It made me blush slightly, she was such a sweetheart “Aw thanks, Can I ask you something?” I said to her. “Shoot” She replied.
“We’ve been going out for nearly a year, why am I only just meeting them?”
She rested her head on my shoulder, “I didn’t really want them to judge you, they aren’t used to seeing boys who wear makeup. They don’t watch James Charles, but seen as you wanted to meet them so badly..”
We pulled in the driveway of their house. As we got out the taxi, I asked her, “Do you want me to call them sisters for the whole night?” She giggled. “No silly, I want them to get to know you for you”
We walked onto her parents’ patio and Alison rang the doorbell then said, “Wait, I have a key” She got it out and unlocked the door and opened it. Her family in a way around the door like it was some satanic circle.
"I'm sorry, I don't really think they are making a good impression. They aren't normally this weird."
"It's fine, but. Wow, I didn't know your family worshipped you as their cult leader." I said to Alison, it made her giggle. I loved her giggle, it was high pitched and adorable.
"Well anyway. Family, this is Jace. My boyfriend." She smiled as she spoke, but not in a creepy way. They glared at me as I walked with Alison to put my coat up, judging my every move. "Let's go and have some dinner then!"
I held her hand as we walked into the dining room. "Do you think, they like me?" I asked. I knew the answer though, I could just feel them still staring.
As we sat in our chairs, Mrs. Patterson, Alison's mother, asked. "So Jace, what do you do for living?" She raised her eyebrows, in a questioning sort of way, but kind of creepy.
"Uh, I work at a beauty parlour. I believe I've seen you in there a few times. You know the place, Cassandra's."
Her family laughed, much lower pitched then Alison's giggle. "Good one, you can't trick us with that though, I won't be fooled" Alison blushed and rubbed her arm embarrassed, "Actually, he's not kidding.." She looked at her plate, avoiding all eye contact. They stared at me more judgy than before, but this time Alison had noticed. "I think I'm going to, go to the bathroom. Fix my makeup, I'll be right back." I took my purse out with me, just to make it seem legitimate. Then I hid behind the wall of the dining room, to listen in.
"Isnt Jace the best?" Alison said happily to them. "Sweetie can we tell you something amazing?" Her father asked.
"Of course! What is it?"
"Paul is moving back here soon, you guys can get back together and you don't have to pretend you're in love with this man that is just, obviously gay because you miss Paul so much. You know what we mean?" Her mother said excitedly.
"What? Me, miss Paul? Ha! I'm glad he's gone. I dumped him soon enough! If I was still with him, I wouldn't be dating Jace." Alison laughed and then got angrier toned, "Wait, you think I'm not in love with him, and I'm using him to make Paul jealous! And he's not gay, I've been dating him for nearly a CENSOREDking year! I want to stay with Jace"
"But if you stay with him, you know he's going to propose to you!" Mrs. Patterson said.
"Mhm, and I hope he does!" She said to them, then I heard a smash. Alison had 'accidentally' knocked their glasses of wine off the table. "This was fun. We're gonna go now though"