have to let them die. Oops, I'm sorry I mean you'll have to pull the plug and hope for the best." Lucy being an AI had some insight on what was going on inside the exodus at the moment. If the plug was pulled prematurely the effects on the group could be catastrophic. The stress that was caused in the Digiverse could cause stress on their body's potentially causing them to feel extreme amounts of pain or maybe even death.
"Shit, Lucy do I have another option?"
"No sir, not unless you want to corrupt the system with the children in it which on my hand means less work."
"Lucy, knock it off. Just tell me what's going on in the exodus."
"At this very moment all vitals are ok. They are not great but are still ok."
"What is happening inside the Digiverse I meant?" The fear was starting to reach Dr. Stein's voice. He began to shake and couldn't keep a steady hand.
"Everyone is currently injured except for Geoffrey."
"Stop joking with me Lucy."
"I'm not joking sir, promise. Seth is on his way to the hospital, Geoffrey is helping Jay escape from a fallen tree, and Cooper and Molly are currently bleeding out."
Dr. Stein started to break down in a furry of sobs. Everything became a blur to him. He took a moment to contemplate the risks that come with pulling them from the program over letting them stay to die.
"Lucy----pull the plug." Dr. Stein's head hit his desk with a THUD. He got up from his chair and started to head to the stasis room. The thought that Exodus might just be a complete failure crossed his mind. Dr. Stein thought "What am I doing here? Get your shit together man." Dr. Stein walked up to the glass and spoke to the group.
"Is everyone ok?" Dr. Stein asked them. There was no answer. He called again. “Is everyone ok?" By the third time of asking he opened the door to the stasis room. Everyone was still attached to the exodus link. Dr. Stein walked behind each of the machines and pulled a big chord like thing. As each of them were ripped from the socket they were in the people began to awake.
"What happened to the video?" Dr. Stein asked.
"The rest of the data file was corrupt. It couldn't be uploaded." Lucy responded.
"We'll can you do something about it?"
"Sadly I cannot sir."
"Shit..... I suppose I can get a little rest then and find another video later."
"Sir how about you go out to the facility garden and get some food. Assuming it’s still intact."
"I guess I could."
Dr. Stein walked over to the window to the stasis room. He peered in through the window and gazed upon the group as they lay motionless in their exodus links. He sniffled a bit and thought to himself "One day I will bring all of you back." Dr. Stein walked over to the door to exit his little sanctuary. When the door opened he peeked his head around the corners, curious that something might pop out of the darkened hallways. He journeyed down the left side of the hallway looking for a light switch. At the end of the hallway he found a faint glow coming from the wall. He picked up his pace and reached the light switch. He gave it a few flicks but nothing. It hadn't passed through his head that it has been a while and they might need some warming up. Dr. Stein gave it one more flick to turn the switch on, waited a moment and the lights flickered on. The hallway lit up along with the other halls branching off from it. Stein continued along the hallway until he found the sign that read “facility garden." He opened the door that led into the first room of the greenhouse.
In the room was a set of computers monitoring the plants, temperature, and seed production. The whole process for planting has become automated. People were only needed to keep the machines running. At this rate though most of the machines will begin to degrade and break down. There were glass panels separating the tech room from the actual greenhouse portion. Stein walked into the greenhouse where rows beyond rows of food were kept. Up and down the rows he went picking out what foods he liked and leaving the ones he hated. In his basket he had carrots, strawberries, corn, beets, peas, green beans, and squash. He approached the door to the exit. Placing the box full of food down on a conveyor, he sent it through to get it decontaminated. Just I case it had some sort of disease. On his way back from the greenhouse he stopped at the meat locker to pick up some ground hamburger. When he arrived at his room he noticed the door was slightly opened. Not giving a second thought stein walked right on through the door.
On the bean bags laid a girl, blue hair, white skin, and fair face. She was sleeping, but how did she get in here the facility has been closed off for months. She started to toss and turn as if she was uncomfortable. Dr. Stein decided to leave her for now, at least until she woke up.
Dr. Stein walked over and put the food he collected into the fridge. He closed the door quickly to avoid the loud creaking noise that could wake up the girl. Stein strolled back over to his computer to find another video pulled up.
"Hey Lucy, did you pull this file up?" Dr. Stein asked.
"No sir I didn't." Lucy did a scan of the room to find other people. “Sir did you know there is another person in the room with you?"
"Yes Lucy I did" Dr. Stein raised his hand over the space bar and with a tap he played the video.