Soft arms slipped around him from behind, and then he could hear a voice that was engraved within his mind, “Good morning, Kei!” such a bubbly voice.
Kei shivered at her cold touch but nonetheless kept his eyes locked onto his small sink. Slowly, the embrace was broken when he continued to make his way towards the bathtub slash shower. He had to ignore it.
Just ignore it. Ignore it. Where were his pills? Kei paused to scramble around through his mirror cabinet for the medication and found it behind a bunch of other medical drugs. Quickly, he grabbed it and closed the cabinet only to see her in the reflection.
A 16-year-old girl stood behind him with a frown on her pretty pink lips and a fading gleam in her bright brown eyes. She used her petite hands to tuck a strand of her short dark hair behind her ear in one graceful motion, the rest of it falling onto her left eye like bangs. Her hair was uneven as if she had cut it herself without the use of a mirror.
A painful ache went through his heart, making Kei place his palm onto the area softly. Deep breaths. In. Out. Open the bottle.
“Are you going to drink those again?” the sound of her voice slipped through her lips like the silk dress that she wore upon her skin, and Kei had to hold in the sob that was building up within his throat.
In uncoordinated movements, he took the glass to the sink, filled it with water, and took one pill from within the bottle.
Kei saw her hand fall onto his arm, and then her worried eyes came within his field of vision, “These things aren’t good for you, Kei. You shouldn’t drink them.”
He didn’t listen to her. He swallowed the pill in one go while shutting his eyes. He felt the usual compress of the small object making its way down his throat, but the uncomfortable feeling had only lasted for a moment.
Kei waited for a few more minutes to open his eyes, making sure that the medicine would take effect.
With shaky breaths, he opened his eyes and faced the mirror. She was gone. Kei gave out an airy laugh that contained more sorrow than joy. You’d think that after three years he would be used to this by now.
Kei splashed water on himself and skipped his morning shower; he didn’t have time to clean himself up.
Why does this have to happen every morning? Why to him? Was it there? Was it it's doing? No… no, no, no, no. Ground yourself. Ground yourself. Ground yourself. A—A… A bag. A window. This wasn’t working! Breathe in… breath ou—
Kei snapped out of his mind the moment he heard his name.
It was dark, the only light being a weak flickering bulb attached to the ceiling. The floor was wet, and there was barely enough room for him to move around in because of all the junk lying around. There was only one chair in front of him, a chair occupied by another. Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him… all of the sudden he found himself dropped onto a pile of hard metallic tools.
Kei turned off the water flow, popped a pill in his mouth, and swallowed with the help of water. This wasn’t real. She’s just a fake. It’ll disappear soon.
“Kei! Why do you always do this!? You’re always leaving me alone! Why!” her voice echoed around his head as if multiple beings were speaking at the same time.
He dropped down on the wet floor, closed his eyes, and covered his ears. Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away.
“You’re ignoring me! Stop it! STOP IT! I’m right here! You never listen to me! NEVER! Kei! Kei! Kei!!! Look at me! Open your eyes!”
The real her wouldn’t say these things. The real her wouldn’t do this to him. The real her wasn’t like this. The real her wasn’t here. If she wasn’t here, then why wouldn’t her voice go away? Why was it always like this? Why wouldn’t she just leave?
“Kei! Kei!”
Ignore her. Ignore her. Ignore her. Close your eyes. Never open them. Close your eyes. Never open them. Just close them. Close. Don’t look at her.
He heard something in the background. What was that? Crying? Why would she be crying? Oh, wait… that wasn't her. That was him. Kei was crying his eyes out.
“Crying again? That’s what you always do, isn’t it? You always cry! You never do anything right! You always think that you’re the one who has it bad! Do you think that you’re the only one in this world who is hurting? Are you that selfish? Is that who you are? SCUM.”
Kei curled up on the cold and wet floor, his hands covering his ears and eyes still closed shut. Nonetheless, tears still managed to find their way out. He was quite the pathetic sight. A sobbing mess. His body had started to shake unnaturally, and his heart was beating so fast that he was no longer able to take it.
Ah… he was so tired of this. When will it end?
Its pale hand smoothed over his, causing him to look behind in panic. It used a bright smile using her lips and spoke words using her tongue. At its sudden touch, Kei dropped his pills into his sink, a jolt of shock controlling his movements.
Kei fell onto his knees and held his hands close to his chest, feeling as if he was about to go into hyperventilation. His meds. He lost his meds. He needed his meds.
“Whoopsies! Sorry, Kei. Look at the bright side, I get to be with you far longer this time.”
He covered his ears and shut his eyes, yelling, “Get out! Get out!” he didn’t want its voice. His heart was beating, and he could still hear its whispers right next to his ear.
“Kei. Don’t be like that. You know very well that you love seeing me every day, I mean how could you not?”
Get out. Get out. Get out. Stop! Stop it, please! Kei curled up on the floor making sure to never open his eyes because he knew that if he saw it he wouldn’t be able to take it.
“Don’t cover your ears! Kei— “
He took in a sharp breath.......................... and released a bloodcurling SCREAM.
“Kei… Kei, get up...!” Freya… Kei’s eyes darted to the other side of the room, where he saw Freya restrained on the floor. Her eyes were wide and frightened, and her body shook in fear.
“F-Freya—!” but he was interrupted with a foot on his face.
“Shut up!”
Other than the continuous pain that was swirling around him, Kei was aware of another thing… Freya. Where ever they were, they were not in a good situation.
There were other men present in the room, and they were approaching her slowly. He wanted to scream at them to stop, but his voice was caught in his throat. He struggled to move, but they had tied him up. Every time he tried to inch closer, he would receive a punch or a kick. There was another thing he was aware of...
Her screams.