It was a long, back-breaking day. The sun glimmered in my face while I chopped wood for hours. During those hours I couldn’t help myself but think about Dad. He was supposed to be home a week ago, but hasn’t arrived yet. Then suddenly, my mother appears. Apparently a new letter just came in from the mail and it’s from the United States Army, and that whatever it is is about dad, and told me to come to living room immediately. Well, I didn’t need to be told twice. I stormed into the living room as fast as I could, almost breaking down our china pot collection. I couldn’t wait to read the letter. I make it just in time as my mother opens the letter. She reads “Dear Telno Family,
We are sorry to say that Lucius Telno was captured by the 13th Chinese Paratrooper Division at the Battle of Ying-Sei and held prisoner. We cannot give any intel about the situation except that he was last seen being escorted to a Chinese mobile Truck driving to a nearby Chinese Military Fort. We cannot guarantee that he will come back. We are deeply sorry.
Sincerely, United States Armed Services.”
It also had a folded cloth American flag in the bottom of the packet. By now, mother was in tears. I was close to tears. “It isn’t right I tell you! They’re just stealing all our men and sending them off to their deaths!” Mother screamed. “Dad still might come back.” I blurted. I didn’t know what I was saying. As horrible as it sounds, I knew my dad was a goner. I’d heard stories about how the Chinese treated their prisoners more like slaves then prisoners. Finally Molly, my younger sister, said “Then why don’t they just rescue dad?” Immediately my mom said “Oh Honey, it isn’t that simple.” But that got my mind turning. What if I somehow got into the army, convinced them to save my dad, and he’d be saved? But that came with a million problems I’d have to face. But I wasn’t a quitter. Then suddenly Cray, my older brother said “Don’t worry Mom, the U.S. army got it all under control when I join ranks in a few months!” But then my mother said “Oh Cray, This isn’t time for one of your silly jokes!” Which kick-started a 5 Minute argument about god knows what. But I was already thinking of my master plan.....