Tuesday was never really noticed by the population. Their busy eyes sort of just swept over him, as though he was nothing more than another speck of dust under a broomstick. He considered himself the spot that the teacher misses when cleaning the blackboard, or the candy that kids never really reward a second glance at. Tuesday almost felt ridiculed by this subtle conscienceless act. His life stood on the last barrier of being low.
They didn't either like or hate Wednesday. He was the middleman. Sometimes he hung around with Monday and Tuesday – a definite turn off – but other times, he proved to be quite close to Thursday and Friday. It was this closeness that made people give him even that small ounce of tolerance.
Thursday's amazing sense of humour granted her a one way ticket into friendship with Friday. She went around boasting this fact, but easily got irritated that whenever Thursday was mentioned, so was Friday.
All four of them; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday wanted to be Friday. Friday was an absolute flirt. When first you meet her she starts off lost, bored, and even a little bit exhausted with the fine process of living. But, when the sky falls dark, and she plays a different game. Everyone fell in love with Friday; she was the guest I had always wanted to invite. Unfortunately, unlike Monday, Friday always took a blue moon to arrive, and on my especially boring encounters with Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, she took a metaphorical three moons around Jupiter to arrive. I figured she didn't like any of them so she preferred to stay away when they were at my company.
Saturday was an unpredictable one. His company was either one you'd never forget, or one you wish you could. He was the only one who didn't want to be Friday – because deep inside that narcissistic heart, he knew that he was the only one that people preferred better than Friday. All the boys and girls wanted him at their birthdays and weddings, and whenever he was mentioned, employees bent over backwards in the process of begging their employers to let them go see him instead of rotting their lives away in Tesco's stock room or whatever. I guess they all had a secret crush on Saturday, or something like that. This, needless to say, boosted Saturday's ever growing ego.
One of the only places Sunday liked was the church. It gave him a sort of comfort that only... well, churches can give him. He had an obsession with it, to put it simply. I considered him old, and therefore wise. There was a group people who were afraid of Sunday, including myself. They gave him the uttermost respect and chose not to do things they'd usually do when he wasn't around. Another group of people, also including me, hated him. His nature provoked an inevitable sense of procrastination and laziness in them, which was wasn't very helpful. One other thing that made Sunday's presence unbearable was that it reminded me of something:
Monday will knock on my door; she will do it earlier than I want her to – or at least, that's what it seems like to me.