You kissed me! My head drooped low on your Breast
With a feeling of shelter and infinite rest,
While the holy emotions my tongue dared not speak,
Flashed up as in flame, from my heart to my cheek;
Your arms held me fast, oh! Your arms were so bold-
Heart beat against heart in their passionate fold,
Your glances seemed drawing my soul through mine eyes,
As the sun draws the mist from the sea to the skies,
Your lips clung to mine till i prayed in bliss
They might never unclasp from the rapturous kiss
You kissed me! My heart, my breath and my will
In delirious joy for a moment stood still,
Life had for me then no temptations, no charms,
No visions of rapture outside your arms;
And were i this instant an angel possessed
Of peace and joy that belonged to the blest,
I would fling my white robes unrepininly down,
I would tear from my forehead it’s beautiful crown,
To nestle once more in that heaven of rest-
Your lips upon mine, my head on your breast
You kissed me! My soul in bliss so divine
Reeled and swooned like a drunkard when foolish with wine,
And i thought ´twere delicious to die there, if death
Would but come while my lips where still moist with your breath;
While your arms clasped me round in blissful embrace,
While your eyes melt mine could e´en death e´er efface-
Oh, these are the questions i ask day and night;
Must my lips taste no more such exquisite delight?
Would you wish that your breasts were my shelter as then?
And if you were here, would you kiss me again?
"You Kissed Me" BY: Josephine solcum hunt