Colors wrap around every corner like wishful snakes. In streaks of clouds, in flowing lengths.
The beautiful bride and groom take the first dance with their family, an upbeat Bollywood dance. The music vibrates across the crowd of guests and mingles with the savory smells of curry, cinnamon, and ginger. Smiling with delight, I join in the fun and take in the vibrantly adorned Sari's. We clap and sway and stomp, the moves, though foreign, take over my body with a breezy ease that erases my mind of any doubts. No one cares if I dance it wrong, they only care that the new couple is happy during their wedding.
I dance through the crowds of people, my eyes searching for Rasik. As the song ends, I spot him at the edge of the party surrounded by a group of girls all pining for his individual attention. Seeing his frazzled look, I gently slip myself between the girls and to his side.
Taking his hand in mine, I loudly say, "Excuse me ladies, but he promised me a dance, I'm afraid it's time for you to scatter and part like the Red Sea." I tug him through the mixture of now frowning and scowling girls and out into the masses until we exit on the other side where a little garden lies open and mostly devoid of other people.
"Thank you." He says as he brushes a hand through his silky dark hair. "I don't know what it is, but they won't leave me alone for more than five minutes!" He sits on a white stone bench, head in his hands as he stares at the ground.
"That's because you're attractive." I say.
"So you think me attractive, Sol? Who would've thought." I can feel him smiling.
"You know what I meant. Don't go putting words in my mouth." I reply, looking away from him.
Temptingly, he comebacks, "Ah, but what a beautiful mouth you have."
"Don't even." I sigh. "It's no wonder you're surrounded by girls, with lines like that who wouldn't be. " Getting up, I brush off my Sari and casually say, "If you value your freedom, I suggest you stay out here for a little while longer until you've steeled your nerves for another onslaught of batting eyelashes and flirty hair twirling." Without another word, I do my best to leave swiftly, melting back into the crowd until I know I'm safely blended in with the rainbow of happy relatives and friends.
With a content but exhausted sigh, I flop down onto my cloud-like bed, the ceiling fan lazily moving a few feet away, barely stirring the air. The night time stillness echoes it's soft and natural music throughout the room and slowly, I find that my eyelids are beginning to feel heavier and heavier. Just as I think I'm about to doze off, a spray of light seeps into my eyes as my bedroom door opens.
I say grumpily, "Ever heard of knocking? Last time I checked it was the polite thing to do, but perhaps politeness has gone out of style since then." Sleepily, I rub my eyes and sit up to find Rasik standing framed in the doorway, his tan skin more noticeable thanks to the golden light of the foyer.
"You're so cute when you're cranky."
"I live with a bunch of flirts," I mumble under my breath.
"What was that?"
"Nothing. So, is there something I can help you with Rasik?"
He thinks for a minute before answering. "No, your uncle just wanted me to check on you to make sure you were fine, he hasn't seen you for most of the day."
"Oh, ok. Well tell him I say I'm doing good and that I say goodnight and I love you."
He smirks and I toss a pillow at him.
"You know what I mean." My lips raise in a small smile.
"Mhmm, sure," He teases. "Goodnight Sol."
"Night, Rasik." I say to his retreating form.
The next morning, I throw the covers off and slowly roll out of bed. When my feet meet the cool hard wood floors, I wistfully look back at the soft bed wishing I could sleep for a little while more. With a sigh, I trudge out the door and make my way to the kitchen. As I open the fridge door, I'm greeted by a cheerful hello from Rasik.
"Sleep well?" He asks, cutting into a waffle.
"Yeah, but more sleep would be great." I pour myself a glass of milk.
"Well, it's Saturday, so technically you can sleep in."
"What? It's Saturday?!"
"All day."
I stare at him. "You're not joking right?"
"No, of course not."
Narrowing my eyes with skepticism, I slowly say, "Alright. In that case, I'm gonna get comfy on the sofa."
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure, why not." I reply.
We slip onto the couch and I adjust myself with my legs to the side. Rasik settles down next to me, his hand brushing my shoulder when he reaches across me for the blanket. I huddle beneath the comfy layer of warmth.
"So what will it be?" I ask him.
"I was thinking... Harry Potter." He fans his hands out for dramatic effect.
"Sounds good to me." I smile as the movie starts.