Hello there, my name is Akira and it means bright and clear, like this god damn world. (Note the sarcasm)
I have long, black hair and blue eyes, I'm about 16 years old and I'm average height. I love music, which is why I wear headphones, to listen to music.
I'm not really one of those fangirls or girly girls that are always yapping about this and that, gossip and all that stuff about guys and hair.
I'm weird but really awesome and cool at the same time. I don't really remember my past for some reason, I forgot it a long time ago. I probably fell down the stairs somehow and I had memory loss which is probably why I hate staircases.
I attend Cross Academy where I work in the Disiplanary Committee with 2 other students, Yuki Cross and Zero Kiriyu.
When we work outside to keep the fangirls away from the night class, there is one boy that catches my eyes.
Takuma Ichijio..... He is the nicest vampire I have ever met.