Translation done with DeepL and myself, forgive any grammar and punctuation errors, thank you.
Hello everyone, happy to show the presence of domestic cats either in the various ANIMES from Japan or various western CARTOONS or other sources in which cats delight us with their appearance.
My intention is to break down a classification that separates the different domestic cats that are presented in the audiovisual media in general.
I must remind you that I don't show all the sources, only the main ones where cats are seen.
Both Animes and Cartoons show different breeds of domestic cats,
They may have brief but remarkable appearances such as the "Kite" cats, or be the protagonists of their own series such as Chi from "Chi's Sweet Home" or the "Nyan Koi" cats.
These have no powers or other characteristics that make them peculiar unlike the later classifications.
They are cats that appear to be ordinary domestic cats but that possess powers of a magical nature, or are related to a magical character.
The following classification is subdivided:
First, such cats have magical powers but do not speak. This case is found in "Rayearth" the OVAs.
Second, such cats may or may not have magical powers and have the ability to speak. This case is presented with the film "Kiki's delivery service" by Gibli.
Two sub-classifications are also presented here:
First, domestic cats that were actually originally human beings and were then cursed to assume this cat form for hundreds of years. We find this in the film "Abracadabra" and in the series "Sabrina the Teenage Witch".
Second, cats of pure magical nature, this is seen with the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.
The works of both Anime, Manga and video games present a variety of cats that walk on two legs like human beings, among these cases we have:
First, the so-called Bipeds, in which domestic cats walk on two legs. This cat is in the "Magical cat adventure" arcade game.
Second, the Dressed Bipeds, in which domestic cats are found that not only walk on two legs, but are also fully clothed. We find this case in the anime "Samurai pizza cats".
Note: it was the females of "Samurai pizza cats" who motivated me to make this site, since many people confuse them with "Catgirls", sorry friends, these cats are not Catgirls, they are just bipedal cats wearing clothes.
Although in the West it is not the cat but the dog that has a special role in several real action films (football dogs, detectives, karate players, basketball players, and a loooooong etc.), cats also had a relative role (originated and focused mainly on comic strips in newspapers).
Only now are they beginning to play a more prominent role in recent real action films.
The following sub-classifications are presented:
Bipeds: cats that walk on two legs. This is seen with "Felix the Cat" and "Garfield".
Bipedals dressed - domestic cats that are dressed in some way, not totally like the Animes, they only wear a cap, or tie, jacket or something simple (it's funny, but I didn't see any examples of them wearing pants). Examples are "Top Cat and His Gang" and "Catillac cats" with the beautiful cat Cleo who wears gaiters.
Note: The only Western case, where the cats are fully dressed, is with "Swat Cats", but this series is hybrid, that is, it is created by Westerners but with an Eastern animation style.
They are cats that are the fruit of human science, so their whole bodies have mechanical parts.
These cats are not robots as they are somehow alive.
These cats can ingest organic food, as they decompose it inside to convert it into energy, it is important to emphasize that they have taste buds because they enjoy the taste of food.
The best example is found with "Doraemon" and more recently with the "Planet Survival" series.
Although these cats are the fruits of human science, they were not androids from the beginning, but they were normal cats that due to an accident, were operated on and now have biological parts inside a cybernetic body.
We found this with Kuro Chan from "Cybercat Kuro Chan".
In both Animes and Western cartoons, you see cats coming from another planet, they may or may not speak, and they may be able to fight fiercely or be completely defenseless.
In the anime we have this creature in the hentai ovas of "Venus 5", and in the West we have this cat with the series "Kid vs kat".
In Anime these creatures seem to have the fused characteristics of a domestic cat with a rabbit.
The best example is in the series "Tenchi Muyo".
In the West, these cats, rather than belonging to the cartoons, come from urban or rural myths based on real cats with genetic malformations.
The following classifications are presented in the West: cats-rabbit, cats-raccoon, cats-squirrel, cats-skunk, cats-dog.
In the worlds of Anime, some cats appear whose shape differs from what we normally know.
This is seen with several cats in the "Pokemon" series.
In terms of cats, the folkloric corpus of Japan is remarkable with creatures such as the Bakeneko, Nekomata, Nekomusume, Kasha, Sunekosuri, Maneki Neko and Kami Neko.
They are generally taken as creatures who attract good luck and protection, especially with the Maneki Neko and the Kami Neko.
In the West cats are related to witches, more specifically these cats are called Familiar.
It's sad, but these cats are now associated with evil, however, since ancient times in occident the cats (especially blacks) were associated with good fortune.
The Catholic Church, once it saw the other rival religions eliminated, tried to eliminate all vestiges of paganism and spread the rumor that cats were evil creatures.
Today, this negative modern image is being lost thanks to the better education of the people and we find this type of cat in graphic novels such as "Tarot witch of the back rose", in which beautiful familiar cats with wings are presented.
In this case we see that mad scientists or criminal geniuses manipulate domestic cats and change their appearance with genetic manipulation.
There are two cases:
First, the domestic cat is fused with another animal creature. You can see this with the series "Island of mutants".
Second, the cat is fused with a plant. This is seen with "Batman" or "Plants vs. Zombies."
In the West, zombie cats are found with the film "Pet Cemetery", these cats, unlike human zombies, have normal reflexes as well as a body heat that is also normal, they simply present internal decomposition since the outer coat and the eyes do not present any sign of entropy.
Another notable difference with their human counterparts is that the elimination of these creatures is the same as the one used to kill a vampire (stakes in the heart and garlic in the mouth), instead of the classic bullet in the brain reserved for human zombies, this is told with the cartoons of "Kid vs. Kat".
This case is given with the real action film "Mrs Ashboro's cat" (aka. Ghost Cat), in which the ghost of a house cat helps a family to recover a lost treasure.
Sadly, films of ghost cats in the West can be counted with the fingers of one hand.
In Japan, ghost cats are much more common than in the West, for example, the anime "Bleach" or the manga "Devil's Cat temptation".
In fact, the amount of this classification in Japan is so numerous that they have their own categories, which are:
Neko Sodo Mono - which are supernatural literary stories of these cats; and
Bakeneko Mono - which are the previous stories but taken to the cinema or television.
In both Anime and Manga, there are no cats that are vampires, however we see that Japanese folklore has cats that border on this classification.
Both the Nekomata and the Kasha, are cats that can reanimate human corpses and drink blood as does the Bakeneko, however, both in the Neko Sodo Mono, as in the Bakeneko Mono, these cats after drinking blood of someone killed, then are possessed by the spirit of that person seeking revenge and assume a human appearance. So whether these cats are vampires or not depends on your judgment.
The only thing I could find in this aspect is the "Magical Cat Adventure" arcade game by the company Wintechno, in which a cat-vampire is presented, but this one has bipedal characteristics and is fully dressed.
Note: A vampire cat has just appeared, it's with the Anime series of "Nyanpire".
As in Japan, this is a nebulous case, since first of all in the West there are no cats that are vampires, no matter what source we are looking for.
There is something similar in European folklore where vampires can turn into cats, as well as in the game books of Warhammer-Vampire Counts, there is a clan of vamps who have the same ability.
Both cases do not represent vampire cats, as they are human vampires that are transformed into cats for a certain period of time.
The closest I could find in the West are some beautiful stone gargoyles that are for sale, these gargoyles perfectly represent cats-vampire.
In Japan, these creatures occur in various Anime, Manga and video game sources.
The best example is given in the RPG game "Lunar: the silver star", in which very young cats with dragon-like characteristics and wings become powerful dragons as they grow up.
In the West, such creatures do not exist.
The closest thing to this is in the RPG game book "Draconomicon", in which the various kinds of dragons that are presented there, have a bony physiognomy and feline musculature.
In both Anime and Manga, there are cats that are angels.
The best example is found in "Happy World", where cats temporarily take on human form in order to interact with the people they wish to protect.
As for winged cats, we have for example the Manga and Anime from "Fairy Tail", in which you can see a winged cat accompanying the protagonist.
In the West there are no works either in the cartoons or in the comic strips in which cat-angels are presented, however, nowadays there are diverse merchandise (stuffed animals, jewellery) that presents these creatures.
The closest I could get was in the online comic book "Catena".
As for winged cats, there is more luck as we have the comic book "Tarot witch of the Black Rose".
Curious cases can be seen, for example in the game "Castelvania aria of sorrow", where the protagonist can throw magical projectiles in the shape of running domestic cats.
Other cats that defy any classification are the famous "cat-buses" from the film "My friend Totoro" and their specials that followed.
Mii and Nii a pair of kittens who are also difficult to classify, who are the protagonists of the "Neko Neko Magicians" Manga.