There was a bright flash of light, and then there was nothing. For days, there was no one to use it. The curtain hung quietly, waiting for its use. On the fifth week, a man came Down the road. He looked sick and wounded, and let himself in. He opened up the curtain to try and get some light. He sat on the ruined sofa, and never got up.
On the sixth week, a truck came screaming down the street. They ran out of gas, and had to come look. They laughed at the dead man, and ransacked the house. One tore the curtain off and took a piece. They couldn’t find gas so they stayed for a while. On the seventh week, they left the house. Their truck was on the street but they were nowhere to be found.
On the sixth week, there was a fire in the house. The rain soon came and it was put out. The curtain almost burned, but it was saved in time. The morning after, the truck was gone. The dead mans body had decayed to the bone. No one had come and it stayed for a while. On the eleventh week, a family of five came. They were the parents, the children, and one old man. They all looked thin, and incredibly sad. The old man died later that day. His body was stripped, and the rest was buried.
By morning, the children ran around, they tore pieces of the curtain off, and used them as scarves. They heard a gun shot, and the father ran off, later that day the three of them left. The father and two childrenn, but no mother. The curtain was withering, as it watched them leave. The curtain was left for a long while.
Three months later, as snow began to fall, a small group of two ran into the house. One was a man, the other a girl. They came with a cart that was packed full of food. When the girl went upstairs, she let out a scream. The man ran up to her, and a body fell to the ground on the street. The stayed until the snow stopped, and then went on their way.
As the months kept on passing, there was no track of time. Sometimes people would come and go, but nothing would come of it. Once on the street, there was a group cooking a body that looked human. As night fell, there was a fight that left most of them dead. In the darkness, it was impossible to know who was fighting who. By morning, the dead was stripped to their bone. The survivors left, soon heading south.
A year later, there was almost no sun. For all throughout the year, there were screams far away, but there was no one who came. Occasionally, vehicles would drive past and leave bodies on the side of the road, which began to pile up throughout the year. Eventually, people stopped using vehicles and moved by foot. Occasionally people with guns would walk past, and a few moments later gunshots could be heard in the distance. Eventually guns stopped appearing entirely.
On the first week of the new year, a lightning storm came into the neighbourhood. The half destroyed curtain could only sit there is its house was set on fire by bolts of lightning. By morning, most of the house was burned to the ground, and the curtain was covered in scorch marks. Finally, another family moved into town. They consisted of a man, a woman, and a daughter. Seeing the curtain, the tore it off its hinges, too uses as a blanket for their young daughter, and headed off into the wastes.
The curtain was mostly held by the girl. She swung it around and hug it up on her shoulders. Around them, the plants were dead, and the ground covered by ash. All the towns were empty, and and covered by dead. One day, they found a dog by the road. It was sitting by a corpse, looking sad and hungry. The girl brought it with them, despite the complaints. One day, the dog went missing, and they had a hearty meal.
After three months of surviving, they were approached by a group of humans with primitive weapons. They asked for their food, and their coats, and supplies. When they refused. The man was stabbed. The females were captured, and fed from the man. Eventually, they were stripped, and the rest was burned. The curtain was among those deemed unnecessary.