"And that all guys, bye!"
The flashes of the recorder shut off. Flipping her hair back into a messy bun, Avalynn grins into the mirror. Now that the camera was gone she could finally take off her hideous disguise that covered her for who she truly was. Removing her contacts, two bright crimson eyes glinted in the moonlight. Her make up smeared across her face as it refused to come off.
"I'm done living this life." She snarled, snatching the blond wig from her hair. Falling towards her waist were long strands of black and violet streaks. In the creak of her neck, a spiral tattoo plastered her. Forming into long sharp fangs, Avalynn smiled evilly in the mirror. Behind her stood a figure.
It's body was thin, so thin that it had easily slip into the shadows not to far from where she stood.
"Hmm, you came?"
With a slight grunt the figure stood into the light of the moon. His pale hands touched the base of her shoulder, his dark and luring eyes stared deep into her's through the mirror.
"I knew you would make up your mind. So?"
With a deep and heavy sigh, she turned to face him. His tall stature towered her's like she was was a small and puny being. Both smiled at another with evil grins but Avalynn saw something different.
"You know what's this means right?" The husky voice asked, his eyes sternly staring into hers.
"Yes, i'm ready."