Up I go. Into the sky, where my one chance at happiness awaits me. The balloon carries me, elegantly, swiftly, with careful gentility as it sweeps past the clouds. The colours of the material dazzle me as the reflect the golden aura of the sun, and I am unable to stop staring.
I laugh, holding my arms out as I spin around on my feet with glee. I am happy because I know I am on my way to you. You are up there somewhere; I know you are. Waiting for me, deep in the clouds. Your wings will have carried you far, my love. But I am capable of following you.
I will find you. I promised you I would, so I shall.
The balloon takes me up, further, further, and further still. And I know, once my journey is over, you will be in my arms, and all the turmoil will end.
All I have to do is go up. And we will be together again.