'Hi! My name is yoon~ja; But you can just call me 'gae teol' (dog fur). You don't want to? Well that's a first! Are you surprised? Don't be, cause i'm used to it, I mean everyone at school call's me it because of my fringe. But, hey! I also get called 'saekkideul' (chubb's) as i'm a bit overweight. Who created all these, you ask? Well, a boy in 10th grade (17 in Korean age) started to call a school girl ( me, who's 17 in Korea as well) all these name's and so did everyone else. His name was..... Min yoon~gi!
Inside My (Ja-ja's -my nickname) Head;
Yes.. That's from my 10th grade journal. I could go on but it would be too cheesy. Also, I don't keep a journal now *wipe's sweat off forehead (lol)*. I've not had a journal since 12th grade as I moved to america because my dad (half Chinese,half English) found out that I was getting bullied by 3/4 of the high-school. The other 1/4 was just not interested by me. Anyway, I'm going to snap back to reality now. Sooo bye! Oh and if your wondering I moved back to korea when I was about to start collage but yeah!
Outside My Head;
Looking around my bare two roomed, rooftop apartment, I noticed that it has turned dark out. For those of you who are wondering where on thy earth I am, i'm in Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, South Korea and about 0.1 miles away from bighit entertainment. Yup, right across from it. I also will be auditioning for a place there in about 3 days as its on Wednesday. Stepping outside, I breathed in the cold icy air. 'Oh, ahgasshi, what are doing out here at this time?' spoke a voice behind me. turning around, I noticed that the landlady was there. 'Annyeonghaseyo ajumma,' I said in a startled voice,'why did you come back up? did I disturb you, downstairs?-' 'Aniya, aniya. It's okay. I just came to give you some food!' she cut me off whilst holding up homemade jjagaiman and kimchi. 'waaah, ajumma, your better then my real eomma (who is fully Korean)!' I stated rather loudly and made people on the street look up. Little did i know that 7 of those people were BTS...
min yoon-gi's pov;
"F*ck my life, seriously. It's like what 3 in the morning, I've just finished dance practise and came outside to find a michigwang-i (lunatic) shouting her mother-f*cking lung's off about someone being better than her eomma!" I ranted on in my head whilst saying,'jeez. No-one gives 2 about that so shut up! aigoo!' Hearing someone start laughing behind me, I turned around to see ho-seok trying to catch up to me. Feeling bad, I slowed my pace and asked,'what's so funny?' After catching his breath in the cold night, he replied with a 'nothing, I was just laughing.' sentence. Brushing it off, I smacked his shoulder and said,' you forgot to say hyeong, you disrespectful person!' then got into the van. 'Kaja.' manger-nim said as the car started moving."Aish, I want to be born a rock in my next life so I don't have to move all day. Bed, bogosshipda!"
My pov; *time skip to Wednesday*
-Meep, Beep, Meep, Beep- Opening my eyes as fast as I could, I dove out of bed. I looked at the clock on the wall and realised that I have 5 hours to kill as the audition starts at 12:00am. Rummaging through my 2 suitcases, I found my workout wear - which is a Nike sports bra with a Kumamon sleeveless top and Adidas pants and trainers. I tied my hair back with a hair tie, grabbed my BTS pink water bottle, filled it with water and set of on my daily run.
Straight away, as soon as I got on to the street I saw a crowd of people, boy's and girl's, crowding the bighit building... I was about to start running again when I saw something, out of the corner of my eye, a little toddler - about 3 years old - walking along the road when a car skidded round the corner and started speeding towards the child. Without thinking, I ran straight towards the boy as quick as possible, picked him up by the waist and ran to the other side of the road. By this time, BTS arrived - they arrived just before the car -, the mom was searching for the child, the child was crying and all the attention from the arrival of BTS was shifted to me. everyone was stood in shock while the car speed off.
'Hye-soon, hye-soon?' someone said in a worried voice. 'EOMMA, EOMMA, waaaaaahhhhhh, eomma it hurts!' cried the child in my arm's; As I set him down, the mom came round the corner and slapped me, 'how dare you grab my child! you bitch!' she shouted at me. She was about to slap me again, I knew it, but the child -hye-soon- yelled,' No, mommy, no hitting! She not bad one, mommy, the car is!' 'What car, baby, what car?' she replied. Just then someone from the crowd spoke up,' If it was not for her, your child would be dead! You should thank her, not slap her!' 'Yeah, yeah...' the rest of the crowd started to agree but I then shouted, 'No, no it's alright... I mean if I was her and my child screams ' it hurts ' and then saw someone place her/him down, I'd slap that person too. But, right now, that's not important. Right now, I need to call the police and report the car.' Again silence, not that I really care like, but still. Getting out my phone, I dialled '119' -Korea's '911'. 'Hello, what's your emergence?' asked the person. 'I need to report a crime.' 'Okay, let me put you through to the police...' A couple of seconds later a different voice repeated the same question. After explaining everything to the police, they asked, 'What was the number plate?' 'It was... ah! yeah! 1*** R***' I replied. 'Thank you we will contact you and the mother soon bye.' And with that I set off again with 4 and a half hours to kill.