Hello, and welcome to this book. Here, you will read about a particular group of women and the strange magical world they lived in. These 15 women you will meet had to not only must deal with gender discrimination from the human world they live in, but they have to deal with the limitations that living on Earth has placed upon them. For instance, several of the main characters weren't allowed to interact with certain people due to unforeseeable circumstances. At the same time, these women were shamed, disgraced, abused, and even murdered by those who didn't understand them.
Yet, they did the one thing most Earth women didn't consider doing: standing up for themselves. As in, they refused to let their gender get in the way of whatever goal they wanted to achieve.
Yet none of them were feminists; far from it. While they weren't feminists, these women used their sexuality and feminine charm to get whatever they wanted, whether it was marriage, to avenge their families, to move up the social ladder, and (in one case) bring down an entire dynasty. The women have certainly done some terrible damages to the world; as such, they were called the "Deadly Beauties."
You will meet 15 of those deadly beauties in this anthology, and before this story is over, you will know who they are and why they did what they did.
So now, let this story begin!