As i walked in the door my kid brother Timmy and our older brother Blake who's apointed my guardian and boys youth pastor, were both in aw of a news clip they found on the computer. "Hey, O, you need to check this out." Blake pulled me over and sat me in the chair. When he pressed play a news lady started speaking. "Its a gave day for small town Smithfield today fifteen year old when Cassy Smith did not arive at school the principal called her parents and reported they walked her to class. No one knows for sure when the teen disappeared but a few of her peers said the saw her the other day speaking to a man on their way home. Cassy Smith is now one of twenty missing teens in abd around Smithfield. Parents please advice you teens not to speak to any unfamiliar person and to alert authorities right away if any suspicious man aproches them.... I have just been advised more details on the possible suspect can be found on our web page... Please keep Cassy and all the young teens and children in the world in your prayers tonight for their quick and safe return." The news lady was not taking this well but than yet it is hard for anyone because everyone knows that more times than not they are never retuned safely.
"You think we should let mom and dad know about this?" Blake inqured. He's eighteen fresh out of highschool and muscular plus he took all those karate classes when he was a kid and some martial art so they wouldn't think twice about his safety but little barbie thin girly girl only sixteen soon to be seventeen wouldn't hurt a fly or in my brothers terms couldn't hurt a fly cuz he thinks i am a weakling, for me well the trip would be off, I would be stuck in our house just incase, our parents are that paranoid i know they wish they could put their only girl in a bubble and shield her from the world. So yeah I voted "No!"
"Yeah your probably right if we told them you'd be stuck her with the brat. Besides i want this to be our first grand adventure together. Now Timmy don't you dare say anything or you'll never get that 22 riffle I said you can have when I leave." Blake teased yet sternly told our twelve year old brother. "Scouts hornor I saw nothing I heard nothing." Timmy said as he kinda giggled. We knew he could be trusted. The kid is like Fort Knox, containg every secret Blake and I have. Non of bad stuff really, just stuff our parents never aproved of, from movies, to maybe some swearing but we got over that.
Mom and dad finally arived home with Chinese from our favorite restaurant and since we leave tomorrow its like our last meal, at home that is. But as they walked in we quickly changed to an animal clip because courious mom wanted to see what we were doing.
After dinner mom and dad gave us all three presents. "Now since you two are gonna be gone for three years if not more we dicided to get you both an expensive gifts and well its a given we couldn't keep spoiled Timmy out of it so he gets his aas well." Dad teased as he tickled Timmy who squrimmed and laughed.
They got us each our own tablet and cell phones. This was the biggest most amaizing step in the Stone family because tech was limited to our one kitchen computer if need the parents laptop in the kitchen or living room. The mainline phone. My friends have teased me about this all my life. And the tv that we only watched on movie nights of our parents choosing. But we sneeked in a small tv Blake bought when he did some lawn cutting so we would watxh that at night or when our parents assumed we were reading or playing board games. Eventually we figured out they knew but never let on that did.
"Now we expect you to at least once a week call home or skype and let us know how things are going. Blake your incharge of Octavia's education now and expect you to take this seriously. If She starts failing she is on the first plane home. Octavia you mind your bother and do as he says he's the boss now." Dad instructed. Trust me that was just a speck of the lecture he gave after we got the okay for this trip.
I could bearly sleep i was way too excited as was Blake who came in and sat on my window seat as did all our years growing up. "You know i never expected my first journey away from home i'd get to take my baby sister with. I always imagined going away to collage but you were never there." Blake smiled as he whispery talked to me. We have always been close even Timmy but the bond Blake and i have is far more different.
Well i guess its because Timmy isn't exactly blood, you see our aunt and uncle died on a vacation Timmy was still an infant but we always loved him like a brother. We never told Timmy about this probably never will.
Eventually we both fell asleep not sure when but i can say morning came way to fast.
It was crazy all of us running around making sure Blake and I had everything we needed from tickets, passport for the mission trip we are going on with the church a week after we get settled, to our luggage, granted everything else we needed was sent ahead and put in the apartment next to the church. Pastor Samuel got it for us plus he plans to stay and go with us on the mission trip from there and he wants to stay a few months when we get back to make sure we are settled.
Pastor Sam met us at the gate. He spoke to our parents assuring that we'd be safe and watched out for. This lead to him telling them about the news of the missing girl. Which made both mom and dad have the look of second thoughts. Blake and I knew it. They were going to call the whole thing off, for me that is.
"I want you to keep a close eye on your sister. As for you Octavia, no wandering around alone, ever and no talking to strangers..." "Dad you know everyone is a stranger there, what am I to do? Stay in the apartment and not do what I'm there for." I pointed out to my dad which could have been a bad move on my part. "O... You know what I mean. Till you two get to know, them stick together and even after you never know." Dad said as he gave me a bear hug. He only ever calls me O when he starts getting concerned and knows I tend to listen more because thats what Blake calls me and I alway perk up.
We finaly borded the plane which was a bit nerving for me, Blake too. We never flew in our life. Granted we took trips but we drove to get there.
The flight was awesome. The taxi and trying to get a rental was another thing. Everytime a taxi showed up some professional person showed up and stole it. Blake had it, the next person who tried he stopped them. At first i thought they were gonna fight but when the guy noticed Pastor Sam and I, his whole demeanor changed.
"Where are you folks headed we could share the ride maybe?" The young man not much older than Blake offered. To sweeten the deal, pretty boy, model, movie star wannabe, offered to pay for the whole fare. He said its least he could do for us, since almost letting a pretty little lady wait. His words not mine. Pastor Sam didn't seem phased by the comment but the way he said it. Also, remember the news Lady said more details on their web page about the suspect... Well pretty boy fit the description. Pastor Sam took the offer making Blake and I feel uneasy.
"Why don't you take shot gun." Pretty boy offered Blake who just gave him a look like he was trying to read the guys mind for his motive. "Nah i'd rather ride in back with my sis." He said this as shoved me in, making me scoot to the other door behind the driver. Blake came in behind me so he could be like a human wall between pretty boy and me.
The drive ended up being the whole way because the rental place mistakenly rented out our car which happened to be the last one. "Sorry Pastor. With the farm fairs going on all over the area its been a busy time. My lazy son didn't read all the paperwork and the last couple was being so pushy he just wanted them to leave." The renter apologized.
"This is nice, now I don't have to ride the rest of the way alone." Pretty boy was ecstatic. Maybe to ecstatic. This time Pastor Sam seemed on gaurd. "Why don't you ride up front I need to talk over our trip with my colleagues. I almost chuckled. But it was that or what the kids.
"Pastor Sam what do you think of this guy?" I asked while we got a few snacks for the road. "He seems nice on the outside. But something is definitely wrong on the inside. Would you reather i call another cab for us three?" Pastor Sam asked yet seemed more like lets get another cab no matter if i was comfortable finishing out the ride with him. "Sorry folks but I overheard you want to call for a cab. Well i'd hate to tell you this but having that cab out there is the only one you'll. Cuz of the fairs they are all hanging around there and the airport." The young dreamy country boy cashier said. "But when my uncle gets back i could always take you to Smithfield." He smiled "That sounds like a plan." Pastor Sam shook his hand and went to fetch or luggage and my brother. "I live there with my dad, i heard of the new youth teachers coming plus the picks on the web page helped too." He smiled as he haned me some jerky.
The drive with Jasper was much nicer than the taxi. I got shotgun this time well i never gave anyoe else a chance to choose.
It was to long till we arived in the that was filked with the residence and tourists. "It gets crazy around Fair time. I usually try to hang out at my uncle's place more or our farm. Hey you guys want to come over for dinner. Curch will be closed till after the mission trip so..." Jasper offered. I turned to face my brother and Pastor with my big brown doe eyes with the look thar said 'oh please, oh please can we.' They both silently chuckled. "Sounds like a plan." Pastor Sam said
"K. If you're good we'll get off main street and head there now." Jasper said as he turned onto a dirt road. We were okay with that we had enough with us in our bags if we needed to spend the night anywhere. I was hoping Jasper's dad would invite us.
The farm was beautiful the most amaizing thing I ever saw. We ended up staying there till it was time for the mission trip. Turns out Jasper was joining us which was my pleasure. We became close friends in the little bit of time we known each other.