Seven billion of them. Working, playing, somewhat aware of the terrible things that are going on in the world. Thinking. Dreaming up ideas. Shooting other's down. Stepping on young, old, poor, handicapped, alike, just to reach a bit higher up on the totem pole. Terrible people, the devils. They will die fast, but not as fast as some others.
People. Helping, willing, giving. Always there for the less fortunate. Thinking about everyone but themselves. Blind fools. These people will be the first to go, having given away all of their necessities and having none for themselves.
To be successful, you have to be kind, yet selfish. You can't be too far from the center. You have to be able to think for yourself; share the good ideas. I could show this world how to work. I could also destroy it from the top down. I choose to do neither of these, however. I choose to wait. To watch. To understand these people and to realize these things for myself. I had no idea what I could do. I had to understand what my power was, if you could call it that..
I am not one of them.
I am not really a person.
I am different.
I am.