As a boy, John was afraid of the water. Every single time he would tread near it or even get a single toe dipped in he would cry. This was very troubling, as you can imagine, for his mother. She wanted him to learn how to swim so he could better handle himself in case she wasn't there. But John went ballistic when his mother asked him if he wanted to swim. He absolutely refused in every way, shaking his head over and over again. As a boy, he was too small to learn, his mother thought.
As a teenager, John became curious. He was still terrified at even the thought of setting his foot in the sea. Going to the beach and sitting on the sand was enough to set him on edge in the first place! But it wasn't the water that John became curious about, no, it was what lied within. Throughout elementary school he had learned a few things about the oceans many creatures, like clown fish and even the Anglerfish. Never then had he wanted to dig deeper and uncover the other mysteries that lay undiscovered, never! But now, as a young man, he couldn't help but be lured into ocean lore as the days passed. He started to find it fascinating, how swordfish and marlin are the quickest fish alive, getting up to speeds of 121 kph! The endless mystery enthralled him and kept him wanting to know more. He learned that a grand majority of the ocean was still undiscovered. That was when John discovered his dream. As a teenager, John wanted to become a scuba diver and discover the unknown with his own eyes.
As a man, John took deep, shaky breaths. That day was his first embankment into the ocean. However, John still had his fear of the water but refrained from ever letting it show. Not even his closest colleagues knew his secret. John knew he had to do this, he couldn't waste all those years he spent studying only to chicken out in the heat of the moment! That was unforgivable, in his book, at least.
"Are you ready?" His companion, friend, and 'adopted' brother Sam had asked before they left, swiping a lock of brown hair out of his face. John had met Sam in his high school years, and even went on to taking the same courses in University. Needless to say, their bond was tighter than brothers, never ending, and never failing. John gulped down the lump in his throat, shook his head around a bit, and responded.
"As I'll ever be."
The boys were lowered into the ebony abyss of the ocean. They were to investigate and discover as much as they could about a patch of water. John and Sam's instructions were to obtain sand and water samples, as well as photographing any creatures they came across. Of course, many of the creatures they were going to see were common, but this was their first mission so they were given something more lax and inevitably, not dangerous.
John was mesmerized by the beauty that surrounded him. Anemones, coral, schools of fish of all kinds... His breath was taken away. The sound of the water flowing around him, how the lush plant life swayed. It had a tranquil effect on him.
"Hey! We're not just here for sightseeing, Johnny!" Sam called over to him.
"Right." John got his head back in the game, taking out his camera as he went. Snap! Went the camera as a jellyfish swam by. Snap! Again, catching a royal gramma by surprise.
"Johnny! Come look at this one, isn't it weird?" John drifted over to where Sam had snapped a picture of a blowfish that looked ready to burst.
"Sam, you've taken how many years of schooling and you call a blowfish weird?" He laughed. Sam poked him on the shoulder. "You have to admit, it's pretty weird."
"You've always said that about blowfish."
"Old habits die hard, I guess." John rolled his eyes from inside his scuba uniform. "Right, we should get those sand samples really quick."
"Whaaaat?! Aw, Johnny you're such a buzzkill!" Sam put his hands on his hips mockingly, but followed John to the sand.
"Well, obviously I learned from the best." John snickered, scooping some sand into a vial.
"Pssh, as if. That probably means that girl you always hung around after classes. What was her name? Oh, Miranda." He cackled to himself while extending each syllable of Miranda's name. John flushed, glad that Sam couldn't see through his mask. "We weren't always together..."
"Come off it, I'm sure that someday you two will end up married. And me? Aw, yeah, I'll be the hottest bachelor out there! Everyone will have wish that they dated me when they had the chance!"
"Sam!" John laughed, still blushing. "You'll find someone, I'm sure of it."
"Really? You and I both know that's not how it will-" Sam cut himself off with a loud yell. John turned as fast as he could, only to witness a large stingray moving from where Sam had just laid his foot. Provoked, the ray attacked, sending an electrical shock through Sam. His body twitched a little, and the stingray took the opportunity and swam off into the endless blue sea.
"Sam!" John cried out, swimming as fast as he could to his friend. "Speak to me!" No response. John started to hyperventilate, his hands shook as he pressed the emergency button.
"C-Calling for emergency! My partner has just been injured! I don't know if he's breathing or not! P-Please! Help us, this is an emergency! I repeat, this is an emergency!"
A smooth voice followed a second after mine. "Right, I just sent a boat to come retrieve you at once. It will be there in five minutes, tops. Are you able to get your partner to the surface?"
"I-I think so," John gulped and took a deep breath. "Sorry- Yes. I should be able to."
"Excellent. I won't leave the line, so tell me if you're having any troubles." John wrapped his arms around Sam's waist. "Got it." He swam hard, harder than he ever had in his life. John's muscles strained with the added weight of his partner, but he pushed himself, unwilling to give up. Of all things to go wrong on his first expedition... No! He could not let something as simple as this prevent him from ever stepping in water again! John had come this far, there was no turning back! The water was turning brighter- the surface was in sight! John clenched his fist, tightening his grip on Sam. He was so close!
As John breached the surface of the water, the once quiet sounds of the water evaporated to the thundering waves of the sea. He did a quick 360- the faint shadow of a boat was in sight.
"I can see the boat, I was able to bring Sam- er, my companion to the surface."
"Great! You should only have to wait a minute for the boat... Are you all right?" The girl on the radio asked.
"I think so." John replied.
It was only a matter of minutes before John and Sam were spotted by the boat and quickly pulled on board. The medics on the boat began examining Sam at once. John could only worriedly watch as they performed CPR over and over. John closed his eyes, pressing his fingers to his temples. Please, he thought, Please let him live...
A wheezy cough broke John's plea. Sam was keeled over, hacking but breathing. Alive. John couldn't stop himself from laughing, crying, and scooting over to where his friend recovered.
"You're okay... You're okay..." John repeated over and over, pulling Sam in for a hug.
"'Course... Did you really think I'd *cough* go like that? That stingray was pretty fierce, I tell ya. You probably shouldn't *wheeze* step on them." Sam grinned like he always did, and always will. As a man, John experienced the fear of death.
As an elder, John was wise. One day, he decided to take his wife Miranda on a beach picnic, just the two of them. They had been busy for so long, and John knew how much his wife loved the sound of the sea brushing against the rocks, the smell of salt spray, everything about the ocean appealed to her. John hadn't witnessed the ocean in 15 years, since he retired as an experienced and well honored marine biologist. Halfway through his time as a scuba diver he had decided to settle down from his swimming days, and take a new approach to his dream. In his time, John helped discover hundreds of new species in the ocean. His wife, Miranda, had been his assistant at times, but could still point out the obvious when John was oblivious to simple things. They had ended up in the same department, and just as Sam predicted ended up getting married. John and Miranda were expecting grandchildren, and soon!
But this wasn't the time to dwell on the past, as John escorted his wife to the place he had in mind.
"Where are we going, dear?" She would ask time and time again.
"How many times do I have to remind you it's a surprise? I shan't ruin this momentous occasion!"
"Occasion? Why, Johnathon! You remembered!"
"Of course I did. Open your eyes, Miranda."
John watched as the confused expression on Miranda's face slowly changed to that of incredible joy.
"Oh, John! It's beautiful! Oh, thank you so much!" She wiped her eyes, gazing at the splendid scene before them. The water was crystal clear, the sand silk soft to the touch. John had set up a small umbrella and towels for them to sit on. (A comfy cushion for Miranda, for her hips were starting to bring more pain with every coming day) Needless to say, Miranda was quite flustered. "You didn't have to do this!"
"Happy Anniversary." John gave her a peck on the cheek. "Er- hold on, I want to check something with that lifeguard over there..."
"Oh, John, it will be fine, this is a beach after all." She shook her head, smiling. John put a finger to her lips. "Ah, ah. This is for you, and I want to make it special. It won't hurt to assure myself of your safety." Miranda rolled her eyes, but waved for him to go. John watched as she leaned on her cane and made her way to the towels. He then took a breath and waltzed to a rather tan looking fellow.
"Er- excuse me?" He called.
"Yeah? What is it?" The lifeguard leaned over his stand, curious.
"I- er, just wanted to make sure that there aren't any, ah, sea plants or creatures, right?"
The lifeguard blinked, a little confused. "Of course there isn't, this beach is known for its clear water! No need to worry, sir."
John sighed in relief and nodded. For a second his mind wandered and he thought of Sam. My, he had grown as well, married and already with grandchildren. His mind flashed to when Sam had breathed again, when John was sure that he was dead. John felt the tears well up in his eyes. Why was he getting so emotional about what never happened? Sam was alive and well, not dead for another 10 years at least! He was still as spry and energetic as he had been before! But, thinking back to it, John smiled as the tears flowed uncontrollably down his face. The inner joy he felt back then filling him now once more.
"S-sir? Are you okay?" The life guard asked, concerned.
"Oh, John dear, come. You've worried the man now. Excuse us, please." Miranda smiled kindly at the lifeguard, placing an arm around John's shoulder.
"Miranda? Why weren't you by the towels?"
"Come, John. You are my everything, I need you with me on a day like this. Isn't the ocean beautiful...?"
"Yes, yes it is." John wiped his eyes, gazing at the serene water. It was then that he realized that as Miranda was his everything, Sam was as well. John walked with Miranda, hand in hand, back to their picnic. As an elder, John is happy.